Blackwater Falls, West Virginia- photo by Ed
West Virginia
On March 14, 2010 the Eastern Native Tree
Society and Western Native Tree Society switched from
discussion lists on Google Groups to a new discussion
list in a Bulletin Board format at:
Posts made since the inception of the BBS on March 14,
2010 will be sorted and archived on the BBS. Click on
the link to go to the equivalent section on the new BBS.
This website will continue to serve as a front end for
the ENTS and WNTS groups. It will continue to serve as a
repository of older posts, and will serve as the host
site for special projects and features that are not well
suited for a BBS format. Please visit the BBS for the
latest information and trip reports. |
Field Trips
WV champiion Norway spruce and European larch Turner: (moving this to a new
topic heading) I think those overall dimensions are safe from
anything at the Rothkugel and at Glady. Those places don't have
trees with very large circumferences. But the trees in these two
places are very much taller. I will be a rank novice at
measuring, but if I can get some...
more » Mar 10, 2010.
Leadmine tree Here's that image of a
large tree from "Logging the Virgin Forests of West
Virginia". I've been in the coastal redwood and giant
sequoia groves many times. In my opinion, this tree is more
likely one of the former, Sequoia sempervirens. Huge though
it is, one of this size would have been too puny by giant
sequoia standards (as even today it is) to have been
considered photo-worthy as a tribute to logger machismo. But
it's pretty big for a coastal redwood, and the prominent
sapwood is very characteristically redwood, but very unlike
white oak. To my mind, it's certainly not an oak. White oaks
shed their bark too regularly to ever build up such a
more » Jan 26, 2010.
The "Leadmine" white oak
Perhaps you all know about this tree, but in case anyone
doesn't, here is what I know. In 1913 a white oak was cut down
near leadmine, WV. This
tree was far larger than any white oak I know of surviving
today. As far as I know complete measurements were not taken,
but reports have it that the tree was 13 feet in diameter 16
feet above...
more » Jan 23, 2010.
Big Scarlet Oak Ravenswood, WV
- December 28, 2009
McCarrihan Sycamore-Marshaal County, WV
December 13 2009
Population of rangefinders in West Virginia is
increasing. Nov. 22, 2009
WV sycamore September 14, 2009

Big WV sycamore August 29, 2009

oak wolf tree August 1, 2009

Beech Trees -
June09, 2009
Exceptional Poison Ivy, WV April
3, 3009
Pringle Sycamore, WV April
30. 2009

Holly River State Park, WV
April 12, 2009
North Bend State Park Rucker
Index, WV North Bend State Park
April 10, 2009
McDonough Wildlife Preserve
Rucker Index, WV
April 6, 2009
Exceptional Poison Ivy, WV
April 3, 2009
West Virginia Older Growth Patches and
Individual Remnants
Shavers Mountain Old Growth Stand