TOPIC: Forest photography considerations
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Date: Sat, Aug 2 2008 9:26 am
From: "Edward Frank"
Yesterday I spent the afternoon walking the Longfellow Trail in Cook
Forest State Park, PA as well as a taking few other short hikes
elsewhere in the park. I got a few nice photos of ferns, moss, and
fungi growing in the forest. Forests are full of interesting pockets
of images. Each is a little vignette of the ecosystem of the greater
forest as a whole. I have always favored close-ups of nature. But
there is a comment I read that keeps coming into my mind. A famous
photographer known for the scale of his images went to photograph at
the Everglades. The park has oceans of grasslands, and big cypress
trees. The person making the comment however was disappointed at the
results of the photographer's efforts. He had focused on the small
images of the park. He had scenes of leaves in water, insects,
flowers, epiphytes, and an occasional tree. Each photo was nice, but
what was missing from the photos was the grand scale of the park as
a whole. A place with big scenes and a sense of grandeur, needs to
have photographs of that reflect that scale.
The smaller vignettes
can be taken anywhere there is pocket of woods. The places with a
big scale need to have photos that reflect that scale. I need to
work on that in my images. There are magnificent trees in the Forest
Cathedral area of Cook Forest. There is an expanse of big trees
growing in the setting. I need to work on finding photographs that
embrace and reflect this scale. I need to focus on the big pictures
and find how to best represent them in the photographs. It does not
mean I will abandon photographing the small vignettes or portraits
of individual trees, but it is a thought I need to keep in mind
while hiking, and perhaps all of us can consider when we visit
someplace with scale.
Ed Frank
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Date: Sat, Aug 2 2008 10:16 am
From: the Forestmeister
When I bought a Nikon F100 35 mm camera a decade ago along with
lenses, tripod, etc- I had hoped to take images on the "grand
but found it was very difficult. As you walk into a forest you're
looking all around, up and down- so you have a feeling for the
but capturing that feeling is such a challenge. Even if you succeed
with a good image, it's not often satisfactory unless you make huge
blowups. I once saw in a bookstore some incredible forest photos
on the walls that were poster size. The detail was amazing. I think
the work was done with a large format camera.
I've considered buying a fish eye lens to see if that would help me
record on film what I see.
My goal is to be able to show visually the stuff I "rant"
regarding forestry practices. Just talking about it doesn't seem
effecitve to non foresters.
This past winter I bought a high def. video camera but haven't done
much with it yet- perhaps that will allow me to reach that goal of
presenting forestry concepts.
I once saw in a museum a painting done by one of those Hudson River
artists- of a scene in a redwood forest- it was if he was at least
100' up - looking down to the ground where a Native American couple
were camping on the edge of a stream. That scene haunts me to this
day. It realy captures the feeling of the redwoods forest- and a
time for North America.
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Date: Sat, Aug 2 2008 2:56 pm
From: dbhguru@comcast.net
I don't know who the person or photographer was, but I had a similar
negative response to Eliot Porter's understated portrayal of the
Great Smoky Mountains. When attempting to tell photographically the
story of a great nationalr park, photographing a leaf floating on
water is a waste of time. Porter could have done the same in his
back yard. Why bother? However, since that time lesser known, but
more in tune photographers have done superb jobs of capturing the
the Smokies on a far grander scale than a leaf.
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Date: Sat, Aug 2 2008 3:07 pm
From: "Will Blozan"
This is my composite photo (3 frames) from the top of the "Long
Hemlock" in Greenbrier District of GRSM. I enjoy photographing
views that
cannot be seen from a common vista, such as the top of a tree. I
employ digital stitches to capture the super tall trees I encounter.
"Tom's Tower Hemlock" 7 frame stitch
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Date: Sat, Aug 2 2008 3:24 pm
From: "Edward Frank"
Yes, you have some magnificent photos that capture some of the grand
vistas of the Smokies. I have said before how I like some of your
tree portraits where some of the optical distortion emphasizes the
scope of the image.
TOPIC: Forest photography considerations
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Date: Sun, Aug 3 2008 12:16 pm
From: Elisa Campbell
your photos as well as your comments and informative pieces are one
the highlights of ENTS, in my opinion. I'm not surprised, given your
tree climbing expertise and inclination, that you have different
of view for taking the photos; your skill at stitching many photos
together is also a wonder to behold. Thanks for all of it!
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Date: Sun, Aug 3 2008 3:35 pm
From: Matthew Hannum
I know I've run into this feeling before when looking at some of my
own photos. While they are technically "correct" and
capture the
subject well, many times the overall feel of the place can be lost.
think forests are particularly difficult subjects since you
don't have line of sight over a long distance. So, while you may be
surrounded by trees, you can only take a photo of a group of trees
front of you. Panaromic shots certainly help - image size is part of
the illusion needed to bring the viewer into the forest with you.
This is one of the reasons while I love overlooks so much - they
a great way to get sweeping photos of a forest, hills, mountains,
Other great places are along the sides of rivers, certain places
hills, and curvy woodland paths. The open space is needed to draw
viewer into the image; without it, all the person will see is a
of trees jumbled up in front of them. The open spaces, particularly
ones that show movement (such as a path or river fading into the
distance or around a hill) or distance (rolling mountains vanishing
into low clouds or mist) help capture the immense scale of a large
park. Sadly, some of the bigger trees can hide in places where it is
so hard to capture the true essense of the place.
It would be neat to take a huge panaroma of some place impressive,
such as from a mountaintop in the Smoky Mountains, and somehow get
to be spread 360-degrees around the walls of a room - that would
really capture the scope of the place!
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Date: Sun, Aug 3 2008 4:20 pm
From: Larry
All, We should start a fund and purchase a helicopter for those hard
to get photos. Maybe we could use Bobs balloons for those one of a
kind shots. You all take great photos and thanks for sharing them.
TOPIC: Forest photography considerations
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Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 8:28 pm
From: James Parton
Your stitches are awesome. You have this technique mastered better
than I do.