Pin Oak: the former national champion pin
oak near Lexington, Tennessee. Photos submitted by Michael Davie. |
This is a bur oak growing on a golf course in Nashville, Tennessee. The circumference is 22'1", the height is a mere 87 feet, with a long spread of 110'
Michael Davie
This is a bur oak growing on a golf course in Nashville, Tennessee. The circumference is 22'1", the height is a mere 87 feet, with a long spread of 110'
Michael Davie
The attached photo is of a white oak near Jasper, TN that I just
found out about. Circumference, right at 22 feet, height 98 (more
or less), and spread 145. Its not a national champion by any means
but it will nudge out the current TN champion. photo by
Carl Absher
Images of a large chestnut oak from eastern Long
Island. The tree is in Mashomack Preserve, which is owned by The Nature
Conservancy. It measured 125.3 cm at DBH. The images were captured by
Ned Barnard.
I have some age data for the Mashomack Preserve chestnut oak. The tree was measured to 125.3 cm DBH or 4.1 feet. We extracted a
core 14" long that has ~150 rings on it. A very rough estimate of its age is ~190 years based on the potential remaining distance to
the pith of the tree and average ring width of the inner 6-8" of the core. Its true age depends on how fast or slow it grew as a seedling,
which is unknown. I would guess that at the oldest it wouldn't be much more than 200 years because it has very wide rings on the inner
portion of the core and it lives on the edge of a small wetland depression [plenty of water + reduced competition = high growth
Neil Pederson