TOPIC: Shrub-layer an empty niche?
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Date: Sat, Dec 6 2008 10:07 am
From: "Ryan McEwan"
Hi all,
So one thing I work on is trying to understand WHY invasive plants
are able
to acquire habitat space so readily. There are a number of
that has been postulated to explain the invasion of shrubs
privet, etc) into forest understories is "the empty niche
hypothesis" which
suggests that the eastern deciduous forest does not have a
substantial shrub
layer, and thus the invasive species can waltz right in.
Do y'all buy this?
An potentially interesting corollary hypothesis I have is that the
layer of the eastern deciduous forest is underdeveloped because the
itself (over most of its spatial extent) passed through a period of
intensive disturbance (humans with chain saws, ~1890-1940). Tree
species recovered from this via stump sprouts, seed banks,
etc...but, the
shrub layer is less resilient and has not recovered as rapidly. Thus
"empty niche" (if one exists) is a reflection of human disturbance,
than the natural state of the system.
Do y'all buy this?
I think my corollary hypothesis can be addressed somewhat simply by
"Is the shrub layer of old-growth forests better developed (more
rich, etc) than that of second-growth forests?"
Any thoughts?
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Date: Sat, Dec 6 2008 10:45 am
From: "Edward Frank"
Some interesting ideas. I am not a forest ecologist, but a geologist
with an interest in trees. It has been my personal experience that
the shrub layer is not as thick in old growth forests as it is in
logged or disturbed forests. I am not sure about the diversity, but
they are generally fewer in number in old growth. I would attribute
this to the thicker and more closed canopy in many of the old growth
forests as opposed to the more open and sporadic canopy of the
disturbed forests. This is effect is exacerbated by the removal of
evergreens and there replacement by hardwoods in many of these
timbered areas.
It strikes me that the understory/shrub layer in the disturbed
forests consists of more opportunistic species that thrive in the
light. This includes both shrubs and small trees. In the old growth
forests the floor is more open and the shrub layer consists of more
shade tolerant species and shade tolerant small trees. Invasive
species tend to be more prevalent in disturbed forests than in old
growth. I take that to mean that they are typically more
opportunistic and light loving species that can compete with the
native species in these timbered and disturbed situations, whereas
they do not do as well and are not as competitive with the more
shade tolerant species in old growth forest.
I have not done any systematic analysis of the differences, but this
is my impression, and I acknowledge it could be erroneous.
Ed Frank
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Date: Sat, Dec 6 2008 1:03 pm
From: Lee Frelich
Eastern deciduous forests on good sites have a high leaf area index,
thus relatively little light getting through to the forest floor,
and a lot
of extremely shade tolerant tree seedlings and saplings, so that
cannot compete very well.
Invasion by buckthorn, privet, Japanese barberry, tatarian
etc. is probably more vigorous in forests invaded by European
(and now Asian earthworms as well), because the worms make an ideal
for the shrubs, and although this part of their impacts is not as
studied, probably also increase light levels by making the soils
drier so
that the canopy is not as dense, and by killing much of the seedling
sapling layer (in conjunction with deer). The worms also change the
mycorrhizal community so that it is less favorable to native trees
and the
non native shrubs are adapted to the presence of the worms (having
co-evolved with them). Human disturbance also creates opportunities
shrubs, but these areas usually also have the exotic earthworms.
In northern MN forests, the opposite happens. People have suppressed
disturbances (fires) that used to keep native shrubs at bay, and we
have 100 million acres of the native shrub beaked hazel. These
forests are
on shallow soils, however, and don't have the high leaf area index
deciduous forests on good sites.
