TOPIC: Patch of woods
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 6 2008 9:40 pm
From: JamesRobertSmith
As a letter carrier, I see a lot of nice trees in my part of
Charlotte, NC. I heard about one place too late to go see it.
Supposedly, there were some champion-caliber trees in there before
bulldozers came. It was about a block of green near South Park Mall
(Charlotte's largest and most uspcale mall). Most of the block is
stores and condos. However, someone noticed that there was an
abandoned slave cemetery on the property and the State declared a
section of the land off-limits to development. Apparently forever.
you have a patch of woods (seems to be about one acre in size)
the street and the development with some extremely nice trees. Since
it's a slave cemetery, then I would assume the larger trees to be
pretty old. If I have the time I will wander into this patch of
on Saturday and take some photos. As I'm still a novice on tree ID,
I'll need some help in naming the species. Almost all of the trees
hardwoods. Some are pretty impressive, but I was told that there
some EXTREMELY huge trees that were cut down to make way for the
building project. By the time I found out about them, it was too
to go and take photos. And I was driving past it every day without
much more than a glance.
TOPIC: Patch of woods
== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2008 6:43 am
From: Larry
James, Why can't we build malls around Nature instead of cutting the
trees out. They should build around as many as possible. Down this
we are seeing more and more of Nature friendly developement. Spare
trees, build with the trees making the projects much more
beautiful! Larry
== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2008 11:28 am
From: "Edward Frank"
I am looking forward to your descriptions of the site, small though
it is. It is funny you brought this up. There was an article on the
back cover of the Wal-Mart World Magazine (propaganda for
Associates) I wanted to copy and post to the list.
The Highland Village, Texas, Pecan Tree As part of the planning for
our third high-efficiency store (Store 4240 in Highland Village,
Texas), we attended local city council meetings to listen to area
residents and learn more about this North Texas community. Among the
many things we learned: We needed to save a tree. One of the oldest
examples of Texas state tree, a 125-plus-year-old pecan tree, had
become a symbol of the community. Town residents spoke passionately
about it; the city council said the tree could be removed, but we
knew it had to stay. As store manager Brad Cullum says,
"Wal-Mart, being the company that we are, said, 'We're going to
make things right:" So now, customers and their families are
treated to a unique experience: A quiet, sunken garden-built around
the pecan tree-at the front of the store. At Wal-Mart, we are
honored to be a partner in preserving the history of the communities
we serve.
Learn more about the Highland Village, Texas, Wal-Mart Supercenter
at walmartfacts.com .
I don't think they gave the Pecan enough room, but I wanted to post
the image anyway.
== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2008 1:12 pm
From: "Will Blozan"
Wal-Mart green and community minded? Whatever. Looks like they will
kill it
anyway from root loss. Here in Asheville, NC, (and many other
places) people
still believe to save a tree all you need to do is put a strip of
tape on it so it doesn't get cut down. Somehow the roots get
ignored. Soil
grade changes, underground utilities are cut in, and the tree dies.
It will
be interesting to see how the tree does in the next few years. How
will the
park look with a stump? What kind of symbol would it be then?
I know, I am talking a very negative look at this. Perhaps some
efforts were
taken above and beyond simply not cutting it down.
TOPIC: Patch of woods
== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2008 1:18 pm
From: "Edward Frank"
I do not disagree with your prognosis on the fate of this tree.
== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2008 1:54 pm
From: "Edward Frank"
Will, James, ENTS,
If you look on a broad scale, on a National Scale we have a tiny
proportion of our best landscapes set aside as National Parks,
Preserves, Monuments, and to a lesser extent forests. On a state
scale we have state parks and preserves. Large cities have acres and
acres of pavement, but also may have city parks in which some
natural lands preserved.
