Trapper Peak - US Forest Service
On March 14, 2010 the Eastern Native Tree
Society and Western Native Tree Society switched from discussion lists
on Google Groups to a new discussion list in a Bulletin Board format at: Posts made since the inception
of the BBS on March 14, 2010 will be sorted and archived on the BBS.
Click on the link to go to the equivalent section on the new BBS. This
website will continue to serve as a front end for the ENTS and WNTS
groups. It will continue to serve as a repository of older posts, and
will serve as the host site for special projects and features that are
not well suited for a BBS format. Please visit the BBS for the latest
information and trip reports.
Field Trips and Discussions
Devoto Memorial Cedar Grove
WNTS: The Devoto Memorial Cedar Grove(old growth?)
is in the Clearwater National Forest, Idaho along US120 near mile
167 and about 10 miles west of Lolo pass. I wondered if anyone has
measured any of the trees found in this grove? I am ashamed to admit
I have driven by this grove 2 times and never stopped. This summer I
did stop for an...
more » November 3, 2009
- Craters of
the Moon National Monument (from 2005)
Feb 2005
National Forest
The 1.6 million acre Bitterroot National Forest, in west central Montana and east central Idaho, is part of the Northern Rocky Mountains. National Forest land begins above the foothills of the Bitterroot River Valley in two mountain ranges--the Bitterroot Mountains on the west and the Sapphire Mountains on the east side of the valley. The nearest urban area is Missoula, Montana, located 40 miles north of Hamilton, Montana.
Elevation ranges from 3,200 feet at the north end of the Bitterroot Valley to Trapper Peak at 10,157 feet in the mountains on the south. In the Idaho portion of the Forest, elevations drop to about 2,600 feet along the Selway River and 2,200 feet on the Salmon River.
Forty-seven percent of the Bitterroot National Forest (743,000 acres) is part of the Anaconda-Pintler, Selway-Bitterroot, and Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness.

West Fork District - US Forest Service
Wilderness Areas
There is over 743,800 acres of wilderness on the Bitterroot Forest: the
Anaconda-Pintler (41,162 acres), Frank Church River of No Return
(193,703 acres), and Selway-Bitterroot (508,217acres).
- Selway-Bitterroot:
About 38 percent of this wilderness is on the Bitterroot Forest.
This portion is readily accessible from local roads along U.S.
Highway 93 and the road following the Nez Perce Fork of the
Bitterroot River. More detailed information is available from Ranger
District offices in Stevensville, Darby, and West Fork.
- Anaconda-Pintler:
About 25 percent of this wilderness is on the Bitterroot Forest
in the southeastern corner. This portion is accessible from the East
Fork Road near Sula. For further information contact the Sula Ranger
- Frank Church-River of No Return: Over ten percent of this
2-million acre wilderness is on the Bitterroot Forest. Access to
this portion is by a Forest road which follows the Salmon River, the
southern bounder of the Forest, or by the road to Elk City, which
follows the Nez Perce Fork of the Bitterroot River. The Elk City
route is generally not open until July 15, and there are no service
stations or other commercial facilities from the West Fork Ranger
Station to Elk City, Idaho--115 miles. For further information
contact the West Fork Ranger District.
Idaho's Big Tree List
All native trees are listed. Minimum tree dimensions are 3 inches DBH and 13 feet tall. Identification of challengers must be confirmed. Index points = circumference (inches) + height (feet) + 1/4 average crown spread (feet). Co-champions are declared when there are two trees of the same species within 5 index points of each other. For Idaho state trees, all native species that meet the minimum tree dimensions are listed. Cultivated trees are listed separately as records are confirmed. Many cultivated species have no recorded champions. Entries should be for trees of relatively large size for any new species listing, as determined by the Idaho Big Tree Program Director.
GORP - Idaho
Wilderness Bitterroot, Frank Church-River of No Return, Gospel Hump, Hells Canyon, Salmo-Priest, Sawtooth, Selway-Bitterroot.