Non-native Invasives  

TOPIC: nonnative invasives

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Date: Fri, Jan 18 2008 5:22 am


Non native and invasive species are rapidly and radically impacting what has
been traditionally considered as a "natural" forest.

They are trying to address the issue in Wisconsin and the following link
provides some interesting considerations for a wider educational
also helps to validate the ENTS mission of documenting some of the forest sites
encountered during forays into old woods. Check out the link below.

Russ Richardson  

TOPIC: nonnative invasives

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Date: Fri, Jan 18 2008 3:43 pm
From: Carolyn Summers

Thanks, Russ. Wisconsin is to be commended for their approach. They are
light years ahead of NY. It will be interesting to see how these proposals
fare in the hearing process. Please keep us posted.
Carolyn Summers

TOPIC: nonnative invasives

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Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 10:11 am
From: "Darian Copiz"


But unfortunately they appear to be missing the ball. Their unrestricted
category includes species that are "too economically important to put
restrictions on". As the article states this includes callery pear and
Scotch pine. Come on. That's ridiculous, like there's no other
alternatives for ornamental trees or Christmas trees. The program seems to
be a nice idea, but also seems to lack any actual guts or teeth.



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Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 10:59 am


You are absolutely correct that there are multiple examples where moving
plants and trees around has been extremely beneficial to humankind.

Unfortunately not all of the vegetative immigrants have become productive
members of their adopted environment and some have shown tendencies to be
extremely destructive to their host environment.

Although the complex science of dealing with the ecological changes wrought
by a combination of climate change, forest fragmentation and the rapid spread
of non native invasive plant species through our native forests just starting
to be understood, it will likely take the loss or great reduction in some
species of neotropical songbirds before anyone really notices.

Also, by radically altering native vegetative diversity in the natural
forest, long term financial returns will be reduced through increased management
costs related to nonnative invasive species management and control.

The most intriguing aspect of the entire science related to NNIS is that if
you get into a room full of researchers and experts dealing with the science
you'll have to look hard to find any gray hair!


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Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 11:53 am

Well said!