Ancient Forest
National Park proposed
More info on the park proposal website at
An Ancient Forest National Park is proposed for Northern
California and Southern Oregon to biologically join together
wilderness areas, roadless areas, a national recreation area and
wild and scenic rivers into one cohesive land management unit for
the protection of ancient forest plants, animals and fish. The
proposal is to set aside a solid block of land approximately 2.5
million acres from the Rogue River in Oregon to the Trinity River in
California. It will forever allow the free migration of species from
the coast and Redwood National Park to semi arid inland canyons. The
park would include already established wilderness areas and already
designated critical wildlife areas along with unprotected roadless
areas. Very little of the acres included are private land and most
of it is very steep and uninhabited. Vast as it may seem, during the
Clinton presidency, two national monuments were designated of
similar size and scope, one in Arizona and one in Utah. The area
proposed as Ancient Forest National Park is vast, but for the
survival of species in this era of climate change and major fires,
it needs to be. There has to be room for the constant change in
habitat types that comes with what is truly wild. The Kalmiopsis
area was burned almost in its entirety in one summer season and much
of the Trinity Alps forests burned in two summer events, and the
Marble Mountain Wilderness was half burned the summer of 2008 along
with the Ukonom Creek and Dillon Creek Roadless areas. There is no
time to waste because climate change is happening right now and
animals and plants and fish in this ancient forest are stressed. In
fact, outside of the park proposal, much of what was here when
white-man came to the West is now gone for good. The Ancient Forest
National Park would include the most rugged and scenic remnant of
what was a coast to coast wilderness not long ago. The reason this
area has survived in tact is because people have fought and fought
again for its preservation. A major part of the landscape proposed
as Ancient Forest National Park has been set aside in a piecemeal
fashion with no thought given to species migration.
It's time to join all those pieces together now.
From north to south these areas are included in the proposal
(partial list):
Rogue River Wilderness
Shasta Costa Roadless Area
North Kalmiopsis Roadless Area
Kalmiopsis Wilderness
Chetco River Roadless Area
Eight Dollar Mountain Roadless area
Josephine Creek Roadless Area
Rough and Ready Creek Roadless Area
Smith River National Recreation Area
Siskiyou Wilderness
Clear Creek Roadless Areas
Dillon Creek Roadless Area
Ukonom and King Creek Roadless areas
Ten Bear Roadless Area
Marble Mountain Wilderness
Orleans Mountain Roadless Area
The Salmon River Drainage
Russian Wilderness
The Trinity Alps Wilderness
The New River Drainage |
In recent summers there were major fires sweeping the Siskiyou
Mountains of Northern California, threatening the viability of major
wild areas to sustain the habitats they were set aside for. By the
time fire season was done, huge chunks of roadless land had burned.
Half of the Marble Mountain Wilderness, the whole Ukonom and Dillon
Creek roadless areas, much of the Siskiyou and Trinity Alps
Wilderness areas. Big fires are becoming more common in the US,
partly because of drought, but mostly because of a new fire
management style. Instead of putting fire line along the edge of a
fire, now days it's not unusual to see fire lines being built on a
ridge miles away from the blaze. There are some good reasons why
this management style has taken hold. It is cheaper, safer for fire
crews, and burning the Smoky-the-Bear backlog of forest fuels,
caused by 100 years of snuffing out every little forest fire, is now
considered extremely important. But there is a down side for
wildlife in this new management. In a geomac satellite fire
perimeter illustration
(click here to view) taken in summer 2008, it's easy to see that
much of what is burning is caused by backfires; and most of what is
considered wildfire (the big, round fire areas) in this illustration
was caused by the previous weeks layer of backfires, and so on. This
is not to second guess what was done; that summer was a disastrous
fire season by anyones standards. But at some tipping point, with
global climate change in the making, there has to be some place
where Ancient Forest habitat and wild things have to take precedence
over absolutely everything else. That's why Alden Moffatt has
proposed an Ancient forest National Park, binding together roadless
areas, wilderness areas, wildlife management areas, a national
recreation area, and wild and scenic rivers into one management area
where natural ecosystems can be the primary focus of all management
activities, and where fire management, and every other type of
management, can be for the benefit of wildlife and destruction of
habitat avoided. Because of the efforts of thousands of people
fighting to keep ancient forests of the Trinity, Klamath, Rogue and
Siskiyou National forests from becoming fragmented, a great deal of
land has been set aside over the last 50 years to protect one value
or another. Surprisingly, most of these land management areas are
connected or almost so. There is a remnant of real wilderness, huge
and almost in tact, over 2 million acres. This wild strip from the
Trinity River in California to the Rogue in Oregon is spectacular,
not just from a visual standpoint, but from an ecological
perspective. It is one of the wildest places in the US and yet it's
relatively close to major cities. The ancient forest there is
considered by scientists to be some of the most diverse in the
world. Moffatt has been studying maps, satellite photos of the area
for 35 years and has fought fires and hiked extensively in much of
the proposed parkland. He wants to avoid what happened during the
creation of Redwood National Park, where a small finger of land was
set aside to protect the tallest redwoods in the world. Logging
clearcuts eventually surrounded the tall trees that were preserved.
"You could stand in the Tall Trees Grove and hear the chainsaws
running and the tractors dragging just a few yards away", says
Moffatt. Then during storms erosion from all the little creeks and
draws meandered down to Redwood creek and turned the creek-side
gravel into a concrete like substance. It was only after the huge
public outcry that followed that the government bought up a lot of
land surrounding the Tall Trees Grove and began the mammoth job of
restoring it. Only about 20 percent of the Redwood NP expansion was
not decimated by clear cuts. The park expansion was a bittersweet
victory for its proponents and for the country. In an Ancient Forest
National Park, Moffatt wants a different story to unfold. "We can
avoid the cumulative impacts of human activity by preserving an area
that is big enough to manage for real wildlife, fish and plant
habitat protection. If one area burns, another area will allow
species to continue surviving into the future until the area that
was burned regrows. If an animal or plant is stressed in one area,
maybe there will be an area miles away where it can still thrive."
We are entering an era of unprecedented climate change, not only in
the United States, but in the world. Part of being ready for that
change is the creation of Ancient Forest National Park.