Native Tree Society Expertise
The expertise of an organization is not only reflected in the
credentials of its officers and members, but in the accomplishments of
the organization as a whole, and the contributions made by its regular
members. The Native Tree Society has strength in all of these
areas. Under the original ENTS we became known as the foremost
tree measuring group of the eastern forests. One website described
us a "tree measuring fanatics." Rather than taking that as an
negative approbation, we consider it a compliment. Dendromorphometry, represents our most successful NTS achievement.
Sine-based tree height measuring, Rucker Indexing, and trunk-limb volume
modeling have filled real needs, though largely unperceived by forest
We have added unprecedented
tree dimension accuracy and have contributed enhanced site descriptions
for many forest icons to include superb forest sites like the Great Smoky Mountains National Park,
Cook Forest State Park, PA, Zoar Valley, NY, and Mohawk Trail State Forest,
MA. We have a far better
grasp of eastern species dimensional maximums than any other individuals
or groups anywhere and we're far from done. Our recent thrust into the
southern world of the live oak promises to shine the spotlight on a
species that has been way under-represented in the big tree annals.
The tallest white pine ever accurately recorded
was documented in the Cataloochee district of Great Smoky Mountains
National Park by NTS President Will Blozan. In April 2011 we
measured and modeled the tallest native hardwood know to exist in North
America, both also located in GSMNP. NTS conducted the first
detailed mapping of the branch and trunk structure and volume
measurements for the largest Eastern trees, including -
The Middleton Oak and Sag Branch Tuliptree, The
Tsuga Search Project documented the largest living Eastern
Hemlocks in existence before they fell prey to the invasive Hemlock
Woolly Adelgid and died; The
Live Oak Project is documenting the Live Oaks of the southern
United States, The
Chestnut Project is documenting the surviving remnants of the
once great America Chestnut after the species was devastated by
blight in the 1920's and 30's. We have
documented hundreds of sites containing old growth forest, or
spectacular trees across the United States and Canada with inroads
being made into Europe and elsewhere around the world.
NTS members currently hold scientific research permits with the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the Blue Ridge Parkway, and in the past, Congaree National Park. We
have research access to Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest Estate and James Madison’s Montpelier. The NTS offers periodic workshops for tree
measurers. The workshops are co-sponsored by Cook Forest State Park, PA, and Mohawk Trail State Forest, MA. We are co-sponsor of the Forest
Summit Series of Programs presented at Holyoke Community College, MA. We were co-sponsor of the Kentucky Old growth Conference in 2007 and of
the 7th in the Ancient Eastern Forest Conference Series held in Little Rock Arkansas in March 2006.
Here are the backgrounds of some of our members:
Will Blozan, President, Eastern Native Tree Society,
President, Appalachian Arborists, Inc., ISA Certified Arborist SO-4032A Will is a former science
technician with the GSMNP. Will has a widely recognized reputation as a
tree measurer. He has been featured in articles, on TV., and on radio.
Will is a co-author of "Stalking The Forest Monarchs - A Guide To
Measuring Champion Trees". He has climbed and measured the tallest or
among the tallest trees in South Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina,
Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. Will
Blozan helped organized and mapped the structure of the Middleton Oak,
in South Carolina, the Sag Branch Tulip - the first two tree to be
mapped in eastern United States. Will organized and directed the Tsuga
Search Project that documented the largest and greatest of the Eastern
hemlock trees found anywhere, many of them hundreds of years old, prior
to their untimely death as the result of infestation by an invasive
insect - the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid. Will Blozan has recently become
involved in a canopy mapping project of some of the giant Sequoia's in
Whittaker Forest in California as part of a National Geographic Project. |
Robert T. Leverett,
Native Tree Society (ENTS):
Cofounder and executive director.
of Mohawk Trail State Forest:
Cofounder (1993), President, and principal old growth forest
for this federally recognized non-profit environmental
organization and an officially recognized Friends organization
to the state forests and parks of the Commonwealth of
Eastern Forest Conference Series:
Principal architect, and presenter.
