Special Publications of the Native Tree
The Native Tree Society also publishes a series of Special
Publications on an irregular basis as appropriate material
become available. The first in the series is the
Tree Measuring Guideline of the Eastern Native Tree Society by Will
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NTS SP #1 |
Tree Measuring
Guideline of the Eastern Native Tree Society by Will Blozan
This earlier version is available in the Bulletin #1 linked
above |

NTS SP #1a |
Tree Measuring Guideline of the Eastern Native Tree Society
-Revised by Will Blozan
Will Blozan writes: The most significant
difference between ENTS measured trees and those measured via
conventional forestry methods is a much higher standard of
accuracy. In fact, the "ENTS method" of laser-based tree height
measurements is so accurate that it is being employed in height
growth monitoring projects by several universities and premier
forest ecologists. Perhaps the most important value of the ENTS
method is that it is
a basic premise of any scientific project. Users of the method,
with a few minutes of training, can produce measured results
within 1% or less of a seasoned ENTS researcher. Seasoned ENTS
researchers can measure a tree from the ground to within inches
of a direct tape drop. This process takes but a few minutes for
most trees.
NTS SP #2 |
Reserved |

NTS SP #3 |
Report on Forest Research at Mohawk Trail State Forest -
Prepared for Department of Conservation and Recreation by Robert
T. Leverett and Gary A. Beluzo, October 28, 2003 |

NTS SP #4 |
Report on Forest Research at Mohawk Trail State Forest -
Prepared for teh Department of Conservation and Recreation for
the Year 2004 by Robert T. Leverett and Gary A. Beluzo - DRAFT
Feb 29, 2005 |

NTS SP #5 |
Periodic Report to the Massachusetts Department of Conservation
and Recreation
Submitted by Friends of Mohawk Trail State Forest - May 23,
2006, by Robert T. Leverett, Gary A. Beluzo, and Anthony W.
D’Amato |

NTS SP #6 |
Annual Report to the Department of Conservation and Recreation
on the Activities of Friends of Mohawk Trail State Forest For
2007-2008, Prepared by Robert T. Leverett, President, and
Professor Gary Beluzo, Science Advisor |

NTS SP #7 |
The Native Tree Society produced a special issue of the
Bulletin and and additional volume of materials written by the
late Colby Rucker, one of the keystone members of the early
years of the Eastern Native Tree Society
Bulletin of the Eastern Native Tree Society, Volume 3, Number 4,
Fall 2008
Additional Writings ad Essays not included in the Bulletin Issue
2,3 MB pdf

NTS SP #8 |
Pockets Full of Forest by Edward Frank - A guide to finding
small pockets of old forest in the landscape. The document
was reproduced in the
Fall 2011 issue of the Bulletin of the Eastern Native Tree
Society, Vol. 6, No. 4. |

NTS SP #9 |
The Really, Really Basics of Laser Rangefinder/Clinometer Tree
Height Measurements by Edward Frank |

NTS SP #10 |
Trees and
Forests of the Allegheny River Island Wilderness and Nearby
Islands: Interim Report through December 2011
by Edward Frank, Dale Luthringer, Carl Harting. and Anthony
Native Tree Society Special Publication Number 10. This
report compiles the results as of December 2011 for the ongoing
project of documenting forests and trees of the islands of the
Allegheny River Island Wilderness and nearby islands in the
middle Allegheny River in north central Pennsylvania.
The islands included in this report are located
in a stretch extending from the Buckaloons Recreation Area,
seven miles downstream of Warren, Pennsylvania through Holeman
Island, four miles downstream of Tionesta, Pennsylvania.
This includes all of the islands in the
Allegheny River Islands Wilderness, a number of forest service
islands, and several private islands.
document 16.2 MB |

NTS SP #11 |
Middleton Live Oak/Sag Branch Tuliptree Project: The goal of
the project was to accurately measure the wood volume of the
Middleton Live Oak in Middleton Place, South Carolina and the
Sag Branch Tuliptree in Great Smoky Mountain National Park. The
project is completed and a final report is awaiting an
additional review of the data collected. A preliminary summary
can be found here:
Middleton Live oak/Sag Branch Tuliptree Summary
Partticipants included among others Will Blozan, Robert Van
Pelt, Randy Cyr, and Ed Coyle. Final Report not yet
completed. Preliminary Report |