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Date: Sat, Dec 6 2008 3:35 pm
From: "Steve Galehouse"
I think another aspect concerning the proliferation of alien species
in the
shrub layer could be lack of predation or control by their naturally
associated pests and diseases---the privets and buckthorns made it
over to
North America, put perhaps whatever insects pests of fungal diseases
kept them in check in their native areas didn't. Also, the exploding
population throughout the Northeast and Midwest may have more of an
on the native shrub layer, less so on alien shrubs---I would presume
whitetail deer would prefer browsing on shrubs and trees with which
it has
== 5 of 8 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 6 2008 5:59 pm
From my western experience, when a population explodes, the pressure
on the understory eventually will end discrimination for natives, to
most anything that might provide sustenance, native or not. I
imagine deer in the East may not be that much different than deer in
the West, but I'm no wildlife biologist. I do recall that deer in
the Quabbin are quite happy to browse on young oak, but quickly go
on to other browse when oak offerings are gone. Deer exclosures in
the Quabbin allowed oaks to regenerate with high success due to the
advance regeneration that their advanced root structure allowed.
Would Pennsyvania be that much different?
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Date: Sat, Dec 6 2008 5:59 pm
From my western experience, when a population explodes, the pressure
on the understory eventually will end discrimination for natives, to
most anything that might provide sustenance, native or not. I
imagine deer in the East may not be that much different than deer in
the West, but I'm no wildlife biologist. I do recall that deer in
the Quabbin are quite happy to browse on young oak, but quickly go
on to other browse when oak offerings are gone. Deer exclosures in
the Quabbin allowed oaks to regenerate with high success due to the
advance regeneration that their advanced root structure allowed.
Would Pennsyvania be that much different?
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Date: Sat, Dec 6 2008 6:14 pm
I'll take a stab at your corollary hypothesis...IMHO, most
old-growth forest ecosystems will have a naturally more diverse
horizontal and vertical diversity in their understory, as a fuller
range of disturbances has offered up opportunities for a wider
diversity of pioneering species to enter, to enter into an already
rich seed bank; similarly, the vertical or structural diversity will
also be more present, as the forbs/shrubs competition has had time
to sort out acceptable light/soil/moisture relationships. This
accumulating diversity over time lends resilience to the ecosystem,
and a subsequent richness of response to disturbances, of varying
frequency and intensity.
== 8 of 8 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 6 2008 9:32 pm
From: Beth Koebel
I don't agree with the first hypothesis, "the empty niche
hypothesis". I am a firm believer that nature would have
filled all the niches with an appropriate species. As time
slowly changed so does the species in each niche.
I do like your second hypothesis of since the intensive disturbance
of mankind that the shrub layer couldn't recover faster than the
invasive shrubbery. I also like your idea on how to go about
proving this theory.
TOPIC: Shrub-layer an empty niche?
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Date: Mon, Dec 8 2008 1:58 pm
From: Carolyn Summers
Unfortunately, deer have also become an agent of disturbance. It is
that they prefer many native shrubs to the exotics. Just over the
last 10
years, I have seen two common species gradually being eliminated
from my
hemlock woods hobblebush, Viburnum lantanoides and Ilex montana,
winterberry. I could name others, but these two seem hardest hit.
Carolyn Summers
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Dec 8 2008 5:41 pm
I guess in retrospect, I could shorten my previous answer to less
than ten words:
A disturbance is a disturbance is a disturbance.
Man as an indigenous people were a disturbance. A person today, if
careless, can be a disturbance. People as a society today, with the
advantage of technology, are a disturbance. Weather events are
disturbances, and changes in climate are disturbances.
They all create opportunities for a pioneering species to enter,
whether the pioneering species is a native, an unwanted
opportunistic alien invader, or a desirable non-native replacement
for a native that no longer can adapt to the unnatural range of
variation caused by climate change.
It's probably not the issue so much that invasives occupy disturbed
habitat so quickly, but how well it reproduces once it gets
established. When invasives are out competed by the natives,
invasives are not as much as a problem, say, as when the natives are
outcompeted, and extinguished.
TOPIC: Shrub-layer an empty niche?