Conferences held on eastern old growth forest sites bring
together academics, resource managers, and environmental
activists to share information on eastern old growth and present
technical papers. Conferences held at University of North
Carolina; Williams College, MA:
University of Arkansas(2 events): Clarion University of
Pennsylvania: University of Minnesota, Harvard
University-Harvard Forest, Sweet Briar College, VA, and the
University of New Hampshire, Eastern Kentucky University.
Summit Lecture Series:
Cofounder with Professor Gary Beluzo
Sponsored annually by Holyoke Community College, Holyoke,
Massachusetts as a public service.
Some of his publications include:
Stalking the Forest Monarchs-A Guide to Measuring
Champion Trees’ Coauthor of. with Will Blozan on how to measure champion trees (1997).
Included new measurement techniques.
‘Old Growth In The East, A Survey’ Wrote forward and lead essay for Dr. Mary
Davis's publication seminal publication on the old growth sites
in the East, 1993.
‘Wilderness Comes Home: Rewilding the
Northeast with C. M. Klyza, ed. Coauthor of the book and wrote lead chapter on eastern old
growth. Published by University Press of New England (2001).
‘Sierra Club Guide Book to Ancient Forests of the Northeast’
Coauthor with Bruce Kershner of this 2004 book on old growth
sites in the Northeast. Robert Leverett
holds scientific research permits with the Great
Smoky Mountains National Park and the Blue Ridge Parkway, and in the
past, Congaree National Park and has research access to Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest Estate and
James Madison’s Montpelier. He has worked closely with the
Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation on the
development and implementation of the state's Forest Reserve system and
other aspects of forest management. He is one of two individuals responsible
for the old growth inventory, mapping, and documentation for DCR in
Dr. Lee E. Frelich, Vice President of The Eastern Native Tree
Society, Dr. Frelich is Director of the University of Minnesota Center for
Hardwood Ecology. He received a Ph.D. in Forest Ecology from the
University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1986. Frelich teaches courses in
Forest Fire Ecology and Landscape Ecology on St.Paul Campus. He has
advised 18 graduate students, and is a senior member of the Conservation
Biology, Natural Resource Science and Management, Ecology, and Invasive
Species Graduate Programs. Frelich has published numerous papers on
forest ecology and has been listed among the top 1% of all scientists in
the world in the Science Citation Index, Ecology and Environment
Category. He has appeared in the news media 200 times including /The New
York Times/, /Newsweek/, /National Geographic/, and many TV and radio
stations. Current research interests include fire and wind in boreal
forests, long-term dynamics of old-growth hemlock and maple forests,
invasive earthworms in forests, and global warming.
Dr. Lee Frelich is one of the most distinguished forest ecologists in the United States and the foremost expert on natural forest disturbance regimes in the forests of the upper Mid-West. He is the author of "Forest Dynamics and Disturbance Regimes". Lee is often called on as an expert witness on subjects that span the spectrum of forest issues from the potential impact of climate change to what constitutes an old growth ecosystem.
Dr. David Stahle, an ENTS co-founder, is a Distinguished
Professor,, University of Arkansas, Director,
Tree-Ring Laboratory.
Professor of Physical Geography and the Conservation of
Natural Resources. Dr. Stahle's research interests include all
aspects of dendrochronology, particularly climate change and
the proxy evidence for past variation in the El Nino/ Southern
Oscillation and other large scale atmospheric circulations. Dr
Stahle has developed GIS-based predictive models for the
location of ancient forests, and is conducting active research
in the United States, Mexico and Africa. Dr. Stahle's research
is funded by NOAA , NSF, NPS and the USGS and he has published
in a variety of journals including, Science, Nature, Journal of
Climate and Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. Dr.
Stahle has taught courses in Physical Geography and Conservation
of Natural Resources. Ph.D., Arizona State University,
Geography 1990. |
Don Bertolette is the founder and President of the Western Native Tree Society.
