Potomac Heritage National
Scenic Trail - NPS photo
On March 14, 2010 the Eastern Native Tree
Society and Western Native Tree Society switched from
discussion lists on Google Groups to a new discussion
list in a Bulletin Board format at:
Posts made since the inception of the BBS on March 14,
2010 will be sorted and archived on the BBS. Click on
the link to go to the equivalent section on the new BBS.
This website will continue to serve as a front end for
the ENTS and WNTS groups. It will continue to serve as a
repository of older posts, and will serve as the host
site for special projects and features that are not well
suited for a BBS format. Please visit the BBS for the
latest information and trip reports. |
Field Trips
spruce tree pics--sent using another method Larry and maybe other
interested parties at ENTS: I am not sure if I have a glitch in
my Adobe program that caused it to reject these photos for the
"save for the web' function. But, anyway, I found a way around
that--they were, in fact, taken properly. Anyway, the first pic
is a red spruce planted many years ago in a...
more » Mar 10, 2010.
Gaines McMartin
Fwd: 4 more pics of my timberland
ENTS: I tried to link up my
last e-mail with pics to the first by copying the subject
line--well, Google seperated them anyway, so I will abandon that
effort. Anyway, here are four more pics. Two of the main road
into my timberland--again it follows the old tram road route,
but it has been significantly "upgraded" (depending on one's
point of view!...
more »
Mar 1, 2010.
Gaines McMartin
4 pics of my timberland--beaver ponds/meadows,
fall ENTS: Since I have posted a
little "essay" on forest aesthetics and talked about my own
timberland as an example, a few more pics might help clarify
what I am talking about. I will send 4 more after this batch.
The one looking up a double-trunked black cherry is not one of
my better trees. there are much larger nice ones, including...
more » Mar 1, 2010.
Gaines McMartin
An informal "essay" on forest aesthetics--a
different perspective? ENTS: Some thoughts about
forest aesthetics and how to develop objective criteria and
develop a ranking: Yes, as I said in my initial, and overly
broad comment on aesthetics last weekend, this kind of thing can
be “troublesomly” subjective. But I agree there is some value,
both in directing...
more »
Mar 1, 2010.
Relics and Survivors
I located this website through published author Joan Maloof (Teaching
the Trees Lessons from the Forest). To add to your
initiative I wanted to mention a Sycamore located on the
campus of University of Maryland Baltimore City which sits
above the original School of Medicine Building. The tree
must stand one hundred feet tall and has an enormous
canopy.. I tried to take a picture using a disposable camera
and could not get far enough away in the city landscape to
encompass the entire tree. I have not been there for 10
years and hope the tree is still living. I am reasonably
confident that the tree must near 200 years in age. It
stands alone above the building....
more » Jan 31, 2010.
Belt Woods Natural Area, Prince Georges County,
Maryland A recent trip to Maryland
afforded me the opportunity to visit the famous Belt Woods
Natural Area in Prince Georges County, Maryland. The site has a
long history of conservation and stewardship that was incredibly
well described by the late Colby Rucker. I will not even attempt
to add to his...
more » Will Blozan, Jan 24, 2010.
Travilah Oak, Montgomery County, MD ENTS, Last week on a family
trip up north I visited a large oak near where I grew up. This
gorgeous white oak, named the "Travilah Oak", was last measured
by ENTS in 1997. Not much has changed in the dimensions, and
this tree maintains one of the most symmetrical crowns I have
ever seen. I measured...
more » Will Blozan, Jan 23, 2010.
Catoctin Mountain Park, MD December
26, 2009
Pokomoke River State Forest, Maryland
Oct. 18, 2009
- Bacon Ridge Conservation Area,
Maryland April 19, 2009
- Belt Woods
Forest Structure Feb 2004
- Broad Creek Memorial Scout
Feb 2005
- Chapman's Landing Feb
- Chase Creek Woods Tall
Trees July 2003
- Corcoran Woods Report
Feb 2004
- Downs Memorial Park
June 2007
- Eastern Shore Dec
- John Downs Memorial
Aug 2006
- Patapsco State Park
May 2006
- Patapsco State Park
April 2007
- Patapsco State Park - Northern
End June 2007
- Seneca Creek Feb 2005
- Swallow Falls State Park
(Allegheny Plateau) Oct 2005
- Urban relicts and
Survivors Sept 2007

- Hunting Wilmer Stone's
Oak July 2006