Everett Old Forest |
Leverett |
25, 2002 17:22 PDT |
Today Tom Wessels, Kevin Caldwell, David
Graves, Eleanor Tillinghast,
Bernie Drew, and I explored the boundaries of an old growth area
on the
side of Mt Everett in the southern Taconics. The good new is
that there
is more than we thought. The bad news is that the terrain is
steep with many forays through Mountain Laurel required. I am
that before we've completed our survey, we will have confirmed
at least
250 acres of old growth on the big mountain and its sister peak,

In addition there are old growth swaths on adjacent
Mount Race
and in Sages Ravine. Before we're finished our survey, the
surviving old
growth in the southern Taconics, including what grows on the
eastern and
western sides (Bashbish Mtn, Alander, Mtn, etc.) may exceed 500
This would make the southern Taconics the third largest region
of old
growth in the state. The Deerfield River Gorge is first, Mount
second, the southern Taconics third, and Mt Wachusett fourth.
Deerfield River Gorge has around 1,000 acres. Mount Greylock has
half that. If we're right, the Southern Taconics will have about
acres. Wachusett Mtn has about 250. The total for the state will
exceed 2,500 acres. I'm guessing that the Mass total will reach
Taconics |
Leverett |
26, 2002 18:29 PDT |
For the past couple of
days Tom Wessels, Eleanor Tillinghast, David
Graves, myself, Kevin Caldwell (yesterday), Bernie Drew
(yesterday), and
John Knuerr (today) have been searching Mt. Everett State
Reservation for
forest treasures. Some of you may know Dr. Tom Wessels through
his book
"Reading the Forested Landscape". Tom is helping the
Southern Taconic
Research and Conservation Center comb Mount Everett State
looking for clues to the history of its forests.
Yesterday we
added a significant amount of old growth acreage to the
Southern Taconics total. The confirmation is on Mt. Undine and
Mt. Everett.
Old gnarled Hemlock, Northern Red Oak, Black Birch, Red Maple,
and White
Pine make of the bulk of the species. If yesterday was a
success, today was
a super success. We added another significant chunck of old
growth to the
inventory and we didn't touch the boundaries. Today the
showpiece featured
gnarled Northern Red and White Oaks. In fact, we've identified
the largest
cach of old growth White Oak in Massachusetts. Tom Wessels
spotted two
healthy American Chestnuts. One measures 2.9 feet around and
reaches the
impressive height of 66.3 feet! A new record. Tom guessed a
height of 65
feet. He has a good eye.
The area
impressed Dr. Wessels mightily. He stated categorically
that he had not seen the equal of it for old growth White Oak in
England. The gnarly forms match anything either of us have seen.
They grow
in the ice zone. The twisted, contorted forms equal or surpass
what we find
even on Mount Wachusetts. Age of the oaks appear to be between
200 and 300+
years. All species in the area are in old growth condition.
Tom and I agree
that the acreage of old growth in the Southern
Taconics is going to exceed 500 acres! It may well exceed 700
and there is a
chance that it will exceed 1000! Here we define old growth as
consisting of
those areas that:
(1) Include an
abundance of canopy trees exceeding 150 years of age.
(2) Show no
visible signs of human disturbance.
(3) Include the
typical signs of random natural disturbances
including woody debris, tip up mounds, etc.
What is
especially significant about the old growth on Mount Everett
is that it comes in all sizes and shapes. The ridge tops of the
Taconics are composed of highly resistant schists. There is very
little soil
to support tree growth. The impacts of wind and ice are
substantial. So the
result is an elfin forest of bizarre shapes, except in protected
areas where
tree size increases quickly.
To date, the
tree species I've observed on Mount Everett include:
1. White Pine
2. Eastern
3. Pitch Pine
4. Red Spruce
5. Sugar Maple
6. Red Maple
7. Striped Maple
8. Mountain
9. Northern. Red
10. Chestnut Oak
11. Black Oak
12. White Oak
13. Yellow Birch
14. White Birch
15. Gray Birch
16. Black Birch
17. American
18. American
19. Hop Hornbeam
20. American
21. American
22. Witch Hazel
23. White Ash
24. Tuliptree
25. Shagbark
26. Pignut
27. Black Cherry
28. Slippery Elm
29. Bigtooth
I'm probably
missing several species of trees. I think there are
around 33 or 34 on the mountain. At the bottom of Everett along
the streams
there will be a couple of species of Willow and probably Eastern
I'm being ratehr arbitrary as to what I call a tree versus a
shrub. For
instance, I'm calling Mountain Laurel a shrub.
The Southern
Taconics are a treasure to be cherished and protected.
website will be the primary vehicle for
keeping people
informed about the research and discoveries. However, I'll
regularly report
about the region on this listserve.
Bob |
Taconics Continued |
Leverett |
27, 2002 06:41 PDT |
Information on
the Southern Taconics both the human and natural
history will increasingly unfold thanks to the coalition of
people and
organizations interested in their preservation. The Southern
Research and Conservation Center will act as the funding arm for
a variety
of studies and research efforts.