His career started in as a pre-Forestry community college student
working for the BLM as a Forestry Aid (GS-3) with BLM in Eastern Oregon,
and with a few exceptions (as material coordinator/pipefitter supervisor
with Fluor Engineers and Constructors, in Saudi Arabia) I stayed the
course with federal land management agencies through retirement last
year as a GS-12 program manager, with the National Park Service, Grand
Canyon National Park, AZ. My education started early on pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree
in Forest Resources Management, which I completed at Humboldt State
University in 1983.After nearly a decade with the USFS, I was encouraged to pursue my Master of
Science degree in Forestry with University of Massachusetts, at Amherst,
where I specialized in Remote Sensing of Old-growth Forests, and
successfully defending thesis in 1993. Returning to the West (Arizona/Alaska), I developed skills in GIS
that eventually led to Fire Area Growth Simulation, to model wildfire
growth. With additional studies at Northern Arizona in Ecological
Restoration, I obtained NEPA compliance for, and completed Wildfire
Hazard Reduction Research project at Grand Canyon National Park. At my
retirement from Grand Canyon, I was Vegetation Program Manager
(Developed Area). Since retiring in 2007, I’ve continued participation
with ENTS/WNTS, the Cook Inlet Chapter of SAF, and am Alaska’s Big Tree
Dr. Robert Van Pelt is one of the foremost scientists in the world
studying and mapping forest canopies and determining tree volumes.
In addition,
Van Pelt is an author and the coordinator of the champion tree
program for the state of Washington. He is currently a Adjunct
Professor, Institute for Redwood Ecology, at Humboldt State
University where he is engaged in canopy research in Douglas Fir and
Coast Redwood forests. He gives occasional lectures and lead field
trips for the University, and teach several field classes on Pacific
Northwest old-growth forests and Northwest canopy ecology. He
received his MS in 1991 and PhD in 1995 from the University of
Washington. His main research interests are old-growth ecology,
canopy structure and its control of the understory environment,
spatial patterns in old-growth forests, and tree plant geography.
This life takes me to many of the great forests of the Pacific
Northwest and California. He was part of the National Geographic
Canopy Trek project in the fascinating canopy work in the world’s
tallest hardwood forest in Australia. He spends much of my private
life measuring trees – I maintain a database of tree measurements
from all over the world. He take extensive measurements, sketches
and photos on some of the most remarkable of these trees for tree
portraits. An avid hiker, photographer, woodworker, and big tree
hunter, He is continually on the lookout for new and exciting trees.
Select books include: Van Pelt, R. 2008. Identifying Old Trees and
Forests in Eastern Washington. Washington State Department of
Natural Resources, Olympia, WA. 178 p.; Van Pelt, R. 2007.
Identifying Mature and Old Forests in Western Washington. Washington
State Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA 104 p.; and Van
Pelt, R. 2001. Forest Giants of the Pacific Coast. Univ. Washington
Press. 200 p.
Michael W. Taylor, Vice-President of the
Western Native Tree Society, is now the American Forests
champion tree coordinator for California.
Michael W. Taylor is a leading discoverer of champion and
tallest trees - most notably Coast Redwoods. In 2006, Michael
co-discovered the tallest known tree in the world, a coast
redwood (sequoia) now named "Hyperion". He also discovered
"Helios" and "Icarus", the 2nd and 3rd tallest. National
Geographic made a video about the discovery and measuring of
Hyperion. The discovery made headlines. Taylor has
discovered 50 coast redwoods over 350 feet tall, and
co-discovered approximately 100 more over 350 feet with Chris
Atkins and Stephen Sillett, who is the first holder of the
Kenneth L. Fisher Chair in Redwood Forest Ecology at Humboldt
State University. Taylor and Sillett have collaborated and
measured remarkable previously unknown redwoods. Their
discoveries have fueled research and public interest in coast
redwoods, which are now a World Heritage Site. Michael is
a main character of the non-fiction book (2007) The Wild Trees.
The narrative includes how Taylor began exploring for tall
trees, measuring tallest trees, and later networking with
Pacific coast forest researchers. |
Dr. Don Bragg, Research Forester, USDA Forest
Service Southern Research Station, Monticello, AR. Dr
Bragg serves as editor of the NTS scientific journal "Bulletin
of the Eastern Native Tree Society." He has engaged in
multiple research projects related to the upland forests of the
Midsouth region. This has included studies on ice damage to pine
plantations in the South, investigation of the Cross Timbers
woodland in western Arkansas, and completion of long-term growth
and yield projects. Much of my work has also concentrated on the
refinement of silvicultural techniques for the development of
old-growth-like attributes in managed stands of the northern
Lake States and the Midsouth (primarily Arkansas). His Ph.D.
