Estate Rendezvous | |
12, 2004 17:03 PST |
On Saturday the following groups of Ents
assembled at the Vanderbilt Estate as Hyde Park, NY to search
for outstanding trees and compute a Rucker index. The team
included Phyllis Silvers, Holly Post, Susan Scott, Sheree Brown
(ladies first), Howard Stoner, John Eichholz, John Knuerr, Ed
Coyle, Scott Wade, and yours truly. The team concentrated on an
area of large trees on a hill and in a ravine north of the

A couple from the Vanderbilt estate. I took the
pictures. The tree is one of the red oaks down by the
Hudson, and some strange guy who kept following me
around in the woods that day. - Scott Wade |
following statistics say it all:
Height Circumference
155.1 10.8
136.1 16.4
White pine
133.9 5.7
Sugar maple
125.0 9.2
Black locust
124.1 8.7
N. red oak
123.5 15.8
Bitternut hickory 122.0 11.0
White oak
121.6 11.9
A. beech
115.1 8.5
111.3 9.5
RUCKER index 126.8 10.8
Other species include:
Species Height Circumference
Black birch
105.3 8.8
Mockernut Hickory 103.1 6.9
Black cherry 99.7 4.9
Ginko 81.3 18.8
Catalpa 95.5 11.1
Altogether, we measured 4 tuliptrees to over 150.
Species Height Circumference
TT#1 155.1 10.8
TT#2 150.7 11.8
TT#3 150.5 10.3
TT#4 150.1 11.9
TT#5 136.0 14.8
We measured the following sycamores:
Sycamore 136.1 16.4
Sycamore 128.3 17.0
Sycamore 104.0 17.3
The Hudson River Valley clearly
has lots of big tree/tall tree treasures. What was especially
satisfying was the stellar team that we fielded. It was a true
team effort all day long. Phyllis Silvers put us up at her
beautiful home Saturday evening at Middletown, NY. We had a
fabulous time. Phyllis is soooooper!! More on our finds
One additional bit of information I forgot to mention is that
Susan Scott made her real debut as a bonafide ENTS tree
measurer. So, the ladies have struck. Susan is determined to
bring the ladies into full team participation as ENTS measurers
and I have no doubt that she will succeed. She is formally
trained as an archeologist and understands the math very well.
Working with Howard Stoner, Susan is learning the ropes.
Estate Rendezvous | |
13, 2004 04:56 PST |
The search possibilities for
southern New York will concentrate on the Hudson River estates,
of which there are many. The FDR and Vanderbilt Estates opened
our eyes to what is a growing number of possibilities that
include the adjacent uplands with their abundance of ravines and
rugged terrain. The proximity of NYC tends to overshadow all the
natural and cultural features of the adjoining lands. That
cultural spillover no longer intimidates me. There was a time
when the thought of going near NYC sent me into a state of half
panic and half depression. But now we have our great new ENTS
friends Phyllis Silvers and Holly Post to ease the urban shock
syndrome for us. Then there's Ed Coyle who lives on Long Island.
Ed used to work fro Will Blozan. His location now is strategic.
It takes him about the same amount of time to reach the lower
Hudson River estates as it does fro the Massachusetts
contingent. Howard Stoner is slightly closer. So what I'm coming
to is that we now have one heck of a NY contingent. The Empire
strikes back, but this time it isn't an evil empire, but a
fascinating one.
We now have to go to work on
the NPS to get their full backing and support followed by the
State of NY for the state parks.
Things are good these
days, folks. Good.
Bob |
Vanderbilt Estate Rendezvous |
Leverett |
13, 2004 08:12 PST |
Unless we find some towering white pines in
the Catskills, the
tuliptree is going to reign supreme as the tall tree of southern
NY. But
we have so much territory to cover. I feel like a kid in a candy
We've needed to expand our NY coverage in the regions that grow
trees to fully understand where Zoar Valley fits. As we continue
searching, the number of NY sites with indexes in the 120s will
unquestionably grow, but I believe 130s will stay scares as
hen's teeth.
And while it may be premature to make statements, I do think the
uniqueness of Zoar Valley will be strengthened instead of
weakened as we
scour southern NY.
Estate Rendezvous-Bitternuts and Ginkgo |
Leverett |
13, 2004 09:54 PST |
It was an extraordinary bitternut. The others
in the vicinity were
more typical, but still large. John Eichholz, Scott Wade, and
truly teamed up on those bitternuts. They didn't have a chance.
The ginkgo branched very low to the ground. So
it lost some of its
visual impact, like black willows. I measured it between its
point and the ground at the narrowest point, like BVP does.
I miss counted on the number of 150-foot
tuliptrees that we've now
measured in NY. Our count stands at 6, which includes the
156-foot Zoar
Valley tree.
