TOPIC: American Chestnut
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Date: Tues, Jul 8 2008 5:40 am
From: Paul Jost
A little over a year ago, I wrote this in an email to the Wisconsin
Champion Tree coordinator:
...I visited the Bayfield, WI American Chestnut. It's owners, Susan
and Neil, gave me a warm welcome and were gracious hosts. They
patiently let me measure and photograph the tree. They talked about
it's histgry, about frequent visitors to the tree, and about what it
meant to some of the visitors. It has recently suffered crown loss
from wind damage and possibly other causes, and has been properly
serviced by a professional arborist. It is generally in good shape
but is "pinched" in between an oak and a shagbark hickory,
probably having been planted there when the house was built in 1888.
The tree measured 143" in girth 4.5' above midslope, 57' tall,
and had a 40.7' average spread for 210 points. It exists on a slope
down from a nearby home down to the sidewalk that was installed long
after the tree was planted.
It is the second biggest chestnut in Wisconsin. I have a late spring
picture with the leaves off just before budding. I'll try to dig it
up. There is also a healthy naturalized grove of medium sized
chestnuts nearby on private land along an area golf course.
The state champ is in decline from the chestnut blight. It is part
of a large grove of naturalized trees in western Wisconsin that only
recently was exposed to the blight. It is on private land, but I do
know the general location. I have never been there.
I've also seen other fairly large trees in isolated yard plantings
along the south shore of Lake Superior in the eastern upper
peninsula of Michigan. So, I assume that some far northern specimens
may exist in shoreline vicinity climates moderated by the Great
On Jul 4, 10:02 pm, "Edward Frank" <edfr...@comcast.net>
James, Thanks for the link,
ENTS, here is a big one from Wisconsin:
To the right is a wonderful photo of a magnificent American
currently thriving near La Crosse, Wisconsin. It was planted along
several others by a local farmer in 1909 and in less than 100 years
diameter of 58 inches. This is the state record for Wisconsin and is
of the largest American chestnuts to be found east of the Rocky