(1999) is in Forest Ecology, from Utah State University.
He is a member of the Society of American Foresters, the
Ecological Society of America, the Forest History Society, the
Torrey Botanical Society, the U.S. Chapter of the International
Association of Landscape Ecologists, and the Natural Areas
Select Publications:
SRS-RWU-4159 Ancient, Big, and Historical Trees of Arkansas,
Past and Present: |
Dale Luthringer, the naturalist and educational
director for Cook Forest State Park, PA, runs the NTS workshop
for tree measuring. He has been the driving force in the
documentation and measurement of the great trees and old growth
forest across western Pennsylvania and other nearby states.
Dale Luthringer has been the Environmental Education
Specialist at Cook Forest State Park for the past 8 years. He
facilitates interpretive programs and teacher workshops to over
15,000 participants per year. He regularly gives tree measuring
workshops and old growth forest workshops for teachers at the
park. Dale Luthringer serves as host of biennial rendezvous of
NTS at Cook Forest. He His ecological research
includes acid mine reclamation, white-tailed deer populations,
West Nile virus, and most recently the Old Growth Forest.
Dale has quite a varied background. He was a farmer for 9 years,
a Marine Corp sergeant, and a furniture maker. After his 4 years
with the Marines, he moved to the area to attend school. Dale
earned an A.S. in Wildlife Technology from Penn State DuBois and
a B.S. in Applied Ecology from Clarion University. Some of his
pubications include: Old Growth Forests in the Pennsylvania
Wilds by Dale Luthringer and
Luthringer, Dale J. 2009. Big Trees of Cook Forest. Pennsylvania
Forests, Volume 100, No. 3, Fall 2009.
Dr. Neil Pederson, Assistant Research Professor at
Lamont-Dougherty Earth Observatory - Tree Ring Lab, at Columbia
University. Research Interests: My research interests are
centered on trees, ecosystems and old-growth forests at the
intersection of climate change, ecology, conservation biology,
natural history, forest management and charismatic megaflora. I
conduct basic and applied research to gain information that can
help ecologically-based, long-term management plans. Education:
Ph.D. - Columbia University, Dept. of Earth & Environmental
Science. Dr. Pederson created and maintains the Eastern Old-List - a
listing of the oldest trees in eastern North America: CV
Projects: 1)
Fire, Climate and Forest Ecology in Mongolia funded by the
National Science Foundation
Drought History of Three Ponds and Blanton Forest Preserves:
Investigation of an East-West Drought Gradient Across Kentucky
funded by the Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission
Selected Publications: 1)
McEwan, R. W., J.M. Dyer and N. Pederson. 2011. Multiple
interacting ecosystem drivers: toward an encompassing hypothesis
of oak forest dynamics across eastern North America. Ecography
34: 244-256 doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2010.06390.x; 2)
N. Pederson. 2010. External Characteristics of Old Trees in the
Eastern Deciduous Forest. Natural Areas Journal 4: 396-407.
pdf |
Edward F. Frank is the webmaster of the NTS
website, Administrator of the NTS BBS, and editor of our monthly
magazine the eNTS
Magazine. By training he
is a geologist with a MS in Geology from Mississippi State University. Thesis
title: Aspects of Karst development and Speleogenesis Isla de Mona,
Puerto Rico: An Analogue for Pleistocene Speleogenesis in The Bahamas. I
was a PhD candidate in Geology at the University of Minnesota. I have
peer reviewed published papers in fields ranging from spelean history,
geology, archaeology, vertebrate paleontology, karst processes and
speleogenesis. Some examples:
Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, Vol. 60(2), August 1998.
He am a member of the National Speleological Society and have been
involved in cave exploration ad mapping across the United states from
New Mexico, to Kentucky and Tennessee, to Pennsylvania, west Virginia,
and Virginia. I organized and lead a speleological expedition to the
Dominican Republic in December 1986, and have participated in and
organized field work in the Bahamas and Puerto Rico. he is
actively involved in many of the research projects being
conducted by the Native Tree Society. |
Gary Beluzo is Professor of Environmental Science at Holyoke
Community College. M.S. Global Ecology (Botany) UMASS Amherst.