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Date: Tues, Dec 9 2008 7:03 am
From: pabigtrees
In the East I have observed and studied this exact topic. As a land
manager for a private landowner, it was my responsibility to get rid
of invasives (talk about job security) I started to notice that the
areas that were heavily infested with exotic species had been
disturbed at some recent point. Agriculture was the biggest
disturbance. Some of the wooded sections were farm fields and had
been let go 100 years ago or less. These fields that now have 30"
poplar and ash still retain the high PH levels that the farmers
created through liming or incorporting sea shells. The successionary
native tree species moved in easily along with the invasive shrubs.
(Eleagnus, Rosa, Lonicera, Euonymus, etc) The original ephemeral
layer and shrub layer were completely removed by the act of farming
these fields. Some areas were left untouched due to slope or rocks.
These areas maintained their ephemeral layer and their native
hardwood canopy, but the native shrubs were few and far between. The
only native shrub present is Lindera benzoin which is not prefered
white tail deer. I agree with Ed that old growth areas tend to have
little shrub layer due to competition and lack of light.
One area I focused on was an old field that ended at an old stone
wall. The field contained red maple, white ash, black cherry, tree
heaven, bird cherry, and tulip poplar and had been "let go" about 50
years ago. The forest floor is covered in honeysuckle vine,
multiflora rose, burningbush and spicebush and garlic mustard. The
deer population is heavy. The PH of the old field is 7.2. This all
stops abruptly at the stone wall, like a line drawn in the sand. The
other side of the wall is a steep slope with rock. The trees are
over 150 years old. Black, white, chestnut and red oak. Black gum,
Hickory, White ash, and some sassafrass and dogwood cover the area.
Not one invasive tree on this side of the wall. The shrub layer is a
heavily browsed layer of Pinxter bloom, lowbush blueberry, mountain
laurel, and witchhazel. The ground is covered with moss and spotted
wintergreen. A cat brier sneaks through here and there. The PH is
Disturbance, deer, and availability of seed sources are to blame.
good thing is that the Native hardwoods seem to be inching their way
back into the old fields. The Bitternut Hickory seems to be the most
prolific, as the deer don't like to eat it OR rub it with their
antlers. One other native that seems to be getting a foothold is
american holly. Deer leave it alone.
I often wonder if time is the answer to invasives. In two hundred
years will the trees shade out the shrubs again? Only if the deer
controlled in my opinion. This has caused me to start hunting again
four years ago. I have removed twelve deer from my neighborhood in
that time, mostly does.
TOPIC: Shrub-layer an empty niche?
== 1 of 7 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 10 2008 7:15 am
From: Kouta Räsänen
Scott & ENTS,
An interesting topic and discussion! I would like to comment only
> I often wonder if time is the answer to invasives. In two hundred
> years will the trees shade out the shrubs again?
Remember that in two hundred years any given area has probably a
different climate. This allows more and more exotics to enter to
natural ecosystems as the native species are not anymore the "best
adapted" for the area they historically occupy.
Kouta from Germany
== 2 of 7 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 10 2008 8:50 am
From: Elisa Campbell
Somewhat on this topic, I came across a refernce to a fairly short
article on the effects of an overabundance of white tailed deer.
Overview Paper: Impacts of White-tailed Deer Overabundance in Forest
By Thomas Rawinski, USDA Forest Service
Land managers, especially in southern New England, need to recognize
that deer are exacerbating invasive plant problems, while also
degrading native forest vegetation. Integrating aggressive deer
population control measures into land management programs holds
promise in restoring these forests.