On a smaller scale this pattern breaks down. Many small towns don't
have any parks, or perhaps a highly manicured town square. There are
numerous cookie cutter subdivisions in which the only trees all in a
row are marking boundaries or surrounding the subdivision sign. In
neighborhoods there are parks, but these are generally playgrounds
or fields for organized sports. In Malls there are trees in the long
skinny sections between the curbs delineating the road from the
parking lot, or in small circular concrete containers. Our city
streets, having been widened over the years, may have some large
trees. Most have been mutilated by trimming for power lines, or have
been killed and replaced by half dead saplings struggling to
Why does this process breakdown on a smaller scale? It is because we
do not expect or demand that smaller patches of natural woods to be
preserved. Why do we not demand that new subdivisions preserve a
patch of a few acres of natural woods for the members of those
communities to enjoy and explore? They were able to "not build'
over the former slave cemetery at the location James Robert Smith
talked about. Why would they not have also been able to preserve
within the mall complex an acre or two of the biggest and oldest
trees to be found there. In the center of the Mall of America there
is a large roofed over open space that contains an amusement park
complete with Roller-Coasters - There must be space among the acres
of parking lots, and courtyards, and sundry hardscaping to be able
to keep a patch of natural forest. Perhaps fenced off, or traversed
by winding walkways. (Did you know the Mall of America does not have
a heating plant - it is heated completely by lights in the building
and by thousands of shoppers even in the dead of the Minnesota
Are there examples of natural forest landscaping within subdivisions
or mall complexes that you can think of that could serve as a model
for more nature or tree friendly landscape design? Could these
concepts be promoted by articles in Architectural Digest or various
landscaping magazines? Something could be done if there was a
popular voice calling for this type of design rather than manicured
hardscapes with an occasional potted tree.
== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2008 6:10 pm
From: JamesRobertSmith
The patchwork nature of forests in the East is a recipe for
As Richard Leakey so eloquently put it in his excellent book, THE
SIXTH EXTINCTION, you cannot "preserve" species through
the disjointed
sections of parkland that has long been considered as the best way
"conserve" natural landscapes. Eventually, you get a
genetic dead end
on your hands, one way or the other (whether it be from inbreeding,
natural disaster such as a fire, an invasive species, etc.). You
cannot save any kind of ecosystem by turning it into a limited park.
Once again, this is why I spend so much of my free time exploring
wild. I want to see these places before it's too late. So much of it
will be gone forever within a generation.
I hope to get some photos of the nugget of urban forest on my route
tomorrow, if the weather cooperates.
== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2008 6:14 pm
From: "Edward Frank"
I was thinking more along the line of giving people a small patch of
the natural world in which to interact, flawed though it may be,
rather than simply an occasionally half dead tree in a concrete pot.
== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2008 8:47 pm
From: James Parton
I think as you do. Before building our local Hendersonville Super
Mart there was a beautiful forest dominated by White Pine, Pitch
and Oak at that location. Now, hardly a tree remains except for a
small planted ones among the masses of cars in the parking lot. Yes,
they paved paradise!
The old Wal-Mart was fine by me.
James Parton.
TOPIC: Patch of woods
== 1 of 7 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 8 2008 2:08 pm
From: Carolyn Summers
Omigod! Can we at least hope they had the common sense to install
underground sprinklers? You would think. For all the money they must
spent on pavers.......
Carolyn Summers
63 Ferndale Drive
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706
== 3 of 7 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 8 2008 3:59 pm
From: Carolyn Summers
Ed, you might be just in time. If you could spend the time, and
other ENTS,
as well, google LEEDS landscape standards. This will be incorporated
the new green building standards and they are currently in draft
awaiting comments. If google doesnıt produce, get back to me, and Iıll
track down the URL. I have to confess that this was on my to do
list, but I
have gotten hopelessly behind. Thanks for bringing this up.
Carolyn Summers
63 Ferndale Drive
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706
== 4 of 7 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 8 2008 6:12 pm
From: "Edward Frank"
Re: [ENTS] Re: Patch of woodsCarolyn, ENTS,
The address is: http://www.usgbc.org/DisplayPage.aspx?CMSPageID=222
The relevant section is the one on neighborhood development. Thanks.
I will look into it.
== 5 of 7 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 8 2008 7:02 pm
From: "Edward Frank"
James Robert (I don't know what to call you)
I always find you posts insightful, and respect your passion for the
environment. I don't always agree, but I look forward to reading
your posts. This is one of those cases where I agree and disagree
with you at the same time. Ideally it would be great if we had a
large unbroken track of forest in which various species were free to
roam and breed. The fact is we don't have that, and are unlikely to
achieve that goal. At the present we have the patchwork of parks and
preserves and we need to make the best of it. The only way I see to
remedy the situation would be if half the population were lost, and
those remaining looked inward at areas previously developed, and
abandoning the outlying land to nature. I don't see that as
happening. We can make some progress, by working toward getting
areas of some of the National Forests designated wilderness to
provide a broader patchwork, for as long as that political
designation is left unchanged.