He was the Department Chair 1984-1998. Although Gary’s earlier interest was limnology, he entered a partnership with Bob Leverett in the fall of 1998 to inventory, characterize, and map (GPS/GIS) the old growth forests of Massachusetts with a special permit from the MASS DCR
and now also the Great Smoky Mountains (TN/NC).
Through an NSF Grant in 1996, Professor Beluzo created an Environmental GIS laboratory at HCC and is now developing an extensive geo-database of old growth forests and champion trees for Massachusetts . Professor Beluzo is also the on campus architect of the HCC Forest Summit Lecture
Series and Eastern Native Tree Society Rendezvous. This event brings together scientists, foresters, environmentalists, and the public
to discuss current Eastern U.S. Forest Issues. Gary Beluzo is one of two individuals responsible for
the old growth inventory, mapping, and documentation for DCR in
Massachusetts. Robert Leverett is the other.
John Davis "John Davis, a 47-year-old “tri-athlete meets
John Muir”, also is a founder of Wildlands Network, past editor
of the widely respected Wild Earth magazine, writer and
naturalist. Throughout his career as conservation leader with
other renowned conservation organizations, this Adirondack
native with an indomitable passion for nature has supported
continental-size wildlife corridors called Wildways." In 2011 he
undertook a 7,000 mile journey along the "eastern wildway" via
many human powered means including canoe, hiking, bicycling, and
kayak among others as part of the
Wildlands Network's TrekEast Project.
He is a past Director of Conservation of the Adirondack Council
The Council, which has offices in Elizabethtown and Albany, New
York, works to protect the ecological integrity and wilderness
character of the park. Davis's responsibilities include serving
as the primary point of contact for the Council with the New
York state legislature. For the previous two years he served as
land steward for the Eddy Foundation, which purchases and
preserves wildlands in the eastern Adirondacks of northern New
York. With the foundation, he conceived and is helping to create
and protect a wildlife corridor linking New York’s Adirondack
Mountains with the Champlain Valley, a habitat linkage called
the Split Rock Wildway. He owns Hemlock Rock Wildlife Sanctuary,
a fifty-acre preserve within the Wildway.
Bart Bouricius
has worked
as an arborist (Bart's Tree Service) since 1973 and still does
part time, but his primary work is as an installer of canopy walkway
systems for Canopy Construction Associates, an organization he
founded in 1991. The group is an association of arborists,
builders and scientists. The organization,
was originally established to provide access to biologists for
studying life in the forest canopy, but now also constructs
projects for Eco-tourism companies as well. They have constructed
over 15 systems in Belize, Borneo, Ecuador, Peru, Florida, North
Carolina, New York, Tennessee, and Massachusetts. Bart came to this
occupation as a conservationist and naturalist with a hope that ordinary
people experiencing the canopy of primary forest from an
altitude would improve their attitude regarding preservation of
forests around the world.
He frequently gives presentations on Tropical Rainforest Ecology and
Arthropods, primarily Arachnids and ants to Colleges, K-12
schools and museums. Bart is a Research Associate at the
Hampshire College School of Natural Science and is active in
trying to preserve forests and other natural habitats in
Massachusetts. He has helped organize 2 canopy research
conferences in Florida in the early 1990's. Publications: Bart
Bouricius has published articles on canopy access techniques, one
on canopy bridge safety calculations for construction, and an
article on the life history of Amblypygids (tailless whip
We have several members who are the coordinators of state champion
tree programs: Scott Wade is the big tree coordinator for
Pennsylvania, Don Bertolette is the coordinator for Alaska, Michael
Taylor is the big tree coordinator for California, plus several other
coordinators are also members.
In addition to the active members listed above we have many more
members with PhD's in various aspects of forestry. We have
members with a variety of other educational backgrounds. We
have people who are entomologists, meteorologists, geologists,
artists, musicians, medical professionals, foresters, arborists, and
people with no special training who just have an interest in trees
and forests. All make valuable contributions to the overall efforts.
© Copyright
2002-2011 Eastern Native Tree Society