Jess Riddle wrote:
Yeash. That's an impressive series of measurements. I
would be ecstatic
over finding a site with comparable numbers in north
Georgia. Tuliptree
certainly can out-grow other hardwoods over a wide
latitude range. I
didn't realize bitternut hickory grew that large in the
north east. All
the other tall ones of the species that I remember
reading about were
skinny. The black birch also appears massive by any
standards for the
eastern US. Seeing an 18' cbh Ginkgo had to be fun also.
Is that tree a
single stem? The radial growth rate for the tree must be
Jess |
Anders Run update |
Eichholz |
21, 2004 17:44 PST |
I was reviewing your post on PA Rucker indices when I noticed
the part
about ENTS points trees over 2000. I thought I should note that
found 3 trees at the Vanderbilt estate over 2000:
Sycamore 136.1' h, 16.4'
cbh, 2232 ENTS points (hgt x
Sycamore 128.3' h, 17.0'
cbh, 2181 EP
Tulip Tree 136.0' h, 14.8'
cbh, 2012 EP
I remember another tulip tree that had 2232 points -- the same
as the
sycamore, but I can't find it in my journal. There were some
very fat
tulips there.
Estate | |
12, 2005 19:12 PST |
Holly Post, Phyllis Silvers,
Dennis Hayman, and myself returned to the Vanderbilt estate. I
didn't confirm any more 150s. I think we got them all, but I did
measure two skinny sycamores, a pignut hickory, and a basswood
that were noteworthy. The Rucker index for Vanderbilt is now as
Species Height Circumference
Tuliptree 155.1 10.8
Sycamore 137.6 7.1
White pine 134.0 5.7
Sugar maple 125.0 9.2
N. red oak 123.5 14.8
Bitternut H. 122.0 11.0
A. beech 115.1 8.5
A. basswood 112.8 7.1
Hemlock 111.3 9.5
Pignut H. 109.9 7.2
R.I. 124.6 9.1
Bob |
Vanderbilt Estate |
Leverett |
14, 2005 11:51 PST |
We largely ignored two species on the
Vanderbilt estate, black oak
and chestnut oak. I do want to return to Vanderbilt one more
time to
collect data on those species for completeness sake, but not
moving on to some other estates first. Phyllis Silvers believes
that a
couple of estates nearer to NYC may harbor a wealth of big
trees. So,
we're going to have a look at one of the Rockefeller estates
which is much larger than the Vanderbilt Estate.
I'm really chomping at the bits to extend our
coverage of NY and
eastern PA sites. We'll never be able to match the incredible
trees that
Will and Jess routinely measure, but we need lots more numbers
before we
can develop regional patterns and trends and profile individual
I'm still fixated on cottonwoods, although my
son Rob and I have
spotted what appears to be a promising area of large silver
maples in
the Oxbow region of Easthampton. An exploration may be next
big tree jaunt.
Given what we've measured for cottonwood in
the Northeast, I wonder
what the mid-west produces? If we're going to break 140, we may
need to
visit Tom Diggins and work our way west toward the mighty
The New England cottonwoods seem to have a self-imposed ceiling.
We just
cannot break 130 feet. Nor do we reach extremely large girths
often. Lee Frelich definitely sees larger girth cottonwoods.
Perhaps it
is tree age, but I believe that Lee is going to see larger
more often even factoring in age. Still, there are plenty of
large ones still to find in western Massachusetts before moving
Vanderbilt Estate |
Leverett |
22, 2005 06:17 PST |
You are correct. The trees I quoted from our latest
Vanderbilt trip
are the ones in my Access database. I failed to get the input
from the
others on the black locust and white oak. I believe John
Eichholz shot
the locust and Howard shot the white oak. Also, you'll note that
I got a
taller sycamore on our last trip (137.6). However, I failed to
authenticate the 155.1 number for the tuliptree. I got heights
to around
153.7 feet, which I think is very close to what John Eichholz
got when
he shot the same tree from a different location. I am reasonably
that the 153.7 feet is closer to the actual height. Using that
and making the other corrections leads to 126.93.
Thanks for riding herd on us.
White pine
Sugar maple
Black locust
N. red oak
Bitternut hickory
White oak
A. beech
A. basswood
RUCKER index
Vanderbilt Estate |
Eichholz |
22, 2005 08:44 PST |
The measurements for the black locust are:
33y top, 25y bottom, 56.8d top, 29.2d bottom, + 4.7' base
offset, for a
height of 124.1'. The cbh was 8.7'. The tree is located on the
below the yard area of the estate just before entering the main
tree grove. It was one of the first trees I measured, and I only
one reading.
For the tall tuliptree, my measurements were:
67y top, 40y bottom, 49.0d top, 0.0d bottom + 0.8' base offset,
for a
height of 152.5'. I measured the tree from across the ravine. I
145' from the other side, a different top. The tree had many
tops, so I
might not have found the tallest.