I would agree that you can not let the patchwork of parks to their
own devices and hope to preserve species. Even with efforts to the
contrary some species will be lost, but it is not a complete dead
end. On their own there will be species losses to plants and as
deaths drop the populations below sustainable numbers. You need some
many pairs of most species to maintain a viable breeding population
(It is unfortunate that the HWA is parthenogenic and doesn't have a
lower limit to breeding viability). Over time the species diversity
of both plants and animals will decrease. [This is one of the
reasons you can tell that the Caribbean Islands were populated by
rafting of species, rather than ever having been a part of a land
But as I said the outlook is not hopeless. Look at the work being
done in zoos. They provide the public a place to see these exotic
animals and form a foundation for the general public to want to see
these species saved from extinction. [or at least the charismatic
megafauna] There are a number of species that have been saved from
complete extinction by breeding efforts at zoos - the California
Condor for one - with the goal in many cases to eventually
re-release these species back into the wild. There are genetic bank
that document the genetics of species with low populations and
exchanges between zoos so that inbreeding does not bring out bad
genes. I would agree we are loosing species faster than we are
preserving them, but we still are preserving some of them. For
animals that require a large range, to live, we may not be able to
succeed, but for others we can.
An active management strategy would need to be implemented for the
smallest parcel, with less management for larger portions. Smaller
patches of land that are preserved can serve as gene banks that can
be swapped with other areas if an active management strategy is
used. each individual patch of land could potentially be destroyed
by a single windstorm or fire event. The key would be redundancy.
The more smaller patches you have the less likely they all would be
destroyed at once.
I believe that for the purposes of species preservation, that
creating large numbers of small patches would be a useful, if not
perfect strategy. In addition these patches might serve as
touchstones for people to become more aware of the natural
environment. A few small patches will not achieve much, but large
numbers of small patches could do much more.
Ed Frank
TOPIC: Patch of woods
== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 8 2008 7:27 pm
From: JamesRobertSmith
The only cure to the problem of unconnected tracts is for the
implementation of very strict regulations. Development of rural
needs to be stopped in most cases, and curtailed in all cases. We
cannot continue to have the uninterrupted development of our rural
wild lands and hope to maintain species diversity.
If such heavy regulation can be imposed, then corridors between
tracts of parkland and wilderness areas can be created that would go
long way toward creating a more even and contiguous swath of natural
Of course, as I said, the regulation would have to be severe and
imposed via new laws. With rapacious corporations controlling
everything we see and do, there's little hope to implement such.
== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 8 2008 7:35 pm
From: "Joseph Zorzin"
That being the case, people must decide if they'll just accept it-
or do something! Previous generations liberated themselves from
Churches and aristocracies. Ralph Nader is right, we're now subjects
of the international corporations- he has the guts to keep saying
that, a very revolutionary statement- which others don't deny- but
nobody does anything about it. There's little hope without risk.
== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 8 2008 8:43 pm
From: Phil
Let's hope they did not include underground sprinklers near the
The sad issue is that in Dallas we're facing another large scale
removal and creek burial to remove affordable housing and add a new
retail center. I've becoming too shell-shocked at these vast
to have any joy or wonder for the preservation of one old pecan
In the past year, I've watched a pecan grove removed for a
site and old growth post oaks for the same. In the old Dallas
lands, the post oak is the hardest to replace and their losses are
difficult to bear.
Pavers or sprinklers or not. I fail to find the passion to save one
tree when I see acres mowed down in one swoop.
== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 8 2008 8:50 pm
From: "Edward Frank"
Phil, Everyone else,
I never said that preserving this pecan tree was a great thing, I
was just passing on a note about it that appeared in the Wal-Mart
Magazine. I felt it was a curious comment on the overall problem of
suburban and urban sprawl.
TOPIC: Patch of woods
== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 9 2008 5:46 am
From: JamesRobertSmith
Well, I'm a revolutionary at heart. Change through the barrel of a
seems to be the only real way to achieve anything. Unfortunately.
== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 9 2008 6:16 am
From: Phil Erwin
I understand your comment, Ed. I'm with you on this. I think most
members of this group recognize the sprawl issue. I guess the main
point we might derive from this chain is the Wal Mart folks...and I
think most Americans...have an 'artificial' concept of priorities
it comes to a responsible land ethic versus economics. The market
always prevails because stronger forces requires it and manipulates
our regulatory powers to make it so. I watch it daily. Sprawl can
be addressed appropriately when the general (maybe common)
for our land uses is not money-driven but addresses more reasonable
'realistic' attributes of the land and the real need of the welfare
the community. Wal Mart is an 'artificial world' for the masses with
the sole interest of making money. Our (or any human) economy is a
made process that contradicts the natural processes of life. If Wal
Mart was truly interested in land conservation, they would have done
far more than insufficiently spare a single tree. Even if they
about doing more, they don't know how, nor do most of the minions
work for them that plan these sites. Any personal attributes to be
dedicated to the needs of the community and the common good that
have existed was left long ago in Arkansas when others besides Sam
took over the shop. A little propaganda never fixes that - it just
magnifies the lie to those who recognize the truth and makes the
manipulative force (that does not) a little more bold to do more and
all the while believing they have been generous.
The sprawl is the issue because we have no mindset to do otherwise.
will deceive ourselves to ruin.
== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 9 2008 6:59 am
From: Lee Frelich
You have hit on some of the main points for conservation of forests
in a
changing and fragmented environment listed by Connie Millar and
in their recent paper:
Millar, CI, N.L Stephenson, and S.L. Stephens. 2007. Climate change
forests of the future: managing in the face of uncertainty.
Applications 17: 2145-2151.
The paper is about global warming, but the points it makes would
equally well even if the climate were not changing. Connie has been
one of
the premiere forest conservation geneticists in the world for the
last 3
decades, and I was lucky enough to see her at a meeting in
Washington DC
last year, during which she gave an elegant presentation based on
paper. She gave me a copy of it and told me to make as much use of
it as
possible. Connie and coworkers list resistance options to forestall
changes, resilience options to allow forests to return to previous
conditions after disturbance, and response options to facilitate
to new conditions. This last includes nine points with my
interpretation of
what each means in parentheses:
1. Assisted migration (help species move to other fragments by
seeds or seedlings)
2. Increase redundancy and buffers (larger number of natural areas
stands of each forest type)
3. Expand genetic diversity guidelines (mix together seeds from
bigger seed
zones, let natural selection act on them)
4. Manage for asynchrony (multi-aged forests and/or landscapes)
5. Establish neo-native forests (new forests in areas where the
climate is
now suitable)
6. Promote connected landscapes (more corridors, less fragmentation
7. Realign disrupted conditions (may need new ecosystem
classification to
take into account new conditions, new expectation of what forest
type will
grow in a given area)
8. Anticipate surprises and threshold effects (severe droughts and
may overwhelm a given forest and necessitate change)
9. Experiment with refugia (species may be able to hold on in areas
microclimates such as north slopes or moister soils or algific talus
Two members of the Conservation Biology faculty at the U of MN (Sue
Galatowitsch and I) are using these as a basis for a workshop June
4-5 on
Conservation of Native Species in Minnesota, which we hope will lead
conservation plans for the state, including forests, wetlands, and
prairies. We have invited some experts from around the country, and
have a wide variety of people leading discussions during the
including members of the MN state legislature, Director of
science for The Nature Conservancy, head of the Natural Areas
Program at
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, etc., and significant
of the news media. We will write a paper for publication addressing
nine points above.
== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 9 2008 5:05 pm
From: Beth Koebel
James and Will,
I just love it when a developer buys some acreage of
woods, clears all the trees off of the property,
builds the houses, then plants trees where there had
been trees before.
"Information is moving--you know, nightly news is one way, of
course, but it's also moving through the blogosphere and through the
Washington DC, May 2, 2007 George W. Bush
== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 9 2008 6:33 pm
From: JamesRobertSmith
The best example of what can go wrong with the patchwork system was
illustrated perfectly by an example in Leakey's THE SIXTH EXTINCTION
A species of sparrow which lived exclusively on beachfront
dunes was nearing
extinction. The authorities finally were able to preserve a stretch
beach and the sparrow numbers increased dramatically. Subsequently,
there was a drought and an ensuing fire which swept up the beach,
burning every growing thing along the dunes. The sparrows who were
burned outright were left with nowhere to live and nowhere to feed.