NTS SP #12 |
Tsuga Search Project: The goal of the project was to locate, document
and preserve exceptional specimens of eastern hemlock within
Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The NPS statement reads:
The primary partner for this project is The Eastern Native Tree
Society (ENTS). Will Blozan and his team were the primary
researchers in surveying, identifying, measuring, and
documenting exceptionally large eastern hemlocks in the park.
This information will assist park management in targeting
important resources at risk and prioritizing areas that require
immediate systemic treatment. The Project was under the
direction of Will Blozan. Final Report not Available. Project
Tsuga Search |

NTS SP #13 |
Growth Forest Survey of Eastern Niagara Peninsula
Second Phase/ Final Report a Project of Bert Miller
Nature Club and
the Ontario Trillium Foundation by Bruce Kershner
When the Old Growth Forest Survey of
Eastern Niagara Peninsula began, discoveries of
Old growth Forest sites was fully expected. After two
years of extensive surveying, the findings have gone far beyond
the goals.
A total of 55 Old growth Forest sites were discovered, totaling
839 acres.
These are distributed
over 11 cities and towns within Niagara Regional Municipality,
from the Niagara River west to as far as Grimsby. The largest is
210 acres (Navy Island), and 5 others are 40 acres or larger.
One site, the Niagara Gorge, is filled with, or lined with, 8
different Old growth Forests totaling 195 acres (Ontario side
Native Tree Society Special Publication #13, March 2012
Document 41 MB Seven Parts:

NTS SP #14 |
Study to
Investigate and Map Old Growth Cedars of Niagara Glen/Whirlpool
Area, a Joint Project of Bert Miller Nature Club and Niagara
Parks Commission, Report to Niagara Parks Commission, March.
2005, Report Prepared by Bruce Kershner, Co-Investigator.
The goal of this project is to assess the extent
of the population, and map the location of, the Eastern White
Cedars that grow in the Niagara Glen/Whirlpool area, as well as
to get an idea of their age, physical size, and other notable
features. This is the first formal, funded study of old-growth
cedars of the Niagara Gorge (Canada or U.S.), to the best of
this investigator's knowledge. In particular, it is the first
time that increment bore samples have been obtained to
accurately measure ages of old growth cedars anywhere in Niagara
Native Tree Society Special Publication #14, March 2012
Full Document 8.3

NTS SP #15 |
Last on Earth:
Woods -Ontario's Endangered Treasure:
Scientific Report Prepared for Friends of Marcy Woods, October, 2005
Bruce Kershner
Marcy Woods, the last
known Old Growth Black Maple forest on Earth, is a
globally-significant natural heritage site. Its need for
protection is made even more compelling by the fact that it is
also the refuge for the greatest concentration of rare and
threatened plant and animal species in the Province of Ontario.
This biodiversity record even surpasses the famed Point Pelee
National Park, located at the opposite end of Lake Erie.
Native Tree Society Special Publication #15, March 2012
Full Document 6.7 MB

NTS SP #16 |
Creek Heritage Maple Grove Forest Survey Report,
Report to Kortwright Hills Community Association, Guelph,
Ontario, April, 2006,
Report No. 1 Prepared by Bruce Kershner, Terrestrial Ecologist.
The woodland site referred to in this report as the Hanlon Creek
Heritage Maple Grove in Guelph, Ontario, is one of the sites
documented as part of the ecological field work conducted during
winter 2006 for the Kortwright Hills Community Association.
The Association arranged for the author of this study, a
terrestrial and forest ecologist and old-growth forest
authority, to survey and analyze the woodlands of a 670-acre
area which the City of Guelph plans to develop into the Hanlon
Creek Business Park.
Native Tree Society Special Publication #16, March 2012
Full Document
6.5 MB |
Special Publications - Page 2