== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 11:24 pm
You've taken on a significant challenge, and made great headway!
Regarding measure of single-trunked trees, my thoughts follow:
It's a task that tradition has made simple, but has surprising
complexity. Trying to keep to the simple solution, your concern for
measuring those trees that aren't trees normally, but go beyond the
shrub status that the plant displays in its 'young-growth' habit has
brought you to suggest a 1.5 measuring height...I think, in the
belief of establishing a standard like 'dbh' has become.
It occurs to me that perhaps one of the reasons (outside of, 'well,
breast height is a convenient height to measure) that 'dbh' has
become the standard was how effective it was as a height for
measuring so many trees, above their butt swell.
TOPIC: Categorizing Tree Growth Habits
== 1 of 10 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 29 2007 6:11 am
From: "Gary A. Beluzo"
Just a few random thoughts that I had:
I know WHY we measure CBH at 4.5 feet above the point on the ground
where the "acorn dropped"; it is a pragmatic method with
based agenda so that folks cutting trees can determine lumber
etc. But what does it tell us ecologically or biologically other
the tree is "x feet around" at 4.5 feet?
Is it reasonable to measure ALL trees at 4.5 feet and make CBH the
standard ecologically? What about SEVERAL girth measurements done at
standard heights with standard methods?
ALso, what about a Girth taken at some % of the total height of the
tree? What would that tell us and would it be useful? I'll be
with some of these measurements over the next few months./
I am suggesting that since one of our primary objectives is to look
trees ecologically, that we really should go back to square one and
think about what measurements make the most sense from an ENTS
perspective. We have better measuring tools now so that we can take
number of measurements related to morphometry remote. So whyely, why
stick to the breast of some "forester meister" centuries
back in
Germany (wipe that smirk off your face, Will and Bob!)? I think as a
scientific arm of ENTS we need to really think about what
are important ECOLOGICALLY if we are going to redefine traditional
tree measurements (economically based, called mensuration) with tree
measurements that allow us to think about the tree in an ecological
way (I sugggested "dendromorphometry" 10 years ago to
indicate our
methods would be based on ecological not economic considerations).
For example, in dendromorphometry it makes no sense to talk about
trees in terms of "sawlogs" or distances in
"chains". These terms
have their place in forestry but not necessarily in forest ecology.
In any new discipline the "disciples" need to develop
frameworks, methods, and most importantly a clear and precise
vocabulary. I suggest we all think about what we ultimately want to
be able to do with the measurements we take and consider NEW METHODS
that we ought to be developing and promoting. Rucker Index is just
one example.
Obviously CBH, DBH, sawlogs, chains, and other forestry terms are
useful to foresters but as a fledgling organization trying to
the ECOLOGICAL understanding and value of trees we need to rethink
some of these ideas and eventually codify them into what I have
suggested as "ECOLOGICS". Not only will we be moving
toward a more
ecologically based understanding, modeling, and appreciation of
but also we can change the public image of people working in the
== 4 of 10 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 29 2007 7:28 am
From: ForestRuss@aol.com
I think that the premise that most DBH based volume measurement
systems has
an economic consideration at its core is valid. When trees are
measured for
timber purposes the form class (rate of taper) is based on the
change in
diameter between 4.5 feet and 16.5 feet. On very good sites the form
class can
be as high as 90 where the diameter of the tree at 16 feet is 90% of
volume at 4.5 feet and I think that 4.5 feet was selected as a
measurement point
because it is typically a point above the stump flare in most tree
As a relative comparison, in western Massachusetts it was common to
use a
form class of 65 or 67 on hemlock trees with an "ice cream cone
taper". Old
poplar in WV will often be tallied at FC 84 or 86
For comparison purposes a 20" DBH tree with 3 16 foot
logs....about 50 feet
of wood has a volume of 256 board feet in International Log Rule FC
67 and 492
board feet in FC 85...you can make the cubic foot comparisons but
they are
equally dramatic.
However, as many ENTS measurements have shown, older trees do not
taper as quickly as young trees and second growth trees.. this is
probably as
much a factor of time as anything else.
But, I think that measuring trees at ground level incorporates far
too many
potential errors. I have seen too many hardwood trees that had
stumps over 60" in diameter with an actual DBH of less than
30" to think that any
measurement scheme just based on stump or close to the ground
diameter is
full of potential errors.
A system that you are working on that uses lasers and takes into
account the
taper and diameter at various heights up the stem has significant
But...you are in danger of coming up with measurement protocol that
are much
more accurate than currently acceptable industry standards and to
Joe...I think real accuracy would bother the Holy Mother Church of
stump worship.
Russ Richardson
== 7 of 10 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 29 2007 12:07 pm
From: edfrank@comcast.net
Don, ENTS,
I typed the last message in the middle of the night as I could not
sleep. There was one point I wanted to make, but I guess I rambled
around it. A classification system is simply a first step in
organizing your information about a subject. It is not immutable and
set in stone. As the knowledge of a subject changes the bounderies
of you are studying, the categroies should adapt as well, to reflect
new knowedge gained through the study process. These are my first
pass categories.
I will think about what you have said concerning girth measurements.
I think girth is an important measure. It may not be am ideal representation
of size in every case, but it is a simple one to
measure (generally) and is methologically unambiguous in almost
every case. I don't see a better height at which to standardize the
measurements. The position makes it easy to measure, so the
measurement will be taken more often - that is a major
consideration. It is above the basal flair of many trees, but not
all, so that adds some irregularity to the data set.. Some trees
flair noticeably outward at heights up to 30 or more feet - thinking
bald cypress. Other trees reach heights only in the 20 to 40 foot
range - witch hazel, dogwood, etc. So while 30 feet might be good
for bald cypress, it would not be good for smaller trees. But there
should be some single standard to facilitate comparisons between
different trees.
Reducing the girth to a single measurement is problematic. However
4.5 feet is a reasonable compromise in my opinion, if a single
measurement is what you want to do. It has the additional merit of
having been a standard in use for decades or longer, and by
maintaining this measurement point, even if we would opt for
multiple measurements, it will allow us to make comparisons with a
large body of existing data. Thanks for your input and ideas, they
are worth considering.
Ed Frank
=== 9 of 10 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 29 2007 1:56 pm
From: dbhguru
Ed, Gary, et al:
There is a point here that needs to be made, or maybe reinforced.
I've made the point before, but am unsure what the rest of you
think. While measuring girth at 4.5 feet above mid-base may be a
good compromise, if all one is taking is one girth measurement,
there is absolutely no reason why ENTS should feel restrained to
limit our quantitative descriptions of the objects of our affection
to a single girth measurement. Nor should we avoid taking a girth
measurement at 4.5 feet for standardization and comparison purposes.
We just need to think more broadly and avoid sliding back into a
self-imposed limiting of ourselves for no good reason. Other
organizations indiciduals should be following us, not the other way
Picking up on Gary's theme, the point is that we need to think about
what other girth measurements we want to take and toward what
purposes. After we've done a through job of anlyzing the
possibilities, we need to develop a standard ENTS protocal to record
measurements of important trees for posterity. On the girth
question, from my viewpoint, we add considerable information about
the tree by measuring the girth just above the root flare, wherever
that is. Root flare and the subsequent taper is part of the tree.
Folks, trees don't somehow become suddenly universally, across the
board, comparable at 4.5 feet. That notion is manifestly absurd and
always has been. It tends to gain credibility when trees of the same
species and shape class are compared. Plantation trees fit the mold
very well, but the live oak giants that Larry measures and dwarf
trees don't. Very short trees such as the dwarf pitch pines growing
on Mount Everett's summit need to be measured very close to the grou
nd. One foot is plenty high, if not too high. Eight inches would be
about right on many of the trees. Perhaps a measurement at 0.75 and
1.5 feet to capture more of the taper.
I think it is time to develop a spreadsheet type layout of the kinds
of measurements we want to take and toward what programs,
objectives, or purposes. This would take us into entirely new and
exciting directions. It would likely result in some new formulas and
processes, but that is what ENTS and dendromorphometry is all about.
In short, folks, we need to take the stuff we're doing seriously and
not see it as peripheral to some simpler purpose such as supporting
champion tree programs. We can, and should, do that, but there are
far nobler objectives to pursue and ENTS is THE organization in the
East to pursue them. Some will lead to formal scientific studies
headed by folks like Drs. Lee Frelich, Don Bragg, Tom Diggins, and
Professor Gary Beluzo. Others will be part of site or species
I plan to create a summary of all the formulas that I've been
deluging the list with s of late . The summary will be in a
spreadsheet layout. Hopefully, some of my fellow ENTS will then help
me take this mathematical pursuit of tree architecture to new and
glorious heights, identfying and prioritizing potential
applications. I don't mind doing much of the theoretical
development, but I would hate to see dendromorphometry languish or
fall within the province of no more than 3 or 4 of us, with the
remainder of the ENTS measurers limiting themselves to full tree
height, girth at 4.5 feet, and some stab at average crown spread.
Talk about a waste of talent.
== 10 of 10 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 29 2007 2:33 pm
Hey, we've all got clinometers with us, so how about taking DBH and
then bole angle at BH from a subjective but representative point at
BH so that the taper can be inferred from the data table?
Paul J.
TOPIC: Categorizing Tree Growth Habits
== 1 of 11 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 29 2007 4:50 pm
From: doug bidlack
I think that Ed has brought up a great topic and I've
really enjoyed reading the responses. I basically
agree with what Ed has written regarding tree forms,
but I mostly wanted to comment on tree measurement.
I've also had some problems with girth at 4.5'. Here's an example: I go to a nice, open grown state
champion white oak and it is just a wonderfully
symmetrical tree with no strange growths or very low
branching. Perfect. So I measure dbh at 4.5'. But
then I come upon another state champion white oak with
a massive burl that greatly exaggerates the girth at 4.5'...ug. Then there is another with a giant limb
growing at 5' so that the girth at 4.5' is also way
high. I don't really have a big problem with 4.5' as
the standard height for measuring girth for all the
reasons that Ed mentioned, but you definitely cannot
measure the tree with the giant burl at 4.5' and say
that that is an adequate comparison to the tree with
no burl. Same goes with the low branched tree...if
you measure it at its smallest girth below the branch
(lets say it is 3') then you can't really compare this
to the high branched tree measured at 4.5'. I have
been visiting many of the state champion white oaks,
bur oaks and swamp white oaks. I eventually plan to
measure them all at the end of the same year. I was
planning to take several girth measurements so that I
could estimate what the burl tree should measure at
4.5' if it didn't have the burl...or I could estimate
the cbh at 4.5' of the low branched tree. Then I
could make better comparisons. Of course if one tree
is forest grown with little taper for quite a ways up
I can't really compare this to an open grown tree
anyway. This will have to await some magical formulas
from Bob so that I (or someone else) might be able to
come up with a good estimate of volume for each of
these tree species regardless of their shape. This
will probably require a heck of a lot of measurements.
I think that for the time being, and probably well
into the future, 4.5' should remain the standard. We
should be able to take measurements at other heights
and then estimate what the girth would be at 4.5' on
an 'idealized' tree. With enough measurements, we
might then be able to toss the 4.5' feet standard for
at least some trees, but this will take a long time. I try to measure every tree that I've planted every
year. With some of the smaller trees I've begun
measuring girth at a couple or more heights, but I
won't drop the 4.5' height for at least a decade or
more. If I did, there would be no basis for
comparison with past measurements. That would be
foolish in my opinion.
== 2 of 11 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 29 2007 4:54 pm
From: dbhguru
We would have to take into account lean, if there is some, as well
as taper. It could get tricky.
== 3 of 11 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 29 2007 5:13 pm
From: "Will Blozan"
The method Jess and I use is the same as Colby's stick method- we
just use a
clinometer instead. We identify "high side" ground first.
This is the point
where the uppermost part of the trunk flair contacts the ground
litter layer). This elevation is transferred to the opposing side
(downslope) with a clinometer held with eye level the same as high
ground. This spot is marked by an assistant and/or a thumbtack.
Ideally it
should be transferred to a spot above "low side" ground.
The distance from
low side ground (same as high side only on the low side) to the tack
split in half. This is midslope, and all subsequent measurements are
in reference to this spot (likewise marked with a tack). The tack
can be
left in "permanently" so the tree can be measured in the
same spot the next

Note that the points of high side and low side ground are usually
directly above each other in a vertical plane. This is not a problem
dividing the distance in half will still be valid. However, when
UP from the midslope the tape must be vertical- not on a slope. This
can be
a pain on large trees so once midslope is identified the point can
transferred via clinometer to a convenient side or the vertical
simply subtracted from 4.5 feet relative to high side ground. For
if the grade difference between high and low side is 32", then
to measure at
DBH just subtract 16" (32"/2) from 54" (BH) above
high side ground and find
that spot on the uphill side. Also note that we do not trace roots
out- just
the lowest spot adjacent to the trunk.
I hope the diagram below makes it thru undistorted.
