Oak Creek Canyon AZ Mike Dunn
  January 20, 2009
I was in Prescott, AZ this week for a school conference and was able
to spend some time in the Oak Creek Canyon of Northern Arizona.  Oak
Creek drops off of the Mogollon Rim and loses several thousand feet of
elevation as it winds towards the Red Rocks of Sedona.  This canyon is
one of Arizona's most breathtaking sites.   The northern and higher
altitude side of the canyon is dominated by Ponderosa Pines.  In the
more riparian corners exist stands of Douglas Firs.  Along the creek-
bed itself are smaller deciduous trees including Western Sycamores and
Cottonwoods.  I spent the majority of my time tracking down a supposed
150 foot tall Sycamore.  Instead I found some good looking" yellow
bellies" aka  Ponderosa Pines.

P3-150.5(my personal record)

Michael B. Dunn
