Valuing Forests
By Edward Frank, March 1, 2010
How do we value forests? As a society we place a variety of
different values of forests depending on our own personal
perspectives. Probably the first value many think of when
considering forests is their value as timber. Beyond this forests
have value as a recreational resource, as spiritual touchstones, and
biological reserves, and as parts of larger ecologic systems among
others. I am proposing an organizational framework
encompassing many of these values so that they can be better
understood and evaluated.
1) Timber production and other
Extractive Resources
2) CO2 Sequestration
3) Recreational/Park values and Other
Social values
4) Educational Values
5) Historical, Cultural, and
Archaeological Values
6) Aesthetic Values
7) Spiritual Values
8) Biological Reserves, Significant
Forest Patches, Endangered Species
9) Large Forested Blocks and Corridors
10) Buffer or Component for Other Natural System
Timber and Extractive Resources (include mining, gas, oil, and
Timber production is the first forest utilization that many
people think of with regard to forest values. We
certainly need lumber to build houses and wood to produce paper
products. We need forests in kept production for these uses.
Better management practices in maintaining our forests are needed
in many cases. We need to manage these forests currently in
production so that, as a renewable resource, they can be harvested
by future generations as well as ours. Other resources are also
commonly extracted from our forests in the form of oil and gas
production. The mining of coal and metal ores can completely
destroy the surface landscape. The economic and environmental
impacts of these extractive activities need to be considered as well
as the monetary value of the products extracted. In the
distant past when humans were typically organized as hunter-gatherer
societies, forest resources like acorns, pine-nuts, chestnuts,
fruits, and other plants were gathered from the forest in a
generally non-destructive manner. This pattern is currently being
followed by some indigenous peoples in the Amazon basin on a limited
commercial basis to both provide economic resources to their
community and to preserve their forest resources for the future.
Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
Current concerns with global warming have brought to the
forefront the potential for carbon dioxide sequestration by forests
and by old growth forests in particular. The scientific literature
on the subject is readily available in various journals and books.
A quick search on the web will find dozens of references to the
role of forests in carbon dioxide sequestration. This information
will not be repeated here as it is both voluminous and readily
Recreational/Park Values
There has been a large amount of research on trying to quantify
some of the benefits of spaces like city parks. Some of these ideas
can be applied to the broader concept of forests. In the forefront
of this research are groups like the Trust for Public Land. The big
caveat to these valuations is if we put a monetary value on a
resource it implies that these resources can be sold for a given
amount. Some resources are priceless or irreplaceable and cannot be
sold. I am not going to go over all of these valuations here but
here are links to a few reports that can provide a starting point
for research in this area.
1) Measuring the Economic Value of a City Park System
In 2003, The Trust for Public Land's Center for City Park
Excellence gathered two dozen park experts and economists in
Philadelphia for a colloquium to analyze how park systems
economically benefit cities. Based on this conversation and
subsequent consultation with other leading economists and academics,
the center identified seven attributes of city park systems that
provide economic value and can be measured. While not every aspect
of a park system can be quantified, this report examines seven major
.Property value
.Direct use
.Community cohesion
.Clean water
.Clean air
While the science of city park economics is still in its infancy,
TPL has worked to carefully consider and analyze these values. After
describing the value factor and the rationale for calculating it,
this report provides real-life example of the mathematical outcomes,
based on the first five test cases undertaken in this program-the
cities of Washington, D.C., San Diego, Boston, Sacramento, and
Philadelphia. 30 pages. Download:
2) The Health Benefits of Parks
As the nation's leading conservation group creating parks in and
around cities, The Trust for Public Land launched its Parks for
People initiative in the belief that every American child should
enjoy convenient access to a nearby park or playground. This new,
fully footnoted white paper-The Health Benefits of Parks: How Parks
Help Keep Americans and Their Communities Fit and Healthy-draws from
the latest research to outline ways in which parks support and
promote healthy lifestyles, particularly in cities, where eighty
percent of Americans live, work...and play! Intended for
parks and open space advocates and professionals, The Health
Benefits of Parks is intended to make the case for parks as a wise
community investment. Topics include:
.Parks, greenways, and trails enable and encourage people to
.Exposure to nature improves psychological and social health.
.Play is critical for child development.
.Parks help build healthy, stable communities.
National statistics on the economic benefits of outdoor
recreation (2006)
"From birdwatchers to mountain bikers, the active set accounts
for almost $300 billion in annual retail sales and contributes more
than twice that to the U.S. economy, according to a Boulder,
Colo.-based trade group. Outdoor recreationists shell out $46
billion a year on the gear they need to hit the woods, the rivers
and the slopes, according to a recent report by the Outdoor Industry
Foundation. But they spend five times that much ($243 billion) on
all the extras - food, lodging, entertainment and transportation.