== 4 of 11 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 29 2007 5:25 pm
My experience matches up well with Dougs...never in the years since
I started working in the woods in the 60s did I encounter the
perfectly symmetrical tree. They're like fingerprints, they're all
different, and they're all similar. Similar enough that over a large
population, one could eventually arrive at standards that stood up
well to the population's diversity. I believe that to be one of the
reasons why dbh is taken at 4.5 feet...that height across the whole
population does well. Are there exceptions? Of course, it's not a
perfect world and lord aren't we glad...Bob wouldn't have had such a
character laden, humorous nickname, had perfectly conical trees been
perfected through genetic modification...
There's a lot of resistance in the baseball world to recognizing
Barry Bonds records with an asterisk, because sullies the records,
and there are negative connotations...but could we not
establish/accept a standard and then asterisk it, for further
elaboration of measurement accuracy/inaccuracy/anomaly?
== 5 of 11 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 29 2007 5:30 pm
From: dbhguru
If there is a burl at 4.5 feet, but clear trunk above and below, you
could use an interpolated girth or diameter. For the benefit of all,
I present the interpolation process below.
d1 = diameter at a point below the obstruction
d2 = diameter at a point above the obstruction
h0 = height (vertical distance) from d1 to d2
h1 = height (vertical distance) from d1 to obstruction
h2 = height (vertical distance) from obstruction to d2
d = interpolated diameter at obstruction
d = d1 - [(d1 - d2)/h0]*h1
This formula assumes that d1 > d2. If d2>d1 then
d = d2 - [(d2-d1)/h0]*h2
== 8 of 11 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 29 2007 5:38 pm
From: dbhguru
Yes, we can develop multiple standards and asterisk the exceptions.
That's the way to do it, so long as important measurements that
don't fit the standard are not ignored in some mistaken belief that
we can only record at the standard points. We now need to decide
what we want to standardize. Ideas?
== 10 of 11 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 29 2007 6:19 pm
From: edfrank@comcast.net
There can be, and perhaps there should be, different methodologies
for documenting an individual tree versus documenting a population
of trees. I like the 4.5 feet standard as a fair approximation for
looking at different populations of trees.
== 11 of 11 ==
Date: Thurs, Nov 29 2007 6:55 pm
From: "Gary A. Beluzo"
Doug, et al
This may be one reason why Bobby Leverett is so fixated on VOLUME.
Volume may be the only reasonable way to compare whole trees
quantitatively. Then the bulges and anomalous architecture doesn't
matter...quantitatively. However, when we humans appreciate a tree
visually there are certain dimensions that immediately speak
"large" or "big" or "symmetry" to us
and that is why I think ENTS needs to develop both quantitative and
qualitative methods. What might the qualitative standards be? Well
for starters how about a standardized way of presenting tree
architecture with digital imagery?
TOPIC: Categorizing Tree Growth Habits
== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 5:29 am
From: "Gary A. Beluzo"
Good Morning Ed and other fellow Ents,
So, if you had no knowledge of the 4.5 feet standard, where and how
would you compare the architecture of trees? Would you really start
with a measurement at breast (whose breast anyway?) height? I only
ask this because of ENTS is going to be the premiere group to whom
others look to for methods of tree and forest ecology, I want to
make sure we aren't making measurements a certain way because
"that's the way it has always been done for forestry (agenda=
economics). I am asking that we take a bold, independent, objective
look at the methods that we have inherited.
This whole discussion is analogous to discussing religion with my
neighbors. They try to proselytize me and when I try to have an
open, non-judgemental, exploratory discussion with them they suddenly
get VERY defensive; the religious dogma to which they have aligned
their lives is immutable and non-evolving. I am not suggesting that
that is happening here only that we should not stymie open, reasoned
discourse about any of the methods we employ or concepts we accede
I guess I am bringing up this whole topic because when I read the
"forestry" books I realize that many of the methods were
developed specifically for assessing and improving the economic
value of the forest. I think as a society we are moving beyond that
limited perspective and perhaps it is time for a non-forestry group
(myself and whomever else is coming from a purely ecological
perspective (remember "silvics" and "ecologics")
to take a fresh look at non-forestry assessment of forests and
I am NOT suggesting that we need to throw out all of the traditional
(remember they are specifically forestry oriented though) methods
without consideration just to make up our own. This would be
capricious and arrogant on our part. No, we need to have an open
dialog from many perspectives including forestry and non-forestry
Incidentally, I am using the limited capitalization for emphasis not
to holler...if you can suggest a better way to emphasize words
without the benefit of vocal inflection, please do. Perhaps we could
use italics or bold?
Most humbly submitted,
Gary A. Beluzo
Professor of Environmental Science/GIS
Division of Science, Engineering, and Mathematics
Holyoke Community College
Holyoke, MA 01040
== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 6:59 am
From: edfrank@comcast.net
Like I said before, I need to think about your ideas some more. You
ask what height would I measure the girth if I did not know about
the 4.5 feet standard. The problem is I do know abut it and am
reluctant to throw out the data that has been collected at that
I don't think a single height would be definitive for measuring
girth, but would opt for girths at several heights. I am sure that
one of them would be close to 4.5 feet. These girth measurement
heights are for the most part arbitrary, and so selecting a
convenient measuring height would be reasonable among a series of arbitrary
heights. I am still in the process of thinking about this,
so I may change my opinion with more thought. Keep pushing for your
== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 7:31 am
From: Larry
ENTS, I think in my future Live Oak measurements, I will stay with
the 4.5' CBH standard, but I will also start measuring at ground
level. Live Oaks Trunks are often way larger above 4.5', on the
average most single trucked trees don't fork until 10-15'. So
with the standard in this case seems to me logical. However with the
Split trunks it is a different ball game. I really enjoy doing this
and we keep sending um' in. Larry
== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 7:53 am
From: Elisa Campbell
Hi all,
Gary asked about non-shouting methods for emphasis; how about
around the *word* or *words*? I believe it has worked for me and it
(I hope) easily translatable for those getting digests ...
== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 7:57 am
From: "Gary A. Beluzo"
Sounds good, thank you.
TOPIC: Categorizing Tree Growth Habits
== 1 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 8:57 am
From: doug bidlack
I completely agree. I really think that the American
Forests big tree system of points is just a quick and
dirty method of estimating volume. Maybe I'm wrong
about this. Anyway, we all know that it doesn't work
all that well. I'm very interested in what Bob and
others are doing in terms of modeling trees, but if it
takes a whole day to come up with a good estimate of
the volume of a single tree, will anyone use it? If I
wanted to know the total volume of sugar maples in the
Porcupine Mountains SP within one year, how would I do
this? We need different methods of measuring tree
volumes for different purposes.