Since the fire, the species has been declared extinct, since no
individuals have been seen since shortly after the fire.
On the surface, it seemed as if this nubbin of ecosystem would do
job and save the species from extinction due to the fact that the
of its environment had been developed into oblivion by human
into its habitat. However, having only the one location, the
fatalistic die was cast and the sparrow went down that black hole
Yes, this is merely an example, but a telling one. If habitat
continues to shrink, no haphazard method of preserving habitat here
and there, will-nilly, is going to suffice to save vast numbers of
species from extinction and this will ultimately cause the collapse
entire ecosystems. If HUGE tracts of land are not set aside
permanently, and bridged to one another via rural corridors that
remain inviolable, then untold numbers of animals and plants are
to go extinct. Followed by Homo sapiens at some point.
That's the ultimate problem, of course. We're going to eat the world
at such a pace and to such a degree that our own existence is going
be rendered unsupportable.
Maybe that's the best course for life on Earth: for humans to go
extinct as soon as possible. That way, what's left will diverge in
explosion of species diversity and repopulate the ecological niches
made empty by the stupid naked apes.
TOPIC: Patch of woods
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 10 2008 2:47 am
From: "Joseph Zorzin"
Then, possibly after the naked apes goes extinct- the porpoises will
advance in their evolution and take over the niche of
"intelligent species". It will be a socialist system of
course, one that takes care of the planet.
== 2 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 10 2008 1:50 pm
From: "Edward Frank"
Did you happen to catch the program "Life After People" on
the History Channel?
"Explore the tantalizing question of whether all the remnants
of mankind will eventually disappear from our planet. What would
happen to the earth if humans ceased to exist? Would ocean life
flourish, the buffalo return to the Great Plains and our skyscrapers
yield to the wear and tear of time. Visit the ghostly villages
surrounding Chernobyl, which were abandoned by humans after the
nuclear disaster in 1986 and then travel to the remote islands off
the coast of Maine to search for traces of abandoned towns that have
vanished from view in only a few decades. Learn from experts in the
fields of engineering, botany, ecology, biology, geology,
climatology and archeology as they provide answers for many thought
provoking questions.
Rating: TVPG
Running Time: 120 minutes "
There aren't any re-airings in the next couple of weeks, but it is
worth catching when it does air again.
== 3 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 10 2008 2:09 pm
From: JamesRobertSmith
Closer to home, there's an old NAScar racetrack that had sanctioned
races up until about twenty years ago. Bleachers, press box,
concession stands, parking lots, the works. The track was abandoned
and the county and state bought up the property to make a new park.
just that short amount a time, it's hard to find the old track. You
can find the concrete bleachers, but even those are overgrown. The
press box and concession stands are covered in new growth and all
obliterated and destroyed by weather, rot, and vegetation.
I didn't catch that show about humans fleeing this mortal coil, but
I'll catch it on rerun.
== 6 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 10 2008 6:17 pm
From: Randy Brown
In a similar vein is book called 'World without us' that tracks how
long it would take our various constructs to disintegrate:.
If I recall correctly, this book claimed skyscrapers won't stand for
long (a couple of decades) because their foundations can't tolerate
being waterlogged and the sewers are the first things to clog. This
quite frankly surprised me because I assumed their steel frame would
last a very long time.
Speaking of chernobyl here a site that give a chilling photo tour of
the deserted area:
(Kinda like Pompeii without the ash)
== 7 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 10 2008 7:01 pm
From: JamesRobertSmith
I've long been suspicious of the kiddofspeed site. Something about
never rang true for me. I did read something about a year ago
that it was a hoax site. One thing that always bothered me about the
photos was that all of the roads are in good repair and scenes of
fields shows them all freshly mowed with no sapling growing up. I
think some of the city photos are legitimate, but the taken as a
it seems to be a hoax.