"We've always known we have a larger economic impact - now we have
the data to support it," said Kim Coupounas, board chairman of the
Outdoor Industry Association and co-founder and CEO of GoLite, a
Boulder-based apparel and gear maker. The study does more than
measure retail sales. It also tracks the "ripple effects" of the
spending. In all, it estimates active outdoor recreation pumps $730
billion annually into the U.S. economy. Among other findings:
1) The industry supports about 6.5
million jobs.
2) Annual tax revenues add up to $88
billion a year.
"The trade group hopes the fresh statistics, the most
comprehensive report it has commissioned, will help it make a
stronger case for protecting the wilds from development, oil
drilling and the like."
Recreation participation graph from OutsideHub

Educational Values
It is clear that a critical aspect of the future of our forests
and of the environment in general is dependent on our children's
appreciation and understanding of the natural world. "A Nature
Conservancy-funded study to be published in August 2006 found that
per capita visits to U.S. national parks have been declining since
1987, after having risen for the previous 50 years. The drop occurs
as the use of electronic media is on the rise - something that
researchers call "evidence of a fundamental shift away from people's
appreciation of nature."
In Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from
Nature-Deficit Disorder (Algonquin Books, 2006), author and chairman
of Children & Nature Network, Richard Louv, presents compelling
evidence that children who do not experience nature have more mental
and psychological disorders such as attention deficit disorder and
depression, and physical problems, including obesity. On the flip
side, children who spend time in natural places are more creative
and well-balanced.
The National Wildlife Federations in its - Why Be Out There
Campaign - states: "American childhood has moved indoors during the
last two decades, taking a mental and physical toll on today's kids.
The negative impact of decreased time outdoors includes a doubling
of the childhood obesity rate -- accompanied by an incremental
hundred billion dollar cost to our health care system -- as well as
declining creativity, concentration and social skills. Some say it
takes a village to raise a child. We say: it takes a backyard, a
playground, a park. Studies show outdoor time helps children grow
lean and strong, enhances imaginations and attention spans,
decreases aggression, and boosts classroom performance. In addition,
children who spend time in nature regularly are shown to become
better stewards of the environment. "
More on this subject is discussed in the ENTS Children's
Activities section and in the links provided there. I am sure this
is an area where ENTS could make a valuable contribution in helping
to encourage outdoor based educational activities and outdoor
activities in general.
Historical, Cultural, and Archaeological Values
These three aspects of forest values are all interrelated with
the boundaries between them indistinct and ever changing. Generally
a historic tree or forest is a location in which a famous event has
occurred. Examples that recently come to mind include
the death of a witness tree at Gettysburg that oversaw the Abraham
Lincoln giving the Gettysburg Agrees after the Civil War. There are
literally hundreds, if not thousands of trees still alive at
Gettysburg National Battlefield that were present during the
hostilities there, but these ones noted as historical trees. Other
examples are forests growing around the homes of historical figures,
or tree that were planted by historical figures. There are examples
of trees that were witnesses to the signing of historical documents,
hanging trees, or trees and forests that were the location of a
variety of significant events. These are events that have taken
place in historical times for which there is a written record.
Culturally significant trees and forests are a more complex
problem. These represent forest locations and trees that are
important to the overall culture and that are part of the fabric of
a society and people. In recent times these might be
represented by great trees contained in community parks or special
sections forests.
An example of a culturally significant tree, at least on a local
level was Herbie the Elm in Yarmouth, Maine. The tree died and was
cut down in January 2010, and the community expressed its grief at
the loss of this tree. The tree was 217 years old by ring count at
the time of its death. Yarmouth Maine is a small town with less than
9000 people. But even in this setting I think people tend to get
disconnected with the forests and the natural world. They work in
stores and gas stations and spend most of their days indoors dealing
with the modern world and other people. Trees like
Herbie the Elm represent not only the history of the community, but
a way to vicariously keep in touch with that natural world. It
serves as a conduit or connection between the world of their
everyday lives and the primordial forest. The loss of a tree like
Herbie is not just the loss of an individual tree. It is a loss of
ties with memories that happened under the watchful eye of this
ancient monarch. It is a severance of the connection between the
individual and the world outside of modern day society. It is a
mourning not only of the loss of the tree itself, but also of what
the tree represents. There were 79 comments posted in
honor of the tree in a local newspaper website. It was a loss of a
part of the local culture.
Here in the United States and Canada the indigenous peoples have
a strong and vibrant oral tradition. In the past, without a written
language these oral traditions were used to pass down the traditions
and history of these peoples from one generation to the next. They
included accounts of great events and individuals of legend. They
included stories reflecting the religious beliefs of the peoples.