== 2 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 11:00 am
It's pretty clear that there are two different considerations
here...one, very accurate and precise measurement of exceptional (in
every way) trees, or reasonably (economically reasonable, or as Gary
might pen, eco-reasonable-nomics) accurately and precisely measured
stands of trees.
It's also clear that to measure exceptional trees with just a D-tape
and clinometer is not reasonable.
But from my perspective, it would be folly not to take a dbh/cbh
while modeling a tree with hundreds of other measurements, an
exercise in hubris, at best...now I'll stand back, while I get
== 3 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 12:30 pm
From: dbhguru
You are right on target. We're working on highly detailed methods of
modeling and also quick and dirty ones. There will be lots of
species specific stuff, but it will be able to be applied quickly.
== 4 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 12:35 pm
From: dbhguru
No risk of you getting flamed. If you all recall, I put forth a
formula that works for young to mature white pine that uses 3 easy
to take measurements: girth at just above the root collar, girth at
4.5 feet and full height. I'm working on both the detailed and the
quick and dirty.
== 5 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 2:04 pm
From: doug bidlack
Cool. I'm glad you're working on both. The reason I
brought up the 'porkies' is that I'm actually thinking
about taking off a month next year to measure trees up
there. I haven't run this idea by Ellen (my wife)
yet. As for my boss, he is actually for me taking off
a month...of unpaid leave that is. We are not hurting
financially and we don't have any kids, but Ellen
might not see it that way. I was thinking about using
the quickest possible method to get rough estimates on
tree size for each species first and then go back and
more accurately and precisely measure the contenders
== 6 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 3:14 pm
Just a quick response to be followed up later...I know we've
discussed this before, but maybe this is the time to formalize why
cbh has to ENTS' ears, a more authentic ring then dbh? After all, no
significant accuracy is lost using appropriate decimal
representation of Pi...
Noting many photos taken of individuals taking the circumference,
not all take the time to obtain accurate cbh's...whether a tree's
"centerline" or pith line is a straight line or a curved
line, the circumference should, IMNHO, be taken perpendicular to the
line or 'chord', to be accurate...I liked the diagram Will put
together to discribe how he determined where the h in cbh is
taken...there should be somebody taking care that the D-tape is as
accurately placed around the trees girth.
Gotta run, more later.
From: dbhguruTo: entstrees@googlegroups.comSubject: [ENTS]
Re: Categorizing Tree Growth HabitsDate: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 01:30:14
If there is a burl at 4.5 feet, but clear trunk above and below, you
could use an interpolated girth or diameter. For the benefit of all,
I present the interpolation process below.
d1 = diameter at a point below the obstruction
d2 = diameter at a point above the obstruction
h0 = height (vertical distance) from d1 to d2
h1 = height (vertical distance) from d1 to obstruction
h2 = height (vertical distance) from obstruction to d2
d = interpolated diameter at obstruction
d = d1 - [(d1 - d2)/h0]*h1
This formula assumes that d1 > d2. If d2>d1 then
d = d2 - [(d2-d1)/h0]*h2
== 8 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 3:46 pm
From: edfrank@comcast.net
I want to address this question. Diameter is not used because a
d-tape doesn't measure diameter. It measures the girth of the tree
and divides it by pi. Unless the tree is perfectly round, then the
d-tape gives a diameter does not represent the maximum diameter
along the major axis of the tree, the minimum diameter along a minor
axis of the tree, nor does it provide even the average diameter of
typical tree. You get a value that all you can say for it is
"this is the approximate diameter of the tree give or take 10
to 20% (or more)." By measuring the girth of a tree, you have a
simple physical value - this is how big around the tree is. The tree
is that big around, no matter its cross-section shape. By introducing
the factor of pi into the diameter tape readings, you are making an
interpretation, an assumption that the tree is round. That is simply
not true. We do convert girths or diameters measured with a reticle
to radii, and other values, with that hidden assumption
of roundness, but there is no good reason to incorporate that error
into the simple tabulation of tree measurements. Girth is a physical
measurement of a tree, while diameter is an approximate
interpretation of that measurement.
Ed Frank
TOPIC: Categorizing Tree Growth Habits
== 1 of 16 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 4:13 pm
I share your opinions!
"However, as many ENTS measurements have shown, older trees do
not normally taper as quickly as young trees and second growth
trees.. this is probably as much a factor of time as anything
I got to thinking about this...it's true as long as you are
considering the last addition of cambium. What do I mean? Say we're
talking about a 275 year old sugar maple...that 275th layer of
cambium DOES exhibit less taper than second-growth or younger trees.
But does that same 275 year old sugar maple's 112th layer of cambium
necessarily have less taper?
Or another way to ask this question...could it be that successive
layerings of cambium, by the time you're talking several hundreds,
'average' the taper? If one were to take a fallen 275 year old
maple, make successive 2 inch cookies out of the trunk, measure the
distances accurately between rings, plot those distances on a graph,
would that tree 112th growth ring graph out as having more or less
taper than the exterior 275th one?
== 2 of 16 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 4:24 pm
Hmmm...I think I could make a pretty good argument for the D-Tape
"most" accurately measuring the "average
diameter" for a more or less standard shape tree. But I see
your point, circumference is circumference is circumference (or
But the very second that you do any mathematical operation to obtain
area or volume with circumference, the conversion to diameter is
implicit, is it not?
== 3 of 16 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 4:36 pm
A few random thoughts follow...
While going back to square one, and looking at trees ecologically
(which without getting too defensive,
I have done for years, even as a forester...;>), one of the first
realizations is that they are part of the community, part of the
ecosystem, and 'what part' needs to be one of the basic items to
Presence, absence, and such descriptors certainly have their place,
along with 3 dimensional considerations such as canopy and crown
But size matters, if only to allude to the amount of
space/sunlight/nutrition/etc. a plant takes up, out of the whole
community. How we measure size can vary, but arithmetic formulas
allow us to make judgments about the entire plant, that would
otherwise be impractical to 100% sample/model all the plants. Most
arithmetic formulas used for determining area involve circumference
(and to add 'dimension' to that area, diameter). Diameter is not
just an economics-driven measurement...
== 4 of 16 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 4:42 pm
Just a quick random thought!
You're taking a lot of measurements, and a lot of care to obtain
accurate volume determinations.
