Dune Adventures, CO Robert Leverett
July 20, 2009


   The attached images reflect an infinitesimal fraction of dune moods and patterns to which the eye is treated in a scene that unfolds each day from dawn to dusk.  These are all images that were taken with my little iPhone camera. 

1. S-BlendedEcosystems:  This image was taken at the edge of the dunes. The unrelenting battle between sand and vegetation is featured here against the backdrop of the massive 13,294-foot Mt. Herard. Clouds spill over Medano Pass to heighten one viewscape.

2. S-Footprintsinthe Sand: All sand prints are ephemeral. One walks into and out of the dunes, looking back to see the lingering trace of one's presence. The physical manifestations of that presence pass to be replaced by others, and so on. The only constant of the dunes is change.

3. S-LookingBack: When in the dunes, one's attention is drawn first to micro-patterns then macro-patterns, and back. The boldness and expansiveness of this extraordinary landscape first captures ones imagination, followed by the heart, and then the soul. There is more here than can be absorbed in an hour, day, year, or century. Some parts change in the blink of an eye. Other parts seem eternal. 

4. S-Sandscapes:  There are no dull moments spent in dune wanderings. Sudden changes brought by windy gusts; shifting patterns highlighted by the dancing interplay of light and shadows; cresting a high dune to be confronted by a still higher one; it all unfolds in an endless expanse. But there is a constant. It is the ever bold backdrop of the lofty Sangre de Cristos. I could never tire of the dunes. 


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