They included teaching stories used to pass on the knowledge needed
to survive, knowledge needed to judge right from wrong, and
knowledge that defined them as a people. The locations, forests,
and trees featured in these stories are part of the cultural
heritage of these people and are of value to them as well as a vital
aspect of our larger society as a whole.
A forest of archaeological value is simply one in that contains
an important archaeological site or contains an unexcavated
archaeological site.
The following are a selection of definitions and criteria used
for various historical and cultural registries and can serve as
examples of how a historical, cultural, or archaeological
designation for a forest or tree might be developed.
National Registry of Historic Places: To be considered eligible,
a property must meet the National Register Criteria for Evaluation.
This involves examining the property's age, integrity, and
significance. Age and Integrity. Is the property old enough to be
considered historic (generally at least 50 years old) and does it
still look much the way it did in the past? Significance. Is the
property associated with events, activities, or developments that
were important in the past? With the lives of people who were
important in the past? With significant architectural history,
landscape history, or engineering achievements? Does it have the
potential to yield information through archeological investigation
about our past?
National Historic Landmarks: are nationally
significant historic places designated by the Secretary of the
Interior because they possess exceptional value or quality in
illustrating or interpreting the heritage of the United States.
A National Historic Site: usually contains a single historical
feature that was directly associated with its subject. Derived from
the Historic Sites Act of 1935, a number of historic sites were
established by secretaries of the Interior, but most have been
authorized by acts of Congress. At present, there are 79 national
historic sites in the National Park System.
A UNESCO World Heritage Site is a site (such as a forest,
mountain, lake, desert, monument, building, complex, or city) that
is on the list that is maintained by the international World
Heritage Programme . A World Heritage Site is a place of either
cultural or physical significance.
Cultural criteria
I. "to represent a masterpiece of human creative genius";
II. "to exhibit an important interchange of human values, over a
span of time or within a cultural area of the world, on developments
in architecture or technology, monumental arts, town-planning or
landscape design";
III. "to bear a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a
cultural tradition or to a civilization which is living or which has
IV. "to be an outstanding example of a type of building,
architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which
illustrates (a) significant stage(s) in human history";
V. "to be an outstanding example of a traditional human
settlement, land-use, or sea-use which is representative of a
culture (or cultures), or human interaction with the environment
especially when it has become vulnerable under the impact of
irreversible change";
VI. "to be directly or tangibly associated with events or living
traditions, with ideas, or with beliefs, with artistic and literary
works of outstanding universal significance. (The Committee
considers that this criterion should preferably be used in
conjunction with other criteria.)
Aesthetic Value of Forests
How do you define a forest aesthetic? Clearly there is beauty in
the forest. What is it about a particular tree, grove, or forest
that tells you that this is a special place? What is it that touches
you in some way on an emotional, spiritual, or aesthetic level? Is
it different for individual trees as opposed to a section of a
forest? If so what are the differences? The goal of promoting and
maintaining the aesthetics of the forest should play a role in
forest management decisions. I have previously tried to address
many of these issues in the article "On Defining a Forest Aesthetic"
posted on the ENTS website at:
On Defining A
Forest Aesthetic Additional discussions on forest aesthetics are also posted on the
ENTS website at:
Further discussions are ongoing on the ENTS BBS:
Spiritual Values
People commonly report experiencing a spiritual or emotional
awakening upon entering a old forest. This is certainly something
that should be considered as an aspect of forest values. The
difficulty lies in the fact that these experiences are very
subjective in nature, even more so than the other values being
discussed. That makes it hard to quantify a spiritual
value. I do not have any suggestions on how to approach this
quandary at this time.
Biological Reserves, Significant Forest Patches, and Endangered
We are often faced with the question of what makes this patch of
forest "significant' or mundane. This is a forest value that I was
trying to address in the Characteristics of Significant Forest
Patches discussion
In that discussion I proposed five basic criteria for a forest to be
1) Large trees: This is one of the most straight-forward of the
criteria. The size of a tree is fairly easily measured. A forest
with a number of particularly large trees, and even better large
trees of several different species is certainly significant. The
size of the trees found on a site needs to be considered with
respect to the local area, perhaps the state, as well as the broader
regional scale. If we looked at only the national champions for the
species as the basis for determining what was large, then every site
would need to compete with the GSMNP. Few sites could compare with
the great trees found there. But a more reasonable comparison
recognizes that there are regional differences in the size to which
trees can grow. In an area where the maximum size is much shorter,
that shorter height should be the basis for determining relative
size of the trees in the region. Also in areas that have been
virtually cut bare in recent history, a forest with large trees
could be considered significant even if it was not large on a
broader regional scale.