== 8 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 10 2008 7:29 pm
From: Randy Brown
Well I don't know. I've read from other sources that there are a
number of older people who have returned
to the area and the authorities have left alone. Here a similar
linked at the bottom of the wikipedia article:
"There is life now in Chernobyl, some people decided to return
the radiation hazard. The members of this trip have noticed even one
building was being renovated."
"Still people are very rare on the streets of Chernobyl."
One 'tour' states that people still do maintenance work at the old
chernobyl nuclear plant:
"Though the site is no longer functioning, people still work at
plant to perform necessary and ongoing maintenance."
So that is at least a plausible explanation for some of the
maintenance you see. I also assume the light traffic probably helps
quite a bit too. So in short, I didn't look too suspiciously. Here's
the wikipedia references if you wish to trawl through different
== 9 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 10 2008 7:58 pm
From: JamesRobertSmith
I do know from reading various articles that the wildlife
are amazing. All kinds of large animals that were rare are now there
in great numbers.
== 10 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 10 2008 9:25 pm
From: James Parton
Thanks for all the links on Chernobyl. I have spent the last hour
a half looking them over. It really makes you think. What if it
happened here?
James P.
TOPIC: Patch of woods
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 5:39 am
From: Randy Brown
In a way it did at the Rocky Flats Plant where they manufactured
nuclear material for the US atomic weapons program
In 2000, Congress proposed transforming Rocky Flats to a wildlife
refuge, setting aside 6,400 acres (25 km²) after cleanup and
The Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge Act passed in 2001.[2]
The last contaminated building was removed and the last
plutonium was shipped out in 2003, ending the cleanup based on a
modified cleanup agreement. The modified agreement required a higher
level of cleanup in the first 3 feet (1 m) of soil in exchange for
having to remove any contamination below that point unless it posed
chance of migrating to the surface or contaminating the
About half of the 800 buildings previously existing on the site had
been dismantled by early December 2004.
Due to fires (principally the fire in 1957) and other inadvertent
releases (principally due to wind at a waste storage area) the site
contaminated with plutonium. The other major contaminant is carbon
tetrachloride. Both of these substances affected areas adjacent to
site. There were also small releases of dioxin (from incineration),
beryllium and tritium.
Clean-up was declared complete on October 13 2005. About 1,000 acres
(4.0 km²) of the new wildlife refuge (the former Industrial Area)
remain under DOE control to protect the ongoing environmental
monitoring and remedy.
In February of 2006, after a 16-year legal battle, a federal jury
ruled against Dow Chemical and Rockwell International in a class-
action lawsuit brought by 12,000 property owners living downwind
Rocky Flats. The jury awarded $110 million in punitive damages
Dow Chemical, $89 million against Rockwell International, and $177
million against each company in actual damages. Lawyers for the two
companies said they would appeal.[4]
On June 13, 2007, the Environmental Protection Agency announced it
certified the cleanup of the former Rocky Flats nuclear weapons
another step toward the planned conversion of the site to a wildlife
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 11 2008 12:40 pm
From: "Joseph Zorzin"
It was interesting, but since it is highly unlikely it's not as
thought provoking as the future of an every more degraded planet and
remnants of the naked apes.
TOPIC: Patch of woods
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 13 2008 6:20 am
From: "Edward Frank"
The Quehanna Wild in Northwestern PA is another example of a former
nuclear research facility transformed into a wild area. Here the
nuclear material was not being processed but in the 50's there was
research into developing a nuclear powered jet engine. They of
course also had a small nuclear reactor that has be decommissioned.
You can hike through he are and see some of these artifacts from the
cold-war era.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 13 2008 6:23 am
From: "Joseph Zorzin"
Do you bring your Geiger counter?
You feel the way I do about humanity - we really are ruining the
planet. The sad irony is that so much of the waste is not needed and
that beyond a certain point "things" - and the resulting
waste that
comes with producing them and disposing of them - don't make a
happy. But we have been conditioned to be consumers first and people
second, and it is a sad state of affairs.
Now, I am not saying we should go back to cavemen times or even
drawn carriages, but I do wonder how long the current system
upon: cheap energy, endless resources, and ever-expanding growth can
sustain itself. I also wonder just how much better the world would
if people just conserved and focused on the important things in
not the latest shiny, new toy.
Mathew Hannum