The paper can be found at
Thomas J. Rawinski, Author and Botanist
USDA Forest Service
Durham Field Office, N A State & Private Forestry
Phone: 603-868-7642
email: trawinski@fs.fed.us
== 3 of 7 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 10 2008 10:05 am
From: Elisa Campbell
more on deer and invasives (this one concludes that to encourage
plants, the invasives must be removed):
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 - 1:30 PM
COS 40-1: Interactive effects of white-tailed deer and invasive
plants on temperate deciduous forest native plant communities
Norman A. Bourg1, William J. McShea1, and Chad M. Stewart2. (1)
Smithsonian Institution - National Zoological Park, (2) Indiana
Department of Natural Resources
The relationship between white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
populations, herbivory and invasive species proliferation has
little study, despite its potential impacts on native biodiversity
natural areas management. To address this important ecological
issue, we
initiated a controlled field experiment in 2005 at three high deer
density study sites in mid-Atlantic temperate upland deciduous
(Conservation and Research Center, Front Royal, VA; Great Falls
Park, VA; and the Goldmine tract of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal
National Historical Park, MD). Following initial baseline vegetation
surveys (all herbaceous plants and woody plants ? 30 cm in height)
333 4x4-meter randomly located plots, control, deer exclusion
and invasive species removal (hand pulling) treatments were applied
in a
2x2 factorial design at each of the study sites. Plots were
in 2007 to estimate the understory vegetation response in terms of
native species richness, diversity and woody stem counts. Response
variables were analyzed as mixed-model repeated measures analyses of
covariance using SAS version 9.0 software.
The forest understory plant community responded positively after 1.5
years of exposure to the experimental treatments, and the non-woody
components were largely responsible for the significant changes thus
far. Native herbaceous species richness increased significantly at
of the three study sites, with the invasives removal treatments
the greatest response. Significant increases in native forb species
diversity occurred at the same sites, with the invasives removal
treatments again showing the largest increases but mainly in plots
also had high initial invasive species cover. Woody species
diversity and stem numbers displayed significant relationships with
canopy species richness covariate and showed increasing trends at
sites over time, but significant treatment effects did not appear by
2007. The results for non-woody native plants, particularly in those
plots that were treated with hand-pulling of invasives only, support
conclusions that invasive plant cover negatively impacts their
and that collateral damage to native species did not occur. The
response in the invasives removal treatments indicates the primary
inhibitor for most non-woody natives is the presence of invasive
and not deer herbivory. Detection of significant treatment effects
woody species may occur after a scheduled plot resurvey in 2009,
although positive trends were documented here. Deer management, such
fenced exclusion or population reduction, in the absence of invasive
plant removal, may therefore be insufficient to promote restoration
the native plant community.
== 4 of 7 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 10 2008 10:21 am
From: dbhguru@comcast.net
I know Tom Rawinski. He is a fine scientist and he is clearly
stating what many of us realize is the biggest problem to forest
regeneration - overabundance of deer. What has been amazing to me is
the lack of foresight in DCR's implementation of Green
Certification. Unless DCR incorporates real deer population controls
into their expanded timber harvesting operations, the deer
population is just going to grow larger. It is a no-brainer, but DCR
plows on with their plans to expand harvesting, oblivious to
invasives and deer. Go figure. When talking to DCR people, I have to
bite my tongue a lot these days, but duh!
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Date: Wed, Dec 10 2008 10:38 am
From: Elisa Campbell
and moose ...
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Date: Wed, Dec 10 2008 10:48 am
From: ForestRuss@aol.com
There is no doubt that the spread of certain invasive species is
by white tail deer. In the Appalachians Microstegium vimineum,
stiltgrass is changing the condition of the "natural" hardwood
forest faster
than researchers can keep up with the evolving idea of what a
"natural" forest
or "natural" regeneration is likely to be defined as in the future.
Invasive plants are showing up in tracts of woodland where nothing
more than
a stream passing through the property is a part of the disturbance
In so many forested situations I have encountered, the invasive
species are
not filling in a vacant niche...they are replacing a dynamic and
forest understory comprised of hundreds of native plant species per
acre with a
green desert that consists of a dozen or less of the most persistent
plants fighting for space against the overwhelming assault of non
resident alien
invaders that are capable of altering their adopted environment to
their needs while producing prodigious amounts of seed that enjoy
extremely high
germination rates in the absence of fertility depleting
microorganisms that
keep resident plan populations in balance.
Again, the changes being wrought on our forests by climate change
nonnative plants, insects and diseases is validating the ENTS
historical mission of
documenting what a "natural" forest is by today's definition.
