Neil Pederson
  Sep 08, 2006 17:46 PDT 
Hi All,

I have finally put together Eastern OLDLIST v 1.0, a database for maximum
tree ages for species found in eastern North America as documented through
dendrochronological investigations. The database was triggered into action
by a discussion on the tree ring forum nearly one year ago.

Eastern OLDLIST is a 'franchise' of Peter Brown's OLDLIST. Currently it
has over 40 species and several species pages showing the geographical
distribution of old trees for certain species. I anticipate more numbers to
trickle in over the next few months. In fact, within a couple of hours of
announcing this list to the tree-ring forum late this afternoon, I received
two emails with new ages, one of which pushes the max black oak age up
another 8 yrs. I expect the documented age of black oak to increase rapidly
in the next few years. At any rate, a search through the International Tree
Ring Data Bank is not yet complete. So, these pages will continue to evolve
and grow through time. Please considering submitting ages
and pictures for old trees and forests.


I think we are a long way from getting really max ages on many species, 
esp. of those currently under 200 yrs. Of the 350 or so species in
eastern N.A., few have been studied sufficiently well enough to know max
age. Bigtooth aspen and Aesculus flava are two examples. Pages will grow as
submissions grow, esp. for species like cucumbertree.

Have a good weekend,