Soggy but productive weekend, MA   Robert Leverett
  Oct 11, 2005 09:43 PDT 


       A soggy weekend of tree modeling had me questioning my sanity.
Nothing new there. I do that regularly. But luckily, most of the period
was manageable for measuring.

       On Friday, Monica Jakuc and I headed to Bullard Woods in
Stockbridge MA. The objective was to model a huge pine that I call the
Bullard Woods pine (not very inventive). Its girth 4.5 feet up from at a
low point on otherwise fairly level terrain is an impressive 13.9 feet.
Its full height is 133 feet. It is very bulky for the first 90-95 feet.
Then it slenders up very quickly. The first modeling with the Rd 1000
incorporated 28 diameter measurements that yielded 845 cubes of trunk
and limb volume. The trunk portion of the 845 is 761 cubes. On Monday, I
developed a regression-based model for trunk and limb volume using data
from the modeling of 24 trees. The independent variables are DBH, full
height, and diameter at 50 feet. The multiple regression coefficient
from the sample of 24 is 0.92 - not bloody bad. That's an R-square of
0.85 for those who prefer that measure of fit. Interestingly, the model
applied to the Bullard Woods pine yields 880 cubes as opposed to the
845. That's a difference of only 4%.

      In an interesting second exercise, I treating the trunk of the
Bullard Woods tree as though it were a cone from 4.5 feet up to its full
133-foot height. The lower 4.5 feet was modeled as a frustum of neloid
form. This modeling yielded 702 cubes for just trunk versus the 761
obtained from the full modeling. I actually expected the difference to
be greater because the lower part of the tree is very bulky. At any
rate, the Bullard Woods pine is large, but falls short of the volumes
for the biggest of the Great Smoky Mountain hemlocks of comparable

      On Sunday, I modeled a huge pine in a Conway MA grave yard. Its
CBH is 14.3 feet and its height is 140.5 feet. It is very large to a
limb whirl at about 25 feet. The trunk comes down in size rapidly
thereafter. The modeled trunk and limb volume turned out to be 858
cubes based on 16 diameters. The regression-based model yields 930
cubes. The trunk accounts for 789 cubes of the 858. Treating the trunk
above 4.5 feet as a perfect cone and neloid below yields 805 cubes. So
we have 858 versus 930 and 789 versus 805. Examining these results
suggests to me that I need to march back out there and do more modeling.
What I really need is more measurements from a height of 80 feet and
over. However, trunk visibility above 80 feet is extremely poor. This
tree is going to be a challenge in more ways than one. As I walk around
the graveyard, I try to be mindful and respectful of the deceased souls.
I frequently stop and nod in respect. As big tree sites, graveyards need
to be treated with full recognition that other people might see tree
modeling as deflecting attention from the purpose of the site.   

     On Monday, Monica Jakuc and I went to a Mass Audubon property in
Williamsburg MA to model a large charismatic pine that I dubbed the
Graves Farm pine. I had been told about it by a land conservationist who
thought the pine fully as impressive as any he'd seen at the William
Cullen Bryant homestead. The Graves Farm pine is an impressive 11.6 feet
CBH and 130 feet tall. It looks taller, but 130 was all I could get and
that seems to be in agreement with the growing conditions. The big pine
is no spring chicken. My best guess is an age of 200 years or more.
Perhaps 230 or 240. The modeling yielded a surprisingly low 553 cubes of
which 508 are trunk. This result is based on total of 26 diameter
readings. The regression model gives 604 cubes for trunk and limb
combination versus 553 cubes modeled. The conical model gives 499 cubes
for the trunk alone compared to the 508 for the full model.I would have
expected a value around 610 cubes. More work is needed. Fortunately, the
big tree is quite accessible.

     The relatively high R value obtained from the multiple linear
regression suggests that a really gee whiz model could be developed from
as few as 4 independent variables: height, DBH, diameter at 50 feet, and
diameter at 100 feet. Unfortunately the model could not be applied to
short trees nor to multi-stemmed trees.

       The lesson being learned (and relearned) from my often erratic
looking data is that a big tree needs to be modeled multiple times with
comparisons made to other big trees of the same general form. One cannot
do too much analysis. However, the use of commonsense should trump
results from applying exotic statistical models. If a number looks
fishy, chances are that it is, regardless of what kind of exotic
calculation produced it. Nonetheless, I think the regression model can
point to modelings that need to be revisited. Here is a case in point.

Tree               Full modeling    Regression          Trunk Modeled    Neloid-Conical Model   Diam at 80 ft

Mt. Tom HM        758                   869                       682                 919                          19.0

DB HM               804                    805                       748                  559                         30.6

       The Mount Tom hemlock slenders down rapidly and the Dunbar Brook
hemlock does not. It is a column. I need to remodel both trees. However,
adjacent measurements for both trees suggests the 19 inches is
reasonable as is the 30.6. Maybe the Mt. Tom tree is a little low and
the DB hemlock is a little high. Bring the DB hemlock down to 27 inches
and the total volume decreases to 779. Bring the Mt Tom up to 22 and the
volume increases to 744. The result is still in favor of the DB hemlock.

       So many trees to "remodel". So little time.