== 7 of 7 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 10 2008 12:29 pm
As a vegetation program manager for several years at the Grand
Canyon, we concluded that unless one was able to handpull evasives
in their first season there, handpulling alone didn't guarantee full
protection. Once invasives provide input into the seedbanks, they
are much more difficult to eradicate.
TOPIC: Shrub-layer an empty niche?
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 10 2008 8:18 pm
From: "Steve Galehouse"
Russ, ENTS-
Not to be a heretic, but I think we have to realize we humans are as
agents of dispersal of plant species as are birds, squirrels, wind
etc. Were it not native in my area, I think any of the Smilax
species would
be considered invasive, as well as Viburnum acerifolium and
stamineum. The "alien" barberries, buckthorns, burning bushes and
the rest
that have become naturalized are now effectively native
because we can document how they came here from distant origins,
mean they don't belong here in the grand scheme. We don't know how
species expanded their ranges, but I'm sure many did so with the
help of
human influence(agriculture). I also think that observing and
recording the
shrub layer of the forest, without taking in to account the
layer, is limiting the mix of the forest community.
TOPIC: Shrub-layer an empty niche?
== 1 of 13 ==
Date: Thurs, Dec 11 2008 7:28 am
From: "Ryan McEwan"
In my view, the term "invasive" really refers to life history
characteristics (dispersal, reproduction, growth characteristics)
"native" refers to where a species was...basically... prior to the
"Columbian Exchange." I think your argument highlights the
importance of
recognizing that there are "non-native invasive species" and also
species that have "naturalized." The naturalized species are
members of an ecological community, the invasive species have
significant impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem function (think of
forest floor under Lonicera).
I imagine that if you focus on life history traits, some native
species are
"invasive," but, most deciduous forest shrub-layer species don't
fall into
that category in my view- Smilax, Viburnum, Lindera, etc., just dont
have the same impact on biodiversity and ecosystem function as
such as Lonicera or Ligustrum. What about Rhododendron, though? I
it is an interesting case...and maybe Kalmia in some settings, I am
there are others I am not thinking of.
The other really important thing to keep in mind is that native
weeds should
not be considered "invasive" if they are part of an ephemeral
Think of poke (Phytolacca)...it has all the features of an
species, but it does NOT form a persistent community...it is
holding the niche for a brief time. Ultimately, I think native weeds
be the key for management of invasives...you need something
aggressive to
hold those disturbed areas until you can get the forest floor in
place and
some shade from the canopy. Native "weeds" like Phytolacca, Rubus,
Eupatorium rugosum, maybe even Acer negundo, and others, might be
helpful in that context.
== 2 of 13 ==
Date: Thurs, Dec 11 2008 8:11 am
From: "Edward Frank"
Are you saying that Rhododendron and Mountain Laurel are a native
invasive in some conditions as opposed to the "normal" forest
components? If so in what circumstances is this the case? It always
struck me as a core component of the forest rather than something
that should not be there.
The definitions you provided are useful in these types of
discussions on the list to make sure everyone is starting from the
same basic perspective. The idea of native placeholders to help
prevent the establishment of non-native invasives is interesting.
I am wondering about what you think concerning the replacement of
native grasses by invasive ones in some settings. this is a big
problem in some patches of open prairie in the mid west. Another
example is from some of the Allegheny River Islands, portions of the
islands were open grassy areas. These have since been replaced by
Japanese Stiltgrass. This may be do to the damming of the river
upstream preventing the annual or at least frequent flooding of the
islands. (The presumption being that the flooding was more favorable
to the native species than it is to the invasives.) The same can be
said for the invasive multiflora roses, the Knotweed, etc. The only
areas in portions of the island not covered by the invasives, and
still retaining a semblance of native species are areas still being
flooded. The point being that changes in the natural processes of
flooding, fire, etc, may actually result in less "disturbance" of
the area and promote the rise of invasives. Some types of
disturbances are needed to maintain the natural succession cycles
and interrupting them may result in the invasion of both exotics and
atypical native species. Obviously the grassy areas do not have
shrub layer, but the process could be analogous to those affecting
forest settings.
