vs. Green Ash |
Riddle |
31, 2005 08:10 PST |
always focused primarily on species characteristics that
allow trees
to be identified at 50+ yards or 60 mph; however, a
recent hike with
someone who relies largely on twigs and buds for
identification has
shifted my focus some. We were hiking on Wadakoe
Mountain (see previous
south Carolina posts for description), and identifying
various samplings
by their twigs when the ash in particular caught our
attention. Given the
steep slopes and several rich coves present on the
mountain, I had assumed
all of the ash were white ash. However, the lateral buds
only varied from
sitting on top of the leaf scars to having the lower
third of the bud set
down into the leaf scar. That pattern was observed on
small ash and one
sprout on a large ash all over the mountain indicating
dominance by green
ash. The same species of ash is particularly abundant in
some of the
coves around Tamassee Knob. Botanists studying each site
have previously
identified the ash as white in both areas. These ash
tend to have broader
leaflets and broader bark ridges than young mature green
ash I see growing
in floodplains, but the bark matches well with Will
Blozan's description
of the green ash bark in the smokies. Also, the habitat
may not be as
strange as it initially seems for green ash; sweetgum,
paw paw, and
trumpet creeper, all species that thrive in the Congaree,
have isolated
occurrences on top of one of Wadakoe's two main ridges,
and a broad flat
valley along a large creek, typical green ash habitat,
borders the
northwest side of the mountain.
Currently, I lean towards green ash for the reasons
listed above, but I
want to be sure given that that identification
contradicts previous
identifications and will have have a significant impact
on our height
record lists. I've attached a small picture of a twig
from a small ash on
Wadakoe. This twig is fairly typical, but some faster
growing stems have
finely pubescent, emerald green twigs with similar leaf
scars and buds.
has good pictures
of the bark of one of the large ash on Wadakoe, the
South Carolina white
ash state champion.
Jess Riddle |
White vs. Green Ash |
31, 2005 08:33 PST |
I teach tree ID at Ohio State and we depend on leaf scars. The
green ash leaf scare is flat on top, possibly with a little
divet for the bud (based on Lucy Braun's Woody plants of Ohio).
White ash leaf scars are saddle shaped on top. I always thought
I could rely on the bark and green twigs (New Hampshire, Maine,
and South Carolina), and form (F. caroliniana, F. profunda).
These features are much less distinct in Ohio.
vs. green ash with a little blue thrown in for good measure |
Leverett |
31, 2005 13:05 PST |
I presume the two species of ash can
hybridize, but don't know that
for sure. What's your take on hybridization within the ash
genus? In
terms of other hybridizations, how about blue ash? Personally, I
the blue ash is a totally cool species. In fact, it is WAY COOL.
do you recognize red ash? Or do you consider it a slight variant
green? If my memory serves me correctly, Lee told me that most
taxonomists no longer recognize red ash as a separate species.
white vs. green ash with a little blue thrown in for good
measure |
P. Allen |
31, 2005 15:32 PST |
Braun considered Red Ash to be a variety of Green Ash - F. penn.
penn. Burns and Honkola suggest that green x white hybrids were
successful, only pumpkin ash hybridized with both. There
certainly appears
to be overlap in distinguishing characteristics in Ohio. Blue
ash is a
really interesting tree, and quite distinct from the other
white vs. green ash with a little blue thrown in for good
measure |
E. Frelich |
01, 2005 05:41 PST |
That's right. Red ash is not a species.
Green and white ash can be hard to differentiate in some parts
of its
range. Although the literature says hybrids are rare, I bet
that's because
most people who publish papers don't get out in the field and
look very
much. Researchers or silviculturists who examine trees in the
throughout the range are not very numerous.
white vs. green ash, hybrids |
coyle |
01, 2005 07:12 PST |
In my North American Trees book by Preston & Braham, it
lists only one
hybrid and intergrade for white ash, and that is Texas ash.
Green ash has
none. However in his listing for Pumpkin Ash (Fraxinus profunda),
he states
that" based upon the number of chromosomes, some
authorities think that
pumpkin ash developed from hybridization between white and green
It is found from SE Va. To central Fla., SW Ind. to S Tenn. With
disjunct populations even to Ohio and Indiana. It is associated
lowland, floodplain species.
Ed C
White vs. Green Ash |
Riddle |
06, 2005 12:22 PST |
I have not made any more progress on resolving this issue. Twig
fruit features are the primary characteristics used to separate
the two
species in most books, and the twigs at the SC sites are
closer to the green ash descriptions. However, I’m reluctant
to go
against previous identification, typical habitat preferences,
and alter
our lists without more to go on than just the twigs. After
looking at
the trees more yesterday at Tamassee Knob the bark does point
towards green and the twig features appear consistent.
If the trees are in fact green ash, then the tallest white ash
in SC
would be a 148’ tree on the East Fork Chattooga River, and
Mohawk Trail
could again claim the tallest white ash outside the Smokies. The
would also mean that a tree on Wadakoe Mountain would be the
known green ash.
Jess Riddle