Of course that goes without saying...but by accepting dbh/cbh and
the under 12 foot tree variation on that, for determining volume,
are you not eliminating the very largest per lineal inch of height
volume, which falls below these measurements (4.5 or 1.5 feet
== 5 of 16 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 4:44 pm
From: dbhguru
My research to date strongly supports the following model for young
and mature (but not old growth) white and red pines and eastern
hemlocks. Compute the average of the cross-sectional areas at root
collar and at 4.5 feet. Take the full height of the tree. Calculate
the trunk volume as that of a cone with the tree's full height and
its base equal to average identified above. This can be reduced to
taking the two girths and shooting the height with just a clinometer
and putting the 3 measurements into an Excel spreadsheet. I could
create the spreadsheet for you. The above formula applies fairly
well to straight-trunked, narrow-crowned hardwoods. Old growth
specimens are real mavericks and don't fit the mold. More research
to do there.
== 6 of 16 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 5:20 pm
From: edfrank@comcast.net
Actually for any shape that is not perfectly round the area of the
tree cross-section as outlined by the d-tape will be less than the
area indicated by dividing the measured girth by 2 pi to obtain a
radius and using the formula area = pi r^2 So a d-tape ALWAYS
overestimates the effective or average diameter of the tree.
Yes you are correct that any time you do a conversion to
cross-section area or volume the conversion is implicit. Bob and
Will and the others doing volume measurements are wrestling with the
problem of out of round trees - but again with the reticle they are
measuring the actual diameter perpendicular to the line of vision
rather than girth. In many trees the difference is not as great as
10% like I used in the example, but smaller. While in others that
difference is close to the truth. Think of a ~9 ft diameter tree,
one axis is 8 feet, the other axis is 10 feet. that is about 10%
difference from the median value and 20% between the two extremes.
This degree of being out of round is not uncommon. I don't know how
to fix it.
== 9 of 16 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 6:30 pm
From: dbhguru
The conversion to diameter is implicit unless you go for elliptical
or some exotic form.
== 11 of 16 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 6:37 pm
From: dbhguru
The initial fix that Will and I attempted to implement was that of
an elliptical cross-section. Of course, the shape possibilities are
endless, but at least having the elliptical option open put us one
rung higher on the ladder.
== 13 of 16 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 7:22 pm
there's a big tree on a steep hillside.
you're standing just uphill of it, with your feet on the lush moss
covering it's roots, toes waggling up against what could be the root
you've measured its circumference from your toes, up, every 6
inches, all the way to its tippytop, and modeled its volume with the
satisfaction that you're within a tight range of error, due to the
excess care you've taken, every step of the way.
did you measure what portion of the tree that lies below your toes?
this would be visually a diagonal slice of the, hmmm, frustrum (?)
== 16 of 16 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 7:40 pm
So given a set of trees whose cross-section is symmetrically
paraboloid, a set of tree calipers would be more accurate measure of
cross-sectional area than either the diameter or the girth (as
measured by a D-tape)?
TOPIC: Categorizing Tree Growth Habits
== 1 of 12 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 7:47 pm
From: edfrank@comcast.net
Yes a series of diameters measured by calipers would do a better job
than a tape for determining cross-sectional area.
== 2 of 12 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 7:48 pm
But do either circumference nor girth provide you with a measure of
'ellipticality', any more accurately than does diameter?
== 3 of 12 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 7:52 pm
From: edfrank@comcast.net
I am not sure what exactly symmetrically paraboloid means... When
they did the volume measurements on the Middleton Oak, and the giant
trees Bob Van Pelt measure in the west. They do a detailed map of
the footprint of the tree at the ground. This is similar to the
calier concept. (If you were doing this you also would be measuring
the volume of the wood on the lower side of a steep slope)
== 5 of 12 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 7:59 pm
Last thought for the evening...I'm comfortable with use of
circumference/girth versus diameter...just wasn't able to verbalize
why ENTS chose to record circumference.
If the measure of a trees estimated diameter is needed, it can be
calculated from circumference/girth.
== 6 of 12 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 8:06 pm
From: dbhguru
No. We measure that diagonal slice separately as a part of some kind
of frustum.
== 7 of 12 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 8:10 pm
From: dbhguru
Do you mean symmetrically elliptical? If so, the answer would be
that the calipers would do a better job.
== 8 of 12 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 8:19 pm
From: dbhguru
We have to take two thickness measures 90 degrees a part. The
cross-sectional area is:
A = pi*a*b if a and b are semi-major axes (half the thicknesss).
== 9 of 12 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 8:25 pm
From: dbhguru
Circumference was chosen because it is used in the American Forests
champion tree formula and because lots of people have a regular tape
as opposed to a D-Tape. Conversion to diameter when needed was just
a simple division by pi.
== 10 of 12 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 9:09 pm
From: doug bidlack
That sounds great, but I must admit that I'm not
exactly sure about how to make the measurement at the
root collar.
== 11 of 12 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 9:41 pm
From: edfrank@comcast.net
I have been thinking about your question - essentially what would be
the best process to measure trees in terms of ecologic importance.
With regard to girth, I can't think of a good answer. Girth is a
useful measure because it is unambiguous and does allow comparisons
of size between trees. Cross-sectional area of trees in a given
geographical area- say an acre provides information about stand
density and distribution. Girth is a rough proxy along with height
for volume - you know a fat tall tree has a large volume just by
looking at it. So it serves as a kind of filter to decide what trees
should be further documented. In a given area girth serves as proxy
for age - in the same environment in the same area fatter trees are
usually older than skinny trees. To me if you are going to reduce
this parameter down to a single measurement - one that people will
take - 4.5 feet seems as good of a point as any. Multiple
measurements would be better, but...
What are you thinking about in terms of ecologic measurements? Even
if your ideas are not fully developed we can discuss some specifics
if I know, or other ENTS can have a glimpse of what you are
Ed Frank
== 12 of 12 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 11:28 pm
From: dbhguru
The point is not precise, but can usually be seen as a point of
inflection where curvature changes. It is not at the same height as
one moves from tree to tree. Since this is an approximation of
volume, you could standardize at around 1.75 feet to simplify
matters on trees without a clear root collar.
TOPIC: Categorizing Tree Growth Habits
== 2 of 10 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 5:42 am
From: ForestRuss@aol.com
I think that two things take place as the trees get older.
I do not think I have ever seen growth rings in the upper stem of a
tree as
wide as the ones closest to the stump.
That being said, the growth of the upper stems tends to be
consistent and I really think that over a hundred years, or more
depending upon
species, things average out to the point where the taper becomes
Once you get into really old versions of some of the longer lived
the last 50 years diameter growth can sometimes be completely
identical at
stump height and 100 feet from the ground. I'm not certain but it
seems that the
longer such growth characteristics persist the less significant
twenty or
thirty years of rapid, juvenile growth can become.