Join the Primal Forests - Ancient Trees Community at:
== 3 of 13 ==
Date: Thurs, Dec 11 2008 11:03 am
From: "Ryan McEwan"
I don't have a well developed idea about "native invasives." I am
actually skeptical of the concept. I don't think of Rhododendron and
Mountain Laurel as invasive, they came to mind as I was thinking
about native shrubs that have a major impact on biodiversity and
function...Rhododendron certainly does in some areas. Its an
shrub, which I think is interesting, but really wouldn't go much
that- "interesting" particularly when thinking about the idea of an
niche." There have been a numbers of papers on Rhododendron
disturbance, etc. I think several papers from Coweeta...I don't know
literature at all.
I think your comments about the grasses are right on. Disturbance
(in all
its forms) interacts quite directly with invasion in many systems.
Sometimes removing disturbance causes the invasion, sometimes
disturbance facilitates invasion.
As the responses to my first email have nicely suggested, the
process is complexity piled on complexity piled on complexity.
== 4 of 13 ==
Date: Thurs, Dec 11 2008 12:12 pm
From my perspective, the phrase "native invasive" is a contradiction
in terms, and should be discontinued immediately, lest it gain
coinage by being "Google-able"....;>}
A species native to the area or region (limits defined by vector
capability, watershed, etc.) taking hold in a recent disturbance
would come under the broad category of a pioneering species (a
phrase used by many to describe species like aspen (in the
west...;>)) which often takes hold in recent disturbances (like
burns, blowdowns, etc.), lives a relatively short life while other
more shade tolerant species get established and eventually dominate
(or at least come to maturity).
While my understanding of the eastern disturbance ecology is
limited, my thinking is that laurel and rhododendron are native
species that 'pioneer' well, after some kind of disturbance. My
recall of rhododendron patches is that the tend to occupy the lower
reaches, which I suspect might be the result of moving water events?
Burns? In any case, they seem to take hold and sustain themselves
for some time.
I was asked once 'what is a weed'? My off the cuff, non-academic
reply was any plant that I didn't want there...I love looking down
on a mosaic of vegetation that includes rhododendron while in
flower, but it would quickly attain "weed" status, at exactly the
point I had to traverse it.
== 5 of 13 ==
Date: Thurs, Dec 11 2008 12:20 pm
Your comments about invasive grasses set me to thinking...some of
what you were saying has to do with the relative periodicity of the
disturbances...if their return cycles go outside of their natural
range of variation, the site may become more susceptible to
invasives...flood events are perfect vectors for many species and
are indiscriminant to the native/invasive seeds carried.
== 6 of 13 ==
Date: Thurs, Dec 11 2008 1:01 pm
From: "William Morse"
this discussion has moved on an interesting tangent to the original
post. There is a new book out on the number of north american
introduced to China and their impacts..its huge. i don't have the
title infront of me now but north american crayfish spread a
virus to Europe and wiped out nearly the entire European crayfish
fauna and amphipods from Midwest have nearly wiped out native
amphipods in the British Isles...the story simply points out that
exchange of species non-native to a location are happening globally,
not just here...but the impacts are no less significant. Travis
== 7 of 13 ==
Date: Thurs, Dec 11 2008 1:15 pm
From: "Edward Frank"
I was thinking more along the line of periodic flooding being a
controlling factor in which species survive in a niche rather than a
vector for seed dispersal. Dale and I were talking about a paper on
the Allegheny River Island stuff we are doing. There are several
distinct zones as you move upward in elevation from the normal river
level to higher grounds. on the lowest levels you find species that
tolerate frequent floods sycamores, silver maples, black willow. A
little higher you begin to get more black locust, hawthorn and
basswood, A little higher and you get red oaks added to the mix,
some hickory and butternut. This progression represents the
frequency of flooding for those different elevations. Finally at the
highest elevations in areas that are flooded only in the couple
hundred year range you can pick up pines and hemlocks and a much
wider diversity of species. The major and most noxious invasives are
limited in number or absent from the areas that are flooded every
year or at least every other year. At higher elevations which flood
less frequent;ly, thanks to the wondrous Kinzua Dam the invasive
multiflora roses and knotweed are the only species that seem to be
present in the understory of trees in many areas. Certainly you are
not getting any regeneration of the trees in these areas.
