TOPIC: New concept for measuring tree height
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Date: Sat, Jun 14 2008 4:19 pm
From: dbhguru@comcast.net
What is our ENTS rule for measuring tree height? We find the highest
twig. We locate, as close as we can, the mid-slope position of the
base of the tree. We then measure the difference in elevation
between the two points. Since the base of most trees follows an
irregular path, we often locate the highest point that the tree
touches earth, the lowest point, and take an average of the two. In
this sense, the top point is a maximum and the low point is an
average. Why don't we compute a maximum height for a tree as the
height difference between the highest twig and the lowest spot on
the trunk where the there is a vertical path from that point up the
trunk as opposed to trunk/root flare? I'm just asking the question.
If we see reasons for calculating maximum limb length and/or maximum
crown spread as well as the customary average crown spread, then
maximum height we should be calculating maximum height in a way that
doesn't include averaging.
For important trees, I think we likely agree that ENTS should take a
number of measurements to describe a tree (as opposed to the
standard three) to include:
1. GBH
2. Girth just above the root swell (GRH?).
3. Maximum height
4. Maximum limb length
5. Maximum crown spread
6. Average crown spread.
If we are a glutton for punishment, we may also add:
7. Trunk volume
8. Limb volume
But whether we take all or just some of the above, are we clear on
the measurement protocals? For example, where do we establish the
tree's base, i.e. upslope, mid-slope, or lowest point of vertical
wood? Will Blozan and I are giving the question thought. Ed, I'm
sure you will have insightful comments to offer, as will others of
you. Of one thing I am sure, for ENTS purposes, if we suspect a
measurement rule is influenced by economic considerations, we should
move away from that rule. What we in ENTS seek is to capture the
whole tree. We can always take conventional measurements to satisfy
champion tree lists, but beyond that, where do we take the art of
tree measuring?
We have discussed conventions on measuring single and multi-stem
trees without a consensus. Maybe we can start simpler and agree on
what constitutes maximum tree height.
== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Jun 14 2008 4:40 pm
What constitutes maximum tree height?
The maximum distance between two horizontal planes, the first of
which barely touches the tallest twig/leaf/live plant part and the
second which bisects the trees root collar. Maximum tree height is
the least vertical distance between those two planes.
== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Jun 14 2008 5:14 pm
From: dbhguru@comcast.net
Yes, of course. Your definition is the one that we have followed and
I have long applied. I'm asking if the lower limit must be the plane
that bisects the root collar. If we can follow vertical wood to a
low point, would that not be the equivalent of finding the tip of
the highest twig? Just wondering.
== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Jun 14 2008 5:43 pm
Well, to really measure the full extent, the lowest root hair tip
would be definitive, but difficult to non-destructively measure...
The bottom measuring point is a bit messy...the root collar is not
always apparent to the untrained eye. The standard ENTS/midslope/where
the acorn was, is somewhat less subject to dispute...the average
between highest and lowest ground levels might work...
== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Jun 14 2008 5:59 pm
From: "Edward Frank"
I will have more to say about this after some thought. I your list I
would add crown thickens which would measure the height of the base
of the crown as well as the base of the tree, and I would like to
see some good way to estimate crown volume and density. Of the
calculations you list - I really see no purpose in measuring maximum
limb length nor maximum crown spread as these values do not seem to
have any real meaning. They are something that can be measured, but
why bother when they are do not tell you anything? They are just
numbers for the sake of measuring numbers.
The midslope of the base of the trunk seems reasonable place to
measure height, because that requires a minimum amount of
interpretation of where the root ends and the trunk begins, thus it
is a repeatable value and also it best fits with the basic where the
seed sprouted concept. It may fall short in cases where the trees
are growing on a nurse log or stump, but can still be applied.
Arguments can be made that the best point to measure is on the high
side of the slope, because this eliminates the problem of the
midpoint being below high side ground level when dealing with steep
slopes or really fat trees. -- this goes along with the idea that
the basic girth should be measured with respect to the same point as
the tree height --. It can be argued that the full height of the
trunk should be measured starting from where the base of trunk
extends farther downward on the low side of the slope. This is also
a reasonable argument. Any of these could be used we just need to be
consistent and choose one protocol to use to determine the base
point for height.
Ed Frank
== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Jun 14 2008 7:04 pm
From: "Steve Galehouse"
This is an interesting discussion, which to me means tree height vs.
length( a tree leaning over a slope may not have great height, but
well have a length longer than its height). To me it seems the
length of a
tree is as valid a measure as the height.
TOPIC: New concept for measuring tree height
== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Jun 14 2008 7:56 pm
From: "Edward Frank"
It would be a reasonable measure, but one thing if the tree is
leaning to the point that the length is much longer than the height,
it probably is not going to be standing for too long. Again I am not
sure what knowledge this measurement gains us. I know that in many
hardwoods the "trunk" ends at some point quite abruptly,
then from there a few smaller branches extend upward to form the
actual top or greatest height. This log length might be of interest,
even if the length was not vertical as an indication of size of the
trunk itself. For many conifers the trunk just continues to get
thinner and thinner until it forms the top as a continuous single
spire, those with broken crowns not withstanding. Tree length is
something to think about.
== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Jun 14 2008 9:02 pm
While everyone is dancing around length as a measure, presumably to
avoid the commercial aspect (logging), but any modeling would need
the length. It's easy to image a leaner, or sweeper, but my own
image hangs over a river and has a rope hanging from it...:>)
Ed's right though, anytime a trunk leans so much that it's
significantly longer than it is tall, it's likely to be fairly soon
that it falls.
== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Jun 14 2008 10:24 pm
From: "Edward Frank"
I visualize the trees as physical objects to be measured. I am not
tip-toeing around the commercial logging measures because I know
little of them and do not think in terms of logging measures. I
general what little I do know of these measures are not adequate for
what I am envisioning, and I really am not interested in the
commercial aspects of tree measurement. I am not denigrating
foresters and their skill sets. Foresters provide a valuable service
and have developed techniques designed for their needs. However, it
is not the perspective from which I am thinking,nor the perspective
from which I view an individual tree or forest, nor is it something
I wish to implement. I am not avoiding those commercial aspects of
tree measurement, I just don't think about them. They are a
non-factor that is neither being avoided nor embraced. Indifference,
rather than avoidance, so your base assumption is in error.
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Date: Sat, Jun 14 2008 10:38 pm
From: "Edward Frank"
Don, ENTS,
I should add that if I felt a measurement technique was of value, I
would adopt it, or encourage its adoption, regardless of the source,
whether it be from commercial forestry or tiddley-winks. So if you
have some forestry based measurements you find useful for individual
trees, or stand based measurements that you think ENTS should adopt,
please expound upon them. Useful techniques and measurements are
what I am interested in pursuing. The commercial aspects, not so
== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Jun 14 2008 11:10 pm
I wasn't referring to you in my what now appears to be a rather
oblique statement.
Forestry has little to add to accurate height measurement, but is
rather good at measuring in increments of 4, 8, 16 foot lengths. The
level of accuracy is usually in increments of sawblade widths (aka
saw kerf). But totally commercial.
But here's a question to ponder...for trees with significant sweep
or crook (essentially the pith describes an arc rather than a
straight line), how would you accurately measure their length? There
are essentially three uneven length arcs in lateral cross-section,
the pith describing the middle arc.
== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Jun 14 2008 11:44 pm
From: "Edward Frank"
If you accept the premise that the height of the tree is the
vertical distance between the top most twig and the base of the
tree,where the base point is defined as the point at which the seed
sprouted, then it would follow that the length of a tree would be
the length of the tree measured along the central pith of the trunk,
or the length of the limb as measured along the pith of the limb. I
would say the start position for the limb would ideally be the base
of the limb where it first sprouted from the side of the trunk, but
as that may now be buried somewhere in the trunk mass, and as
projecting the starting point of the limb to the central pith of the
trunk would add length of the radius of the trunk to the limb
length, the best compromise would be that the base of the limb for
limb length would be from the surface point the limb branched from
the trunk, or other limb.
Ed Frank
TOPIC: New concept for measuring tree height
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Date: Sun, Jun 15 2008 5:52 am
From: dbhguru@comcast.net
Ed, Steve,
Tree length as a concept becomes increasingly illusive when large
spreading trees with short, stout trunks are considered, such as the
huge live oaks that Larry measures. Straight lines for any distances
become rarities.
== 2 of 11 ==
Date: Sun, Jun 15 2008 6:06 am
From: "Will Blozan"
Ed, Steve, ENTS
Trunk length- straight and curved- is absolutely needed for trunk
wood/volume measurements. Some of the Tsuga Search hemlocks had
nearly 700
FEET of trunk wood measured in the course of volume modeling- and
figure is low due to the rather coarse resolution we used. The
current Usis
Hemlock Mapping Project will likely result in well over 1,000 feet
of trunks
measured- in a single tree.
Obviously, the complexity of these ancient hemlocks cannot be
captured by
height or volume alone. This is a great discussion and each persons
will be determined by the use of the information and the goals for
going to
the tree in the first place.

"Reiteration fountain", Cheoah Hemlock 3-31-2006
== 3 of 11 ==
Date: Sun, Jun 15 2008 6:24 am
From: "Will Blozan"
Seems to me a tree would be longer than it is tall only if it's lean
less than 45 degrees and it conformed to an idealized shape;
straight, no
errant vertical branches, etc. Sometimes the tip will be lower that
the root
collar. Can trees have negative height?
