Swamp, Millville NJ | |
03, 2007 20:24 PST |
December 28th 2006 I traveled with Meg Varnes, Bill Sweeney,
Dr. Susan Munch, Dr. James Thorne of Natural Lands Trust, and a
volunteer named Mike. It took about 1 1/2 hours to reach the
swamp located near Millville Nj. We had to stop and sign in at a
sand mine, as we had to travel on their property to get to the
swamp. Apparently Bear Swamp was a 25 year struggle for the
Natural Lands Trust to acquire. The sand is a fine silica that
is great for making glass and other things. The mineral rights
were held by a mining company that intended to strip the land
for the sand, as they had done to the surrounding area. Luckly
it was saved.

Sweet Gum |

Sweetbay Magnolia |
The water table is only a couple of feet down in
places, and most of the swamp is under fresh water. This was
what I define as a true old growth forest. Never farmed, logged,
or messed with in any way. I did not see any non native species
the entire day, let's hope I didn't track any in! My first
surprise was the offer of hip waders. I!
thnk of that, but luckily there were enough to go around. On the
walk in we set our GPS to mark where the cars were and headed to
a known point in the swamp where Dr. Thorne had been working
previously with Mike. Along the way we followed the edge of a
lake that only exists because they mined the sand. On the banks
grew clumps of Clethra, high bush blueberry, and swamp azalea
surrounded by broom sedge and other native grasses. At one point
we were walking on a carpet of Cranberry, which by the way, have
fermented quite nicely by the end of December (yuck!) The edge
consists of Pitch pine and Virginia pine mixed with Sweetgum,
Tulip poplar, black gum, and white oak. As we entered the swamp
I was blown away. In the distance I spotted trunk after trunk
measuring 10' cbh or better. In the swamp proper, the dominate
canopy species are Sweetgum and Black gum with a rare tulip
poplar here and there.

Up shot of Black Gum |

Up shot of Sweet Gum |
The understory consisted of Red maple,
American holly, Sweetbay magnolia!
and very large shrubs of Swamp azalea, Clethra, Highbush blueberry and
winterberry holly. Tying it all together, literally, was
thousands of linear feet of catbrier. The canopy trees reached
just over 90' tall but the CBH measurements continued up to
about 60' before there was much taper at all. Hundreds of years
of Atlantic storms have caused the tops to break out of the
trees to form these gnarly twisted crowns that proved difficult
to measure, even in December. I am Happy to say that we found a
Champion Sweetbay Magnolia for NJ. Which was easy, as they
didn't have one listed yet. I don't think this one will be beat,
unless we come across another one in Bear Swamp.
Black gum
10.2 x 84.1
10.2 x 86.4
11.4 x 71.2
Sweet gum
12.7 x 91.3
11.9 x 87.4
10.7 x 89.2
Tulip Poplar (only one worth measuring)
9.9 x 85.6
Sweetbay Magnolia
5.4 x 64.3 x 37
5.1 x 68.0 x 34
American Holly
5.1 x 71.2
The Gums all maintained their circumference to about 60' and
looked like large cylinders rising up out of the muck, it was
truly breath taking
We saw swamp azaleas that were 4"dia x 15-20' tall,
Highbush blueberry and Clethra in the same range.
I can't wait to get back in there. We probably saw less than 5%
of the total area. Bill Sweeny and I talked about going in and
camping overnight so that we could get further in. I don't know
if I have the manhood to do that. New Jersey Devils and all...
We also saw a Bald Eagle and Mistletoe the size of a beach ball.
Just a great time all around. In a way it reminded me of Cook,
because at the right time, you couldn't hear anything but
nature. NICE!
Bear Swamp, Millville NJ |
Frank |
03, 2007 21:49 PST |
I would get some measurements on the azaleas, blueberries, and
clethra. Shrubs that size are worth noting.
Swamp tupelo ages? |
Diggins |
04, 2007 10:27 PST |
Hi Scott,
Are you aware of any updated information on the ages of those
gums (tupelos)? I believe they are widely suspected of exceeding
years, but I was wondering if there has been any recent
confirmation of
their ages.
Tom Diggins
Bear Swamp, Millville NJ | |
05, 2007 11:48 PST |
Bear swamp is located between Paynters Crossing and Turkey Point
Nj. If you mapquest these towns and go to aerial image, it is
the smaller formation between the two towns. It is about 11
miles from the Delaware river. It is a lot further from the
ocean. It is not pine barrens, but a remnant of the costal
plain. Bill said he doesn't have any time during the week to go
back, and my weekends tend to be tied up with family
obligations. I may go back during the week with Jim from NLT, I
don't know if we could camp in there. Jim didn't seem to
interested when I mentioned it. The mining company doesn't want
a bunch of people crossing their property to get in due to
liability. It is best to go in with NLT people.
Bear Swamp tupelo ages? |
Pederson |
06, 2007 14:22 PST |
Scott, ENTS,
I cored at least 15 of the tupelos in Bear Swamp. All but 2 were
Rings for the two trees are not very distinct and difficult to
age. They are
likely 300-400 yrs, but Nyssa is a hard species to pin down,
Bear Swamp, Millville NJ | |
06, 2007 19:43 PST |
I hope to go back in there this month. One interesting thing
that caught my eye was mud dauber wasp nests on American Holly
tree trunks. I have never witnessed the mud tubes of this wasp
anywhere but on the eaves of my house. While in the swamp we
noticed that as the Holly trees leaned and bent, looking for the
light, they created "eaves" where the mud dauber made
it's tubes. I never saw them in the wild before, and I found it
Bear Swamp, Millville NJ |
Wilson |
07, 2007 16:04 PST |
don't recall ever seeing such a thing in the wild before either.
Bear Swamp, Millville NJ | |
09, 2007 05:36 PST |
The swamp does remind me of the descriptions of southern
locations. It must have been something when the swamps stretched
down the East coast. Imagine the settlers first glance when they
came across the barrens and ran into these dense swamps. I
wonder how many turned around and said forget it.
I will measure the shrubs on my next visit. I hope to find some
bigger specimens. I don't think the site will go taller. I also
don't think there are enough species for a 10 count rucker.
Ed, thank you for posting the pics.
Bear Swamp, Millville NJ | |
09, 2007 09:53 PST |
Scott, Great report! Those gums are huge. Also, nice photos
thanks for
sharing them. I'll be on the lookout down here for some older
gums. We
may have some like that in the Delta National Forest, Pascagoula
and Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge. Larry