The Bulletin was established in the Summer of 2006 under the
editorship of Dr. Don Bragg a Research Forester, USDA Forest Service,
Southern Research Station, P.O. Box 3516 UAM, Monticello, AR 71656.
He writes of the
Conventional wisdom holds that an organization has really “come of
age” when it can offer its membership something a little more tangible
than just a sense of belonging. In a sense, the
Bulletin of the Eastern Native Tree Society has
been months in preparation, with many dedicated individuals working hard
to create a visual representation of the Eastern Native Tree Society.
In reality, this journal has been years in the
works, dating back to the earliest moments of the organization as its
purpose crystallized from the efforts and interests of its founding
members. So what is the vision for the Bulletin? I suppose if you were
to ask a dozen ENTS members, you would get a dozen different responses.
Perhaps the best way to understand the Bulletin is to know the
organization and its goals. ENTS was formed not that many years ago to
celebrate the forests and trees of eastern North America through a
variety of formats. Additionally, the founders intended ENTS to serve as
a repository for highly accurate information on large tree dimensions.
ENTS is comprised of a small
but dedicated core of devoted tree measurers from many different fields—
some scientific, some not. We have writers and weather forecasters,
arborists and computer instructors, professors and students, people of
all walks of life and all levels of interest. Although centered around
some core principles, the Bulletin will reflect the diverse interests of
ENTS membership. To this end, a wide range of materials can be
submitted for consideration for publication in the Bulletin—simply
follow the instructions for authors posted in this and future issues. In
addition to more technical materials like trip reports and peer reviewed
scientific articles, the editorial board would like to encourage members
to submit poetry, pictures, stories, editorials, observations, and other
original creations that correspond to the interests of the society.