Striped Maples    Robert Leverett
   Oct 16, 2006 06:30 PDT 


   The following table lists our ENTS striped maple measurements to date
taken in the Northeast.

State Site Subsite        Height Circ
MA MTSF Encampment 65.0 1.7
MA MTSF Encampment 60.5 1.8
MA MTSF Encampment 60.3 1.6
MA MTSF Trees of Peace 59.9 1.3
MA MTSF Encampment 59.5 1.8
MA MTSF Encampment 56.5 1.7
MA MTSF Encampment 56.0 1.7
MA MTSF Algonquin 55.0 1.6
MA MTSF Algonquin 54.0 1.8
MA MTSF Encampment 53.0 1.7
MA MTSF Encampment 52.0 1.7
MA MTSF Encampment 51.5 1.7
MA MTSF Encampment 50.0 1.7
MA MTSF Encampment 48.4 2.0
MA MTSF Encampment 47.5 1.5
MA MTSF Encampment 47.2 1.9
MA MTSF Encampment 44.0 1.4
NY Adirondacks 54.0 1.7
NY Adirondacks 52.2 2.2
NY Adirondacks 50.7 1.9
NY Adirondacks 47.5 2.1
NY Adirondacks 46.5 2.0
NY Adirondacks 45.5 1.6
NY Adirondacks 43.0 1.7
NY Adirondacks 39.3 1.9
PA Cook Forest 41.4 2.3
PA Cook Forest 39.9 1.1
PA Cook Forest 32.1 1.2
PA Cook Forest 27.0 0.6

    The above list reflects a serious effort on the part of yours truly
to measure understory species - after having completely ignored them for
years. Despite the dominance of MTSF in the above list, I'm sure when
the PA team begins to pay serious attention to the striped maple, the
numbers will go up for PA drastically. On Sunday I measured an American
hornbeam in MTSF to begin a list on that species. Its measurements are
28.5 feet in hgt and 1.6 feet in circumference.


Robert T. Leverett
Cofounder, Eastern Native Tree Society
RE: Striped Maples   Ernie Ostuno
  Oct 16, 2006 08:24 PDT 


When I saw the title I thought you were referring to another hailstorm
that "stripped" some maples... ;)

But seriously, your understory tree measurements are probably every bit
as important as the more attention-getting overstory measurements in
quantifying the health and vitality of an old growth site. Also, this
might be an effective way to measure/document the impact of overgrazing
by deer in recent decades.

I've noticed a great variability in understory characteristics at old
growth sites. I've also noticed that most of the impressive old growth
hemlock sites in PA had large rhododendron. Has anyone done any
height/age measuring of rhododendron? Is there some type of symbiotic
relationship between hemlock and rhodo, besides the hemlock providing
lots of shade? We sometimes have a tendency to ignore some members of
the old growth ecosystem or see them as merely obstacles to be "surfed"
to get to the beloved giants.

Striped Maple   Robert Leverett
  Oct 16, 2006 10:26 PDT 


   Yep, that was an oops; i.e, stripped instead of striped. In terms of
the importance of understory species, well said. Although I never see
naturally occurring Rhododendron in Massachusetts, there are Mountain
Laurel communities on old-growth sites in the Berkshires that deserve
documentation. Mountain laurel is the state flower of Connecticut.

    Basically, Sassafras, Striped Maple, Hophornbeam, American hornbeam,
Witch Hazel, Mountain Maple, and various sumacs all need documentation
here in the Berkshire region. After dealing with these species, I'll
work my way down to the bonafide shrubs like Red Elder, Hobble Bush,
Spice Bush, Winterberry, etc.