== 3 of 10 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 6:33 am
From: dbhguru
I have long recognized that the idealization of tree form to include
circularity of trunk and the presumed paraboloid form for 16-ft log
lengths has been for convenience and efficiency in the forestry
world. But, the amount of error introduced by the need for
efficiency varies significantly from very little to moderate and on
occasion substantial. Though it is just my personal feeling, I think
those at the professorial level believe that the errors, whatever
their source, average out when large numbers of trees are involved.
I have my doubts. I also believe that ordinary users of standard
models and conventions forget, or are unaware of what trade-offs are
being made. Lee Frelich once gave me an example of an outwardly
appearing proper scientific study done by ecologists, I think, that
used diameter as a predictor of tree height. Man, that is about as
lame as it gets. I think the slipshod thinking of the authors made
Lee a little ill.
Forestry and forest ecology alike take liberties and shortcuts when
dealing with tree form. I would bet that in the majority of cases at
the journey-man level the perpetrators are unaware of the sources
and magnitudes of their errors. ENTS is going to begin addressing
this unawareness. A study undertaken by Lee, Don Bragg, Will, and
myself will quantify the error in measuring tree height that accrues
from using only a clinomter and tape measure. The results will be
partly species specific. I can tell you already that the magnitude
of the error is correlated to closeness to the tree( short vs long
baselines), tree age, growing conditions (open-growned vs forest
shape), and species. For example, the error is minimal for many
species of conifers that are young to mature. The unruly old growth
forms result in more significant error. Some hardwood species result
in significant error for open-grown forms. This study when complete
will be the most thorough assessment of error as a product of the method of measurement.
== 4 of 10 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 7:29 am
From: "Gary A. Beluzo"
Bob, Don and Ed,
I agree entirely with CBH. In limnology I calculate the Shoreline
Index which is comparing the perimeter of the lake ("dbh"
definitely work with most lakes) to a lake with the same area but a
perfect circle. The equation yields an index which describes the
degree of shoreline development or development AWAY from a circle.
This has important implications for nutrient input, lake metabolism,
etc. So, I am wondering if this index would be a useful index to
ENTS, I think it might. (Bobby is going to love this, there are lots
of potential uses in volume and other modeling).
This would be the procedure:
Determine x-sectional area (A) of the tree at some height using
framework method
Determine actual girth at that height (e.g. Girth at Breast Height)
with tape measure
Plug numbers in the following equation:
DD(4.5)i= GBH/2PiA
DD(4.5)i = Index of Dendricity (new term for ENTS) at height 4.5
(but could be used at any height on the tree, maybe use at
GBH= Girth at Breast Height
Pi= Value for Pi
A= The actual x-sectional area of the tree at some height (in this
case 4.5 feet)
Essentially what the equation does is to compare the actual girth to
calculated girth (circumference) of a perfect circle with equal
If the tree's x-section is a perfect circle then the DD(4.5)i would
be 1
As the tree's x-section moves toward more and more dendricity the
index climbs.
Whatcha think Bobby?
== 5 of 10 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 7:36 am
From: "Gary A. Beluzo"
I respect and value both your ecological and silvicultural
experience. And yes size does matter for many calculations and
considerations. If diameter is not "economically" driven
then why was
it originally chosen since the actual empirical measurement is
I suspect because it may be used to estimate the volume of potential
lumber, etc.
I am not suggesting that we leave all forestry measurements behind.
What I am suggesting is that ENTS as an ecological group consider
measurements are useful for ecology and which are simply used
loggers were the original folks making measurements in the forest
no one has taken the time to examine these for the ecological
Please understand that I am *not* putting down the forestry
for which I have great respect. But, we should all be open to
critical discussion of what we do and what we want to do.
== 6 of 10 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 7:37 am
From: "Gary A. Beluzo"
I agree and that is why Bobby was proposing that we more carefully
consider the measurements below 4.5 feet.
== 7 of 10 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 7:39 am
From: "Gary A. Beluzo"
Please consider my Index of Dendricity in an earlier email. This may
the beginning of a way out.
== 8 of 10 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 7:40 am
From: "Gary A. Beluzo"
Ed and Don,
I think for practical purposes and especially for very large trees.
Will's frame method is probably the best way to go.
== 9 of 10 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 8:14 am
From: "Will Blozan"
Here some examples of the frame mapping results of the Yonaguska
The equivalent circumference is listed. Note the section at 73.25
feet above
the ground- over 65 inches across!
== 10 of 10 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 9:42 am
From: "Gary A. Beluzo"
I'll play around with these in my Excel spreadsheet and GIS modeling
program. You are on to something here!
TOPIC: Categorizing Tree Growth Habits
== 1 of 15 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 10:56 am
From: ForestRuss@aol.com
I think that there is no other way that will ever be developed that
more accurately quantify size than volume measurements in cubic feet
or cubic
meters. Height measurements aside the cubic foot volume is an amount
we can
all personally touch and imagine and....cubuc foot volume does not
have a major
function in forester.
that being said...form old time forestry lore I remember that
although a
cord of wood cut and stacked up is 4'x4'x8' or 128 cubic feet. A
cord in volume
is about 83 cubic feet of solid wood. A cord of wood is also
determined to
be approximately 500 board feet... so...maiking a short story a
longer...every time I read about a 1000 cubic foot tree I think
about how much
error there can be when you take the air out of cords....it is
almost 35%....but
imagining a 1000 cubic foot tree always tells me its a whopper.
== 2 of 15 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 2:21 pm
From: dbhguru
Indeed 1000-ft cubers are huge trees. When they are conifers,
1000-cubers are special trees. When they are white pines, they are
truly exceptional.
There are perhaps 3 giant sycamores in Western Massachusetts that
exceed 2,000 cubes. The Sunderland Sycamore is probably around 2,500
== 3 of 15 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 7:40 pm
What, you don't wanna carry calipers capable of measuring
80-120" CBH trees into the woods? I'm not familiar with
Will's frame method...any descriptions already out there?
- BDon
== 4 of 15 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 7:45 pm
The more measurements the merrier, especially when modeling...the
question I've tried to ask unsuccessfully several times is "how
is the 'stump part' measured, when on a side hill"? Per Will's
diagram of a tree on the hill, it would be easy to assume that no
measure is being made of the portion below the ground level on the
upper side of the tree, yet that may be significant, within the
context of desired accuracy...
