TOPIC: The Green Man Mythos
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Date: Tues, Jan 1 2008 3:22 pm
From: "Edward Frank"
Hauntingly wise Green Man "speaking" in
hawthorn leaves. Parish Church in Sutton Bener, UK

Green Man, detail of a medieval misericord in Ludlow
parish church. |
One of the more fascinating aspects of some of the early
northern European mythology is the concept of the Green man.
He appears as a face on many of the medieval churches, cathedrals, and
great architecture across northern Europe. However if you
read the history of the Green Man however you find the idea is not
restricted to northern Europe The earliest known
examples are in the art of Classical Rome, from where the idea
seems to have moved northwards, to be adopted by Christianity and
spread far and wide along the pilgrimage routes. There is the 14th
Century poem of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight http://www.luminarium.org/medlit/gawaintx.htm,
there is the legend of Al- Khidr in Islamic lore http://khidr.org/.
I have listed several links below that refer to the Green Man
I plan to add a link in our bookstore to the book: "The
Mythic Forest, the Green Man and the Spirit of Nature" when I
next update the website.
Edward Frank
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Date: Tues, Jan 1 2008 4:21 pm
From: James Parton
I have done much reading on the Green Man, Cernunnos and other
European forest Deities. I also have a cool song about the Green Man
by Martin Donelly. I just wish I could legally share it.
HNY: James P.
TOPIC: The Green Man Mythos
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Date: Tues, Jan 1 2008 7:53 pm
From: Steve G
The Green Man motif is also related to Pan, Puck, and Robin
Goodfellow, and has been observed as far afield as India. A welcome
retention from the early religions.
Steve G