2) Old Trees: Clearly a forest with a number of old trees is
significant. Much of the Eastern United States was virtually
clear-cut in the past 100 to 150 years. Trees older than that are
uncommon and significant. It is hard to estimate the ages of trees
by appearance alone, but as someone gains familiarity with a species
with occasional real ages from core samples or cross sections better
estimates of the ages of trees can be made. As always some people
are more conservative with their age estimates while others tend to
more liberal, but at a particular location or set of locations, even
people with different perspectives likely will be able to agree on
what are the older specimens. For many of the less-long lived
species there is little actual core data available upon which to
base age estimates. The focus of dendrochronology efforts is
typically to find long lived specimens to determine longer and older
tree ring chronologies and for the most part the trees not known to
be long lived are ignored.
3) Trees with character: This is a somewhat subjective category,
but a particular tree or forest segment with these characteristics
would likely be recognized by a wide number of people. Josh Kelly a
couple years ago used the phrase "aged with adversity" and this is
really the focus of this characteristic. Don Bertolette in response
said, "I really liked your phrasing "aged with adversity", as some
of the oldest trees of several species that come to mind (foxtail
pine in the Sierra Nevada's, bristlecone pine in the Sierras and
White Mtns., western juniper) are growing on relatively depauperate
sites, in environmentally extreme climatic conditions." So we have
the concept of trees that have character because they have been aged
by adversity. This would include many of the stunted forests growing
under harsh environmental conditions. The age of these trees may not
be easily apparent hidden by their unusual form, and certainly they
are not large for the species, but they do have character.
4) Intact ecosystems: this would a forest that had been minimally
impacted by people. In the east there are virtually no forests that
are pristine, so the degree of impact would need to be considered
with respect to other forests in the region. Thus a forest in a
heavily impacted area might be considered under this category even
if might fail to make the grade in a different region. Other impacts
to be considered are that species such as chestnut have been lost by
indirect human impact. People have spread these invasive species
which have had serious impacts even if a particular forest has not
been cut. In this category I would include what are called
old-growth forests and primary forests. Older recovering second
growth forest can be considered if the character of the forest is
approaching that of an intact forest system from the region.
5) Unusual assemblages: This category would include forests with
an unusual assemblage of trees and other plants. Lee Frelich has
talked about the Rock Elm forest in Minnesota near the boundary
between prairie and forest. Other such forests might include those
growing in various types of barrens in which the assemblage is
restricted by the geologic conditions. We should also consider those
forests such as are growing in a mixed condition like trees in swamp
setting or trees in desert setting. These are not what we would
normally consider a forest, but they are a vital part of the
ecosystem. The old growth post oak systems in the cross- timbers
areas of Oklahoma and Texas are a good example of this type of
These forests are those that contain a genetic component that may
not be well represented in the general forest population, forests
that show adaptations to unusual or harsh environments, forests that
contain unusual species assemblages or disjunct populations, forests
that contain a relatively intact ecosystems, forests that contain
populations of rare or endangered species, and old growth forests.
The focus of this category is the internal characteristics of the
forest rather than its role as part of a larger system.
It has been some time since this original post and discussion and
the concepts should probably be revisited and reassessed at this
Large Forested Blocks and Corridors
Large tracts of forests can serve as corridors for the movement
of animals and migration over time of plants across a landscape.
Some species of animals require a large contiguous tract of forest
to establish breeding populations. A primary value of these forests
may simply be that they are large enough to serve these secondary
functions that require a large forest block.
Forests that are Buffers or Component of Other Natural Systems
Forests are not entirely an entity unto themselves. One example
might be a cave system. The water flow into the system is commonly
directly related to the ground cover above. Removal of the forest
above a cave could disrupt the water flow into the system and
adversely affect the ecosystem within the cave. Surface stream
systems are also dependant on the ground cover. The loss of the
hemlocks from the hemlock wooly adelgid has a dramatic effect on the
streams flowing through these areas. The shade from the hemlocks
kept the water cool, now with the loss of cover these streams are
changing from cold water fisheries to warm water fisheries. There
are interactions between forests at the interface between the forest
and adjacent ecosystems. Disruption or removal of the forest may
adversely affect the adjacent ecosystem as well. There are many
examples that could fit this value category.
These categories are meant to be used as a tool for evaluating
different aspects of how we as a culture find value in forests and
trees. These are not necessarily the only values that could be
considered but are the ones that stand out among the possibilities.
Nor are the categories themselves meant to be restrictive and
limiting. Some aspects of forest values may cross the category
lines. The listing is simply a means to help organize the
considerations of valuing forests and trees
Edward Frank
Western Pennsylvania
Continued at: