Date: Tues, Dec 4 2007 3:48 pm
From: "symplastless"
Can someone help me ID these Squirrels.
Are they flying squirrels?
Specifically which ones?
Are they threatened and endangered species?
If not sure can someone point me in the right direction
Thank very very very much.
John A. Keslick, Jr.
Consulting Arborist
TOPIC: Squirrels
== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 5 2007 6:02 am
From: "William Morse"
Hi John,
That is certainly a true flying squirrel. I do not know what type,
but the Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel was (is?) a federally
endangered species. There was a proposal earlier this year to remove
it Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife. I do not know
the out come of that. I quickly checked Google this AM for flying
squirrels and found this link:
Apparently there are 2 subspecies that are endangered and 3 ssp.
which are rare.
- northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus); USA, Canada
(G.s.fuscus & G.s.coloratus endangered, USA)
-southern flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans); USA, Canada, Mexico,
Central America (G.v. guerreroensis/goldmani/oaxacensis rare)
I would contact your local USFWS as well as your state environmental
office to get the up-to-date protection status.
Travis Morse
Elma, NY
== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 5 2007 6:05 am
Hi John,
It is definitely a flying squirrel. The question is whether it's a
Northern or
Southern flying squirrel.
I'm referring to the National Audubon Field Guide to North American
Here's a quick breakdown:
1. Southern flying squirrel:
smallest tree squirrel. Very silky coat grayish-brown above, white
flattened gray-grown tail, length 8.25-10", tail
similar species: Northern flying squirrel is generally larger and a
richer brown
2. Northern flying squirrel:
small, very soft fur, rich brown above, white below, length
10.375-14.5", tail
similar species: Southern flying squirrel is generally smaller and
Since I'm partially color blind and color can very a good bit
between animals in
general, I'd be more likely to look at overal length of the animal
and habitat
range. Although from the pictures I wouldn't call the pelage a
"rich brown",
hence a grayer color and more likely a Southern. Just one word of
concerning Audubon color plates for this critter. The book I'm
looking at has
the Northern pictured as a grayer looking coat...
It appears small, hence a southern, and northerns are rare in PA.
The habitat
map I'm looking at doesn't have northerns listed in southeastern PA,
appear to be more along the Allegheny Plateau of the Appalachain
So, through the process of elimination and odds, I'd be more apt to
say it's a
Southern flying squirrel.
Neither Southern or Northerns are listed as threatened or endangered
in PA.
Nice pics! It's says Southerns also make an excellent and
exceptionally clean
pet. I wish my wife would've adopted this critter instead of another
dog. We
now have 3 dogs and 2 cats. Anyone want a cat? We had a neighbor who
his cat 'T.P.', short for 'target practice'. Great name, just not
too fond of
cats. 'Marv' Blozan is the exception to the rule though.
TOPIC: Squirrels
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 7 2007 5:30 am
From: pabigtrees
Very nice pics of the squirrels. We have them here in Aston too. I
found a dead one a while back. Sort of rare in my opinion. The one I
found looked just like your photos, and we had decided it was a
southern flying squirrel at the time. Thanks for sharing the pics.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 7 2007 9:21 pm
From: James Parton
I can remember as a child us having a family of flying squirrels in
storage area in our home. They took up residence in one of dads old
jackets. They were cute little critters with large eyes. I can
remember seeing them at dusk gliding from tree to tree in our yard.
had some nice hickories & oaks for them to play in. That was
long ago.
I was less than 10 years old.
James Parton