past week I spent several days at the Beartree
Recreation Area, which is part of the Mount Rogers
National Recreation Area in southwestern Virginia. My
wife and I enjoy that part of the Appalachians and we
end up there at least once a year.
One day we decided to take the short hike from the road
at Backbone Rock Recreation Area to see Backbone Rock
Falls. This impressive waterfall plunges down into a
small narrow canyon that's about 100 feet deep. The
gorge is full of poplars and hemlocks. One of the
poplars near the very bottom of the little gorge was
worth photographing. I had no way to measure it, but I
thought you ENTS folk would like to see the photo. The
tree is not impressive in girth, but is very tall and
has grown completely beyond the lip of the gorge and
Smith |