Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 2:56 PM
Subject: Ostrya et al.
With the formation of the Great Plains during the mid-Tertiary,
many groups of plants and animals were separated by the Gulf of
Mexico, ending up with isolated populations. Several tree
species common to the Eastern US have disjunct populations in
east-central or southern Mexico, including:
Acer negundo
Cercis canadensis
Cornus florida
Fagus grandifolia
Liquidambar styraciflua
Ostrya virginiana
Pinus strobus
Platanus occidentalis
Prunus serotina
Besides Ostrya getting quite large in these southern outliers,
the dogwood does as well - and is evergreen!
Fascinating. Beyond Ostrya , how do the size of other species in
these disjunct populations generally compare with their northern
counterparts? Would we go hog-wild over a Mexican Liquidambar
styraciflua? If sweetgum can reach 160+ feet in places like
Congaree (potentially), how much better can it do in Mexico? Is
it mainly the slower growing species that get to noticeably
larger sizes in the more southern climes?