== 8 of 13 ==
Date: Thurs, Dec 11 2008 1:56 pm
From: "Edward Frank"
I am in complete agreement about the term Native Invasive. It is an
oxymoron and should be abandonned. The concept trying to be
expressed is interesting however. Consider that something might
cause the explosive increase in the number of one native species to
the detriment of others that would normally be expected in an area.
In other examples a single species may be present in greater numbers
than in the adjacent areas because of some specific type of
disturbance. This condition may persist for a long time or be
relatively ephemeral min nature. In this regard I am thinking of the
Marion Brooks Natural Area in PA. Here the location was logged, then
a massive fire burnt the area destroying most of the organic
material and soil structure. the area was pioneered by white birch.
This occurred 80 or 90 years ago and the area persists as a stand of
almost pure white birch. other species are not recolonizing the area
as might be expected in a normal disturbed region.
Another example to a degree might be patches of forests that have
limited species diversity because of alleopathy of some of the
species present. If some of these limited areas were to expand it
would be an invasive-like effect that limited the diversity of
species present in the area compared to the normal forest.
I guess I am just rambling at this point.
== 9 of 13 ==
Date: Thurs, Dec 11 2008 3:31 pm
From: Lee Frelich
Ed, Don:
I find the term native invasive useful and will continue to use it
publications (along with exotic invasive and exotic non-invasive).
invasive is particularly useful for species like Carex pensylvanica,
have expanded their niche to exclude most other native species
over vast areas in the absence of disturbance, but that happened to
preadapted to the disappearance of certain mycorrhizae from the
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Date: Thurs, Dec 11 2008 4:03 pm
From: "Edward Frank"
Ok Lee whatever you say,
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Date: Thurs, Dec 11 2008 6:40 pm
Of course you can do what you wish without any sayso from me.
But perhaps you could explain how this differs from any native
species competing with other natives when faced with an opportunity
brought about by a disturbance, whether natural or, presumably in
the specific case you refer to, by man's introduction of non-native
earthworms(?)?Your offered example is so specific. I believe Ed and
I were discussing a much more general scenario, where we were
worried that such a usage was likely to introduce confusion into a
topic already becoming fraught with new terminology to the lay
public (non-native, alien invader, invasives, etc.)
== 12 of 13 ==
Date: Thurs, Dec 11 2008 8:22 pm
From: Carolyn Summers
Hi Lee,
You are a scientist and I am not, but it does seem to me an accurate
speaking as a lay person. It is the earthworms that are the
invaders, no?
The sedge is on its home turf and is merely taking advantage of
conditions created by the earthworm to expand its niche at the
expense of
other natives. If something native expands its niche that is just an
expansion, but if a plant is introduced from another continent that
truly is
an invasion. Why not refer to these problems as native monocultures,
the problem is not the existence of the plant, but rather the
absence of
Carolyn Summers
63 Ferndale Drive
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706
== 13 of 13 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 12 2008 2:05 am
From: Kirk Johnson
Native grape vines act like an invasive in some cases in the right
conditions if you ask me. Almost as bad as certain exotic vine
species. I
always cut out grape vines if they start growing on my property. I
like them that much.
Kirk Johnson
TOPIC: Shrub-layer an empty niche?
== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 12 2008 2:05 am
From: Kirk Johnson
Native grape vines act like an invasive in some cases in the right
conditions if you ask me. Almost as bad as certain exotic vine
species. I
always cut out grape vines if they start growing on my property. I
like them that much.
