River Road:   Cook Forest tall tree tally update   Dale J. Luthringer
  Aug 03, 2004 17:25 PDT 
Bob, Ed, Colby, Will,

I finally got a couple of hours to measure some trees along River Road
today. It's been almost 2 months since I've had a chance to spend any
real time measuring trees. There have been a few trees along the
Clarion River that I've been wanting to measure lately, but just haven't
had a chance to get around to it until today.

Here's the short tally:

Species                        CBH     Height   Comments

Am. basswood               6.9        113       new park record
Hawthorne                     4.6        34.1      largest I've seen to date, open grown along river
Shagbark hickory           4.1        107.1    new park record
Slippery elm                  3.3        66
Tuliptree                        8.3        120.9
yellow buckeye              2.2        33.3      first confirmed in the park (37species to date)
yellow buckeye              2.1        40.5      there's another buckeye sp. off Mohawk trail at 7.1ft CBH x 66.7ft high that's needs Its ID verified
Yellow buckeye             6.9        84.5      old house/farm foundation tree, probably parent of above buckeye

Height Class      # Species

<100                        16
100                            7
110                            4
120                            6
130                            1
140                            2
180                            1                                       

RE: Cook Forest update   Dale J. Luthringer
  Aug 04, 2004 17:53 PDT 

I should say 37 species that various ENTS have measured in the park... I
guess Vitus sp. doesn't count as a tree. The rest are all trees or
shrubs (rhodes & laurel).

I still have to measure a couple of Ironwoods downriver from the Park
Office that have a little girth & height to them. There's also some
staghorn sumac that should be measured, and maybe a tiny black willow or
silky dogwood if I want to get picky. Oh yeh, maybe a speckled alder
down along the river, but then I'd have to go swimming to get those.
Some say the Clarion used to be called 'Alder River'. Certain sections
of the bank are just loaded with them to a point that it's a continuous
mat of alder.

I've attached my current species list of Cook Forest's "big & tall" trees.