== 5 of 15 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 7:57 pm
Re diameter/economically driven, it may be even simpler than
that...what measure of the tree do you see in two dimension (say in
a photo of a tree)? It's the diameter you see...intrinsically you
would estimate its diameter, and only after a rough calculation
would you be able to estimate circumference, or girth from a
As a timber marker (yes, I understand the economic aspect...;>),
I got very good at estimating a tree's diameter (especially in the
range of tree sizes I would normally encounter), and it would said
of those like me, that they "had a good eye"...placing a
tree in a 2 inch diameter class was easy...getting it less than
1" off, required more inspection and more experience, but we
markers strove for that.
Re 'open mind', I'm all for it...I do have to say that it was hard
not to feel set upon, or that "the old ways" were being
thrown out, just for the sake of establishing a new clean jargon.
From my perspective over the years and across different disciplines,
I think there is way too much of that...but that just goes to show
where I fit on the OF (old fart) continuum,,,:>}
== 6 of 15 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 8:12 pm
I like your concept of 'dendricity', and it has widespread
From a practical standpoint, the D-tape will provide you with a
measure of the circumference (presuming a circular cross-section),
and a D-tape will measure a tree with a shape is other than circle
(and call it girth), but unless you perceive that the tree is out of
round, you won't "know" the "how much
Sorry to have such a hard time getting my mind around these fairly
simple concepts...I had a hard time with 'basal area' too...;>)
== 7 of 15 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 8:17 pm
From: James Parton
Don, Bob, Will,
In a simpler way I have wondered about this while doing CBH
measurements. When a tree is on a hillside & you are standing
downslope of it, like on a trail, where is it best to measure it?
From the downslope, or must you climb up behind the tree &
measure it
there? It sounds like a lame question but when 4.5ft on one side of
the tree is further from the ground than the other side is, it makes
you wonder.
James Parton.
== 8 of 15 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 8:26 pm
From: dbhguru
The only part of the tree we measure is the part that is visible. We
can't measure what we can't see.
== 9 of 15 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 8:28 pm
Three quick comment here...even more prone to poor prediction is the
relationship between diameter and age...but that doesn't necessarily
impart any particular evil to the measuring of 'diameter'.
Re 'liberties and shortcuts', that's absolutely economics in
action...everything about measuring a forest (not a dozen large
old-growth candidates) is labor (read dollars, effort) intensive and
eats at what little margin there is (Joe and Mike certainly can
identify here). ENTS members don't charge dollars for their labor of
love, and take (from an economic perspective) inordinate amounts of
time in their measurements.
Re height measurement study with clinometer and rag tape, foresters
may measure total height for inventory purposes, but when getting
ready for a timber sale, they are measuring from stump height to
merchantible top (say 6" diameter, or whatever the contract
The part of me that spent decades 'being a forester' feels like
you're throwing apples and oranges at me...;>} that is to say,
there are major difference in objectives for the two disparate
== 11 of 15 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 8:43 pm
I can't believe what a hard time I'm having getting my idea across.
I'm referring to the portion (above ground) that you CAN see, when
standing sidehill to a tree on a slope (make it steep to exaggerate).
In Will's diagram on 1.5 and 4.5 measuring points (from the
proverbial acorn site), on the uphill side of the tree (where one
might stand to measure the 4.5 H), do you model the tree portion
that lies below your feet?-BDon
== 12 of 15 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 8:45 pm
That is even more apparent when measuring very large trees on steep
slopes...many times you CAN'T measure from the bottom, can't even
raise it up to a level taping without long sticks, etc.!
== 13 of 15 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 10:05 pm
From: dbhguru
Don and Gary,
I'd like to weigh in here if you all will permit me. Don, part of
the challenge of seeing the whole through the profile of the tree is
that that the profile changes as one circles the tree. So, to do it
right, we really do need multiple measurements taken from different
vantage points - very labor intensive to say the least. Old
fashioned calipers have their place, but practically speaking, they
can only be used near the base of the tree unless one is a climber.
However, enter new technology. Bole thickness is what we measure now
with the Macroscope 25 and 45. When we use a Macroscope, we measure
from a distance the thickness of the bole up as far as we can see.
We dispense entirely with girth measurements. All of my detailed
modelings use either the Criterion RD1000 Dendrometer-Relascope or
one of the two Macroscopes mentioned above. I own one of each.
Now to a critical point that I don't often address. By: (1) taking a
girth, treating it as the circumference of a circle, and calculating
the equivalent diameter, or (2) by measuring bole thickness and
treating it as the diameter of a circle, either way, we arrive at A
= pi*D^2/4 as the means of calculating cross-sectional area.
Modeling on this basis, we almost always overstate the actual trunk
volume. This occurs because a fundamental property of the circle is
that it maximizes cross-sectional area for any specific perimeter.
Whether the overstatement averages more than a percent or two is the
big question.
I have thought about tracing stump perimeters with tracing paper and
figuring out the enclosed areas and comparing them with circles
based on perimeter measurements from the tracings. I'd like to get a
feel for how much on the average we overstate volumes and what the
measure of dispersion would be. I'm thinking that taking digital
images of the tops od stumps and running the images through
sophisticated software programs would be the high tech solution to
computing cross-sectional area. It is a project on the long. long
Now to a potentially contentious point. Don, I don't think that Gary
wants to throw the old ways out just for the sake of being
different. It is just that standard forestry procedures and
calculations don't address the problems we're interested in solving.
They address different problems and that's okay.But in perusing the
pages of my text on forest mensuration, I have found nothing that
would suffice to allow us to satisfactorily calculate the volume of
a trunk of one of the big trees we've modeled and certainly not the
combination of trunk and limbs. Years ago we saw the problem we
faced and were forced to pioneer a new method. Will Blozan responded
by climbing Yonaguska. We've been on a modeling tear ever since.
If we were forced to innovate on volume modeling, we were forced to
innovate even earlier in order to measure full tree height more
accurately. Being within 10 or 15 feet of the actual tree height was
not good enough for us. How did we know we were making such errors?
Well, after making some very embarrassing errors in the early 1990s
by using a clinometer and baseline, I was forced to realize that I
had to go to the drawing board and figure out what was going wrong.
Transit measurements by Jack Sobon and myself had left no doubt that
the clinometer and baseline method could lead to significant error
made by amateur and expert alike. The result of atoning for my
measuring sins was the birth of sine-based mathematics. Yes, that is
how it all began. I had to dispense with orthodoxy and think like
the mathematician that I am.
In terms of existing language surrounding our tree research, for the
most part, forestry is log-focused and of course, for good reason.
But, as you know, seeing trees as timber isn't where ENTS focuses
its efforts. We are full tree focused for pure research purposes.
