

Old Growth in Willamette State Forest - photo US Forest Service 


On March 14, 2010 the Eastern Native Tree Society and Western Native Tree Society switched from discussion lists on Google Groups to a new discussion list in a Bulletin Board format at: http://www.ents-bbs.org/index.php   Posts made since the inception of the BBS on March 14, 2010 will be sorted and archived on the BBS. Click on the link to go to the equivalent section on the new BBS. This website will continue to serve as a front end for the ENTS and WNTS groups. It will continue to serve as a repository of older posts, and will serve as the host site for special projects and features that are not well suited for a BBS format. Please visit the BBS for the latest information and trip reports.

General Discussions

Oregon Register of Big Trees http://www.odf.state.or.us/DIVISIONS/resource_policy/resource_planning/Big_Tree/ bigtrees.asp?id=401010205 tate and National Champion Trees Located in Oregon. This database has been updated to include state and national champions through 2002. Each of the trees listed below has an individual record, which you can access by clicking on the tree's common name. This record describes the tree's measurements, who nominated it and where it is located.

22 foot diameter Douglas Fir? Deer Island, Oregon

Douglas Fir at Deer Island, Columbia County, Oregon http://www.vannattabros.com/histlog18.html  

Crater Lake National Park http://www.nps.gov/crla/ Crater Lake is widely known for its intense blue color and spectacular views. During summer, visitors may navigate the Rim Drive around the lake, enjoy boat tours on the lake surface, stay in the historic Crater Lake Lodge, camp at Mazama Village, or hike some of the park's various trails including Mt. Scott at 8,929 ft. Diverse interpretive programs enhance visitors' knowledge and appreciation of this national park, 90% of which is managed as wilderness. The winter brings some of the heaviest snowfall in the country, averaging 533 inches per year.

Willamette National Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/willamette/ The Willamette National Forest has eight wildernesses which total 380,805 acres. These areas, the majority of which encompass seven major mountain peaks in the Cascades, are popular with hikers, backpackers, and mountain climbers. Maps are available for these areas.

Willamette NF - Old Growth on the Middle Fork Ranger District   http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/willamette/forest/oldgrowth/index.html There are four basic forest types on the Middle Fork district, Douglas-fir dominated (with some western hemlock and western redcedar), mixed conifer (which contains Douglas-fir, grand fir, sugar pine, incense cedar, and ponderosa pine), Pacific silver fir, and mountain hemlock.  These are general categories; all tree species often occur as minor components in other types. In response to the interest in old growth forests, the 1990 Willamette National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan designated a number of old growth groves (see Table 1). These stands are representative examples of old growth forest types which are especially scenic and easily assessable to the public, either by being adjacent to main roads, or accessed by a short and easy hiking trail. Fourteen old growth groves have been designated on the Middle Fork district, totaling about 2000 acres.

Table 1 ~ Designated Old Growth Groves on the Middle Fork District

Grove Name Dominant species Significant attribute
Big Swamp Douglas-fir, W. redcedar Tree diameter
Cayuse Creek Douglas-fir, True fir Tree diameter
Elk Camp Douglas-fir, True fir Outstanding example
Fall Creek Douglas-fir Tree diameter
Fisher Creek Douglas-fir Tree diameter
Gold Lake Douglas-fir, Mt. Hemlock Outstanding example
Kelsey Creek Douglas-fir Tree diameter, Age
Little Fall Creek I Douglas-fir Tree diameter, Height
Little Fall Creek II Douglas-fir Tree diameter, Height
Sardine Butte Douglas-fir, True fir Tree diameter, Age
Upper Furnish Creek Douglas-fir, True fir Stage diversity
Upper Salmon Creek Douglas-fir Park-like stand
Wall Creek Douglas-fir, W. redcedar Accessibility

Opal Creek, Willamette National Forest, Oregon http://gorp.away.com/gorp/activity/wildlife/topten_oldgrowth3.htm Opal Creek is not far from Portland, Oregon, deep in the heart of Douglas fir country."Doug" fir is the predominate species of the Pacific Northwest. They create multilayered canopies and an eventful forest floor with many fallen logs and "snags," which are standing dead trees. In the 1980s, Opal Creek was the object of a fierce campaign to save it. Out of that struggle grew an innovative program to maintain the forest and educate the public about the value of ancient forests. The Friends of Opal Creek maintain an education center at an old camp called Jawbones Flats, in the Detroit Ranger District of Willamette National Forest. 

Visit Old Growth.com http://www.visitoldgrowth.com/Amount.htm  Old Growth Forests in Oregon:  Total old growth forests in Oregon State total 4,905,544 acres according to the United States Department of Agriculture in Publication PNW-RB-197.  The publication lists 50,480 acres in Oregon ’s National Parks, 4,335,957 acres in Oregon ’s National Forests, and 9,550 acres in Oregon’s State Parks.

GORP - Oregon Wilderness Areas http://gorp.away.com/gorp/resource/us_wilderness_area/or.htm Badger Creek, Black Canyon, Boulder Creek, Bridge Creek, Bull of the Woods, Columbia, Cummins Creek, Diamond Peak, Drift Creek, Eagle Cap,  Gearhart Mountain, Grassy Knob, Hells Canyon, Kalmiopsis, Menagerie, Middle Santiam, Mill Creek, Monument Rock, Mountain Lakes, Mount Hood, Mount Jefferson, Mt. Thielsen, Mt. Washington, North Fork John Day, North Fork Umatilla, Olallie, Red Buttes, Rock Creek, Rogue-Umpqua Divide, Salmon Huckleberry, Sky Lakes, Steens Mountain, Strawberry Mountain, Table Rocks, Three Arch Rocks, Three Sisters, Waldo Lake, Wenaha-Tucannon, Wild Rogue.