Kirk Johnson
== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 12 2008 5:10 pm
From: Lee Frelich
You are right, its not the mere existence of the plant (Penn sedge)
that is
a problem, the problem is that it takes on the same characteristics
exotic invasive species with regard to the scale of its spread,
(perhaps permanently) the other native species from recovery.
== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 12 2008 5:19 pm
From: Lee Frelich
In some sense Penn sedge is not different from other native species.
example, birch after forest fires can take over a million acres in
boreal forest. However, these birch don't alter the historic
pathways like Penn sedge. The later successional species can still
get back
in, unlike Penn sedge that expands rapidly and alters the
environment in
such a way that other native species are excluded. We know that most
plant species can persist and recover to some extent after earthworm
invasion if Penn sedge doesn't take over.
I have not had problems explaining the concept of native invasive
to the public.
== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 12 2008 11:59 pm
I recognize your use of 'native invasive' serves you well, and
presumably in an academic environment. I understand that doing an
internet search such as Google often yields a fair number of hits,
and their value academically is questionable.
That said, out of curiousity, I Googled "native invasive". Out of
the first 100 hits, two specifically referred to the usage that you
have explained.
The other ninety-eight were "non-native invasive" hits.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for elevating the standards of ENTS
members understanding of the world around us. My only point was, and
at this point I apologize as I've already belabored the point too
long, I worry about the likelihood of confusion it's use will
generate in the lay public...at the Grand Canyon, we strove everyday
to get the message out to our public, and we never felt our job was
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Dec 13 2008 7:07 pm
From: James Parton
Kirk, ENTS,
Poison Ivy also acts as an invasive. Often overgrowing trees along
clearings. It makes measuring girth on some trees difficult,
especially in summer.
James Parton
TOPIC: Shrub-layer an empty niche?
== 4 of 9 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 14 2008 9:47 am
From: James Parton
Though I have been measuring trees for less than a year, I have
that winter is definitly easier to find the highest point. It would
seem that in summer that the trees would actually be a little
with the leaves being on them, except for evergreens, of course!
On Dec 14, 12:22 pm, dbhg...@comcast.net wrote:
> On the short daylight hours of winter,
what does one do with one's time? Why, Bob, you say, what a silly
question! Why, measure trees of course. And, that folks is exactly
what I've been doing, but with a specific purpose in mind. I am
comparing summertime with wintertime measurements of trees in our
wooded lot. One tree occupied the spotlight this morning - the
Monica Tuliptree. In summer, the crown is full and prevents full
laser penetration to the higher, farther twigs. This is the rule
rather than the exception with tuliptree and makes the species
difficult to measure to the absolute top.
> My summer measurements of the Monica
tuliptree range from 121 to 123 feet, depending on my exact
location, with 123 utilizing the most optimistic readings from my
instruments. Today's winter measurement were taken from the second
floor of our home, looking out a window that provides an
unobstructed view of both base and crown. At the point of
measurement, I was 43.5 feet above the base of the tree. The height
I got (with repetition) was 125.4 feet. By being at a higher
location than on the deck by 10 feet and shooting in the winter, I
am able to see twigs farther into the crown and hit higher points.
BTW, I used both the Prostaff 440 and Prostaff 550 and got
measurements that were in agreement.
> In our discussions about tree
measuring, we have often acknowledged that winter is the best time
to measure hardwoods and I can certainly verify that. Monica's
tuliptree gets frequent re-measurements and is one of several dozen
trees I use to keep tabs on the range of readings I can get from
casual measurements taken at different times of the year.
> The wintertime measurement of
Monica's tuliptree puts the slender tree in the 125 Club. It shares
this distinction with 3 other trees, two white pines and another
tuliptree. Altogether, there are 6 trees on Monica's property that
exceed 120 feet in height. None of our surrounding neighbors with
private property can lay claim to the same. Not bloody bad, folks.
Not bloody bad.
> Bob