TOPIC: Wood sculpture by Livio De Marchi
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Date: Sat, Sep 27 2008 5:32 pm
From: "Edward Forrest Frank"
Part of our mission statement for the ENTS organization reads:
"celebration of trees and forests of the eastern North America
and around the world, through art, poetry, music, mythology,
science, medicine, wood crafts, and..." Well we don't talk too
much about woodcrafts. A friend of mine sent me one of those
internet messages that are forwarded to everyone and their brother.
It featured some remarkable wood sculptures. These prompted me to
search out the name of the artist and his website.
His website reads: "Livio De Marchi was born in Venezia where,
still a child, he worked on ornamental sculpture in the Venetian
tradition in the workshop of a crafting and in the meantime he
studied art and drawing at the "Accademia di Belle Arti"
in Venice. His activity starts there, displaying at once an
astounding skill in moulding materials. The material has been
transformed by him with ironical sensitivity that brought him to
create sculptures that keep perfection of detail as well spontaneity
and essence. During his artistic evolution he worked first in
marble, then bronze, and eventually in wood. But wood has always
been his favourite material because it gives him a vitality which
other materials do not. After opening his own studio, Livio De
Marchi allowed his fantasy to run free, declaring his way of being,
his interior world. After a deep inner evolution his ironical
ability to "see" life got the upper hand in letting him
carve this kind of sculpture."
Here is an examples of his work:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8LdCyUtqcI This
is a link to the artists website and a link to a YouTube video of
him driving this car.
I also found another artist in wood from Italy worth checking
out: Loris Marazzi: Another Italian Wood Artist
Loris Marazzi's unique talent enables him to transfer his emotions into the most wonderful living sculptures. The sculptures are made from the cirmolo's wood, an old Italian pine that grows on the Dolomite mountains, above 2000 metres, near Cortina.
Ed Frank