Now, I'm not saying that part of forestry doesn't look beyond log
lengths, but for the most part forestry does reduce trees to
commercial log lengths. Tree plantations illustrate the degree to
which trees have been coaxed into a timber-associated conformity.
However, if existing forestry methods work for us, we should have no
hesitation in using them. I would hope that we would never get
snobbish and reject thoroughly tested methods just because they were
developed around a commercial purpose.
On the jargon end, our Internet banter not withstanding, our
introductions to date have been wholly to name new processes and
methods, e.g. Rucker Site Indexing that has no forestry counterpart
that I know of. Do we need to take naming further? Well, let's see
what Gary has in mind. I'm for entertaining new concepts so long as
we agree to drop them if they don't prove efficacious. This having
been said, I would be disingenuous if I didn't acknowledge that
there is something lurking in the shadows. If Gary wants to go
further in renaming, I think it would be partly because he objects
to the saturation of the field by economically-driven thinking. The
thinking has been so pervasive that it has reduced trees as organisms
to a small fraction of what they really are and the many
complex roles that they play in ecosystem maintenance. I don't
want to put words in his mouth, but I think Gary sees current
forestry language as having solidified around the over-arching
concept of trees
as timber. But with canopy research now going on, new language is
being introduced. The winds of change or blowing. Life in the canopy
and the complexity of old growth specimens is taking us in a new
direction that sees trees far more holistically. I'd be curious to
see all the new terms that BVP and Steve Sillett use now. That makes
me all the more curious to see what Gary has in mind for us.
== 15 of 15 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 10:10 pm
From: dbhguru
Yes, we model that part as a wedge. We've discussed the process in
the past, though sparingly. You were off list for long periods and
most likely missed much of those discussions. But, yes, we do model
those downhill parts as best we can.
TOPIC: Categorizing Tree Growth Habits
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2007 7:19 pm
I penned a response that I've since deleted, as I reread your
post...question - When you model with the Macroscope, are you taking
diameters at ninety degrees? Perhaps after you perceive what may be
the broadest or narrowest measures (takes good judgment)? At each
segment of the tree?
TOPIC: Categorizing Tree Growth Habits
== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 6:04 am
From: "Will Blozan"
How? Jess and I frame-mapped a few hemlock bases but don't use it
for several reasons. I'll post a bit on it later.
== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 7:06 am
From: "Will Blozan"
In the Tsuga Search Project Jess Riddle and I made a decision as to
how to
deal with the bases of the trees. I will call this portion the
wedge"; a level, more or less circular cross-section on the
"top" with a
neloid flare short in length on the upper slope portion and much
longer as
it descends the slope.

In the field Jess and I would make a subjective decision as to what
lowest measurable point was (LMP). This point was selected based on
reasons and assumptions:
1) that point was relatively undistorted with regard to trunk flare
"out-of-round-ness" (is the term dendricity?)
2) that point represented a logical transition from the above
portions and
taper of the trunk (i.e. not radically wider than the previously
3) that point - as best we could tell- would represent a surrogate
amount of
wood for use in subsequent calculations of the "basal
4) note: LMP could be any distance above the ground; on some of our
trees we
used a point at or above BH.
Yes, it is all subjective, but the next step was simply to calculate
volume of a cylinder with the length of the distance from LMP to
(1/2 the vertical grade difference from high side ground to low side
The decision to use this short cut was based on several reasons, one
which was economically driven. Since I was funding most of the Tsuga
Project out-of-pocket I simply couldn't afford the added weeks to
the basal wedges in detail. This decision was made much easier by
field trials Jess and I performed to substantiate that the short cut
"OK" to use. Most profound was the finding that the
difference in the volume
you get by spending several hours frame-mapping a base (the only way
to do
it) on steep slopes in rhododendron and Leucothöe slicks for a few
cubes of
wood made no sense. Basically, we would spend hours and hours to
gain a
miniscule amount of accuracy. In our trials some trees
"gained" a bit of
wood, others "lost" wood relative to the short-cut method,
but either way,
it was a small percentage of the total volume of the tree. Also, the
detail of the lower few feet was not repeated in the upper 140-170'.
because I know your wondering, the frame-mapping was done as in the
(incrementally from LMP to a small section at low side ground) but
ground intercept formed the "end" of the wood measured.
The "slices" were
then converted to circular equivalent and modeled as frustum of
cones. Here
are some examples:
Although not perfect, the short-cut does seem to work fairly well
based on
our limited sample of frame-mapped trees. We could do more
testing but for our tiny eastern trees, it does not seem worth it.
This is
not to say that other trees couldn't seriously benefit from a
careful frame
mapping of non-conforming trunk flare. I would really like to know
actual diameter of the Cat Island baldcypress!
Just for the record, as far as I am aware, this is how the volumes
for ALL
trees listed by ENTS have been measured (except the Middleton Oak).
== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 11:37 am
Again, exemplary work you've undertaken, and wonderfully diagrammed.
Hopefully you're heretofore unheralded efforts will soon make the
progress you seek!
Your balance between accuracy and time spent acquiring it seems
appropriate. Short of creating some kind of 'foam mold' and
determining how much volume it would take to fill (and that would be
unreasonable for many reasons), I can't imagine a better way. Keep
up the good work!
== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 7:27 pm
From: John Eichholz
Russ, Gary, et. al.,
I like that reasoning. A 1,000 cubic foot tree -- that must be at
10,000 board feet! I remember once we figured there was about 25,000
board feet of wood in the houses we built when I was a carpenter.
must be quite a few "regular" trees.
Also, when I split wood for the cook stove and carefully stack it, I
seem to get about a 25% - 35% volume increase over solid wood, but I
imagine the 83 to 128 cubic foot expansion could be true starting
log length.
Speaking of quick and dirty, if you square the girth in feet, then
divide the result by 12, you have a close estimate of
area in square feet that can be figured in your head. Also, if you
square the diameter (in feet) of 16" length wood you get
the volume in cubic feet. (pi/4 * 4/3 ~= 1)
Another musing from the wood pile: A 6" diameter piece of wood
almost 50% more wood than a 5" diameter piece. Lets see. If we
let the
tree grow another 3 years at 6 rings per inch, we get 50% more wood?
Probably not, but every time I look into it, the tree is increasing
value at a respectable rate, at least from a raw material basis.
On the other hand, I might not be the quickest at getting in wood.
John Eichholz
== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 9:50 pm
Nearly correct...12 board feet equals 1 cubic foot. 1,000 cubic feet
equals 12,000 board feet...minus some saw kerf (let some of our
field foresters come up with saw kerf loss...;>).