Hello all-
I hope
everyone had a good Christmas and has a Happy New
Year. On Wednesday the 27th, I traveled to Tallahala Wildlife
Mgt. Area,
and Bienville Scenic Pines Area, near central Ms., in Bienville
Forest. I spent a full day measuring and photographing trees.
This is a
very special place to me and it is where I feel one with the
forest and
the wildlife! The area I went to is traversed by creek bottoms,
hardwood stands and pine ridges. The forest
here was clearcut in the
1930's, and in most places has not been touched since then. So
for a
second growth forest, it has many large trees. The forest canopy
about 120' high, I couldn't imagine what it must have looked
like before
the 1930's? !

cherry bark red oak 121'x8" cbh |

cherry bark red oak 121'x8" cbh |

cherry bark red oak 121'x8" cbh |

nuttall oak 130'x 10'6" |

nuttall oak 130'x 10'6" |

swamp chestnut oak 121'x11" |

swamp chestnut oak 121'x11" |

swamp chestnut oak 121'x11" |

shellbark hickory 115' x5'6" |

shellbark hickory 115' x5'6" |

shellbark hickory 115' x5'6" |

blackoak 110' x8'6" |

blackoak 110' x8'6" |

blackoak 110' x8'6" |

slash pine 123' x9' 9" |

slash pine 123' x9' 9" |

slash pine 123' x9' 9" |

spruce pine 123' x8'10" |

spruce pine 123' x8'10" |

spruce pine 123' x8'10" |

willow oak 125' x 9'4" |

willow oak 125' x 9'4" |

willow oak 125' x 9'4" |

shumard red oak 115' x 8'6" |

shumard red oak 115' x 8'6" |

shumard red oak 115' x 8'6" |

swamp chestnut oak 121' 11" |

swamp chestnut oak 121' 11' |

swamp chestnut oak 121' 11' |
Slash Pine- 125' Height 8'6 CBH, 127' Height 10'1" CBH
Loblolly Pine- 123' Height 9'9" CBH, 125' Height
8'7" CBH
Spruce Pine- 123' Height 8'10" CBH
Willow Oak- 125' Height 9'4" CBH
Northern Red Oak- 120' Height 11' CBH
Shumard Red Oak- 115' Height 8'6" CBH
Cherrybark Red Oak- 121' Height 8' CBH
Nuttall Oak- 130' Height 10'6" CBH
Black Oak- 110' Height 9'6" CBH
Swamp Chestnut Oak- 121' Height 11' CBH
Shellbark Hickory- 115' Height 5'6" CBH
Southern Shagbark Hickory- 105' Height 6' CBH
Hercules Club- 60' Height 2'8" CBH
After a late lunch, at about
3;30, I decided to go to Bienville
Scenic Pines Area in Forest Ms. I arrived there at about 4;30,
having much daylight left, I began my measuring and
photographing. This
area is a tract of about 200 acres of Loblolly Pine in 120 year
class. A pine stump from a tree cut recently revealed 120 rings
talking with the foresters they said these trees were all
planted about
then, which would be 1886. Ed, I'll send you the photos when I
get back
to work. Here are my results,
2nd- Bienville Scenic Pines
The photos are all
Loblolly Pine, one is 10'10" cbh, 120' Height, the
largest pine to date I've measured! The others are 120'
or more. This area is about 200 acres of large
Loblolly's, with a park like setting. Located not more than
a mile from I-20 near Forest Ms. Also a photo
of a Loblolly stump 36" Dia., with 120-130
rings on it. Making these trees about 120-130 years old.
Probably, the oldest tract of pine timber in the state. The
final photo is a butt cut of an old Loblolly cut in 1952
due to a lightning strike, 46" Dia., 180 year
old tree. The cut had ring counts marked it was a
seedling in 1772! |
Loblolly Pine- 120' Height 10'10" CBH, 126' Height
8'6" CBH
All the
pines here were this size so I just measured these two. The
Loblolly is the largest Dia., pine I have ever measured. There
are so
many large trees in Bienville it would take years to cover it
Tallahala alone is 28,000 acres, and Bienville is about
The Deep
Southern Ent-
Larry Tucei