== 4 of 11 ==
Date: Sun, Jun 15 2008 2:50 pm
From: dbhguru@comcast.net
Excellent answer. If we are trying to capture the massiveness and
complexity of a large tree, be it a conifer or non-conifer, then the
set of common champion tree measurements will always fall short of
doing the job. I doubt that any of us on this list would disagree
with that statement. However, as you point out, even throwing in
volume calculations doesn't finish the job. We obviously have a ways
to go on trees such as Usis and the huge contorted live oaks that
Larry finds. Such complex forms as these giants illustrate our
current measuring shortfalls and our numerous discussions on what to
measure and the protocols to follow reveal the distance we have yet
to go. So the searching must continue.
In terms of the measurements we are currently taking, I agree with
Will. Our choices should acknowledge the use to which the
information is intended. We need to put more thought into the
concept of measuring tailored to clearly defined purposes. For
instance, there is a pin oak in Childs Memorial Park, Northampton
that has constricted crown growth due to the proximity of nearby
trees. A lower average crown spread results for the pin oak as a
predictable result of its restricted growing space. However, from
one vantage point, the crown spread of the oak is quite impressive
and greatly enhances the visual impact of the tree. The wide spread
in the particular direction combined with the oak's overall pleasing
symmetry maximizes the tree's aesthetic impact for attuned viewes.
As a consequence, the maximum crown spread as seen from the location
becomes relevant to convey the oak's aesthetic appeal as opposed to
ecological role. Maximum crown spread may be relevant for aesthetics
ould we seek to quantify that value system as Ed has suggested we do
in the past. Quantifying individual tree aesthetics is outside the
box for most of us, but we shouldn't shut the door to thinking about
it as a subject.
In my lead-off email to this thread, I suggested that we might want
to consider alternative definitions for maximum height. I didn't
intend to suggest that we should necessarily abandon older
standards. There are reasons to have them, one of which is for
comparison purposes to what we, ourselves, as well as others have
obtained for many, many trees. However, we shouldn't be constrained
by what others use as a definition for maximum height. But
regardless, we always need to be discussing our measuring
techniques, definitions, and priorities. This isn't engaging in
repetition for the sake of chatting and perpetuating ENTS
camaraderie. The biggest benefit that flows from continued tree
measuring discussions is the gradual expansion of the ENTS
collective tree consciousness, a consciousness that eventually takes
on many forms from the purely physical, to the aesthetic, to the
metaphysical, with the latter important for the measuring.
I hope we will agree to continue this discussion thread and explore
the multiple purposes to be served by our measuring mission as we
speak for the trees. In expanding our tree consciousness, we should
resolve never to constrain our thinking just to be compatible with
existing systems. As that resolve translates to tree measuring, we
can always take the measurements needed to have comparable data to
other systems, but we in ENTS should be heading in new directions.
I often think of the number of trees that Will Blozan has climbed
and modeled, yet he is constantly encountering surprises that cannot
be seen from the ground. His perception and understanding of the
tree as an amazingly adaptive organism, serving many ecological
purposes, is alway expanding.
== 5 of 11 ==
Date: Sun, Jun 15 2008 3:32 pm
I would think, along with Ed, that the crown dimension along with
total tree height would be a valuable figure...and it just takes one
quick clinometer reading in most cases. That would be height of
crown base (you're already getting spread and height of crown top).
Although my previous use would not be directed valued by ENTS (to
model fire spread through a forest, it's necessary to know what it's
burning through, ie, we could factor crown biomass from typical
species volumes, and forest species composition), but part of what
makes a tree magnificent is it's crown, and a measure of it's
dimension is reasonably obtained, objectively measured, and useful
for many other ecological concerns (bottom of crown may be due to
herbivory, ground fires, crown closure, etc.).
== 6 of 11 ==
Date: Sun, Jun 15 2008 3:53 pm
Any arc will be 'longer' than the straight line chord that would
connect each end.
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Date: Sun, Jun 15 2008 4:51 pm
From: dbhguru@comcast.net
Yes, I readily agree that measures of crown dimension are valuable
for ecological, aesthetic, and other reasons (fire management). With
my TruPulse 360, I now have many measurement possibilities open to
me, although I have explored next to none. I plan to get to them as
dendromorphometry takes shape beyond my talking about it.
== 11 of 11 ==
Date: Sun, Jun 15 2008 7:20 pm
For a variety of reasons (soil creep, overhanging older crowns,
etc.) a young tree may start out growing off of vertical. If the
perturbing force stabilizes, most trees will eventually seek a
vertical growth habit. For those of us faced with evaluating hazard
trees, we see that as a sign of self-correction, good health, and
we'll extend the monitoring duration for later returns.
But that gradual change from off vertical to vertical is called
sweep, and while usually not perfectly mathematically like an arc
(at least not for long), I suspect Bob has some forms in mind that
could mathematically describe 'sweep' in a tree. The fact that the
tree is bigger at the bottom and thins as it goes up is an added
complexityto model, but not insurmountable.