Our focus is:
1. Ecology of
Mount Everett's summit,
2. Ecology of
other Taconics peaks,
3. Old growth
areas of the Southern Taconics
4. Human land
use history of Southern Taconics
Until this past
weekend, Mount Everett loomed as a big scenic,
weather-making dome with some pockets of old growth and an
unusual natural
community of dwarf pitch pines on its summit. Now it looms as a
reserve of
old growth forest that will prove to be much more substantial
than we
previously realized. The estimates of old growth acreage based
approximate boundaries to what we are gradually confirming will
certainly prove to encompass as much as 350 acres of forest
dominated by
trees in the 175 to 300-year age class and 500-600 acres of
forest in the
150+ year age class. If we combine the areas that likely never
received any
direct human use other than the effects of human set fires with
areas that
received some activity in the early to Mid-1800s and basically
since, we definitely can encompass close to 800 acres. We need a
lot of age
analysis though and a terrain mapping. This is a big project,
but one that
will prove worth every minute of our efforts.
The rugged
terrain of Mount Everett, its large elevation gain from
the basal lowlands (1950 feet), its weather making summit, its
absence of
human structures make it a logical focus and center piece of the
conservation movement for the Southern Taconics. The big
mountain is our
flagship. It was always an exciting place, but as a consequence
of our
mind-boggling old growth discovery of yesterday, it looms as THE
old growth
icon of all Massachusetts. Yesterday's discovery was that
Bob |
Everett |
Caldwell |
27, 2002 14:20 PDT |
must say that as a So.Apps OG snob, I was not expecting to find
acreage or quality in such an easily scalp-able location as we
with Tom Wessels, Bob, Elenor, et al on Sat (and their
subsequent Sunday
troves). Short of the aerial photo showing some sizable crowns,
I'd not
expect such fun stuff to be in such a 'level', accessible place.
goes the 'rock and ice' theory. And in the face of extensive
And though not really 'forest' ecosystems Bob forgot to note the
presence of extensive barrens / glade systems fingering in
between the
Pine / Oak-Heath, Hemlock/Pine/Oak, and Hemlock forests on the
facing ridgelines of Mt. Undine. These contained very small and
very old, 25% or less cover of white and pitch pine, northern
red oak,
hemlock, and red maple with NICE colonies of lowbush blueberry,
huckleberry, and mats and mats and mats of reindeer lichen on
exposed rock. The rare moths found on the summit are likely
found here
as well. They seemed small in the field, but show to be quite
large on
the aerials after field time. Small sphagnum seeps were even
amongst them - first I've seen on a mountain ridgeline.
(Also Bob, add downy serviceberry, mountain ash, and of course,
species from Pam W's summit species list to yours.) Little did I
that a rare Mtn Ash is known in MA, but is more a northwestern state item
(Sorbus decora)...I didn't even think to check the single
specimen we saw
on Saturday.
Of note is the apparent presence of the state rare Mountain
Holly (Ilex
montana), a commoner for the southern areas, but endemic to the
Apps at
large and considered "Threatened" in MA. Mountain
holly was the first
species that made me quiver with the notion that maybe not
stems, but entire root clusters of crown forming shrubs might be
or 1000's of years in age. Tom Wessels agreed its I. montana and
amazed at the huge, multi-stemmed clusters of them. We yanked a
stem of maybe 3 inched diameter-knee-height for me to saw into
and have
a look for rings. However, I see that Pam Weatherbee's species
list from
the Everett summit includes I.verticillata (which is supposedly
wetland species) and Nemopanthus mucronatus - the other
holly', so I'm not declaring the rarity it yet.
Of interest is the apparent find of a single specimen of
Shadbush (Amel. bartramiana) though the habitat isnt wet, and
the remote
possibility of the having found a population of the state
"Houghton's Flatsedge" (Cyperus houghtonii)in the
glades / barrens area.
It has less than 5 populations in MA. These rare possibles get
sent to
the longtime local pros - the s.Apps kid needs further
Bob, I'll keep you and the ENTS posted if interested (though
supposed to be about trees...) And thanks to all who went along.
A day
in the field with Bob and Co. makes the dreary eastern MA life
Kevin Caldwell
Growth Interpretations |
Leverett |
27, 2002 17:17 PDT |
The success of
the New York Old Growth Association (NYOGA), our
finds here in Massachusetts, confirmations by Dr. Rick Van de
Poll and Chris
Kane in New Hampshire, and the extensive OG discoveries of the
Appalachian Forest Coalition led by Rob Messick prompt one to
ask the
question, why has so much been missed, especially on public
lands. The
simple part of the answer is because the resource managers in
charge of
state and national forests failed to recognize the old growth -
even when
under their noses. The difficult part of the answer is why have
they failed
to recognize old growth. Who was looking? What were they
expecting to see?
Well, part of
the answer to that question was evident by yesterday's
very significant discovery of old growth on the southeastern
slopes of Mount
Everett. Our group was whooping and hollering at each old growth
form we
saw. We recognized the signs of advanced age in each tree
species: Northern
red Oak, White Oak, Black Birch, White Pine, Eastern Hemlock,
Red Maple,
Pitch Pine. But none of the trees were exceptionally big and
some were
diminuitive. Tom Wessels is especially good at interpreting
events that gave
rise to the bizarre shapes we saw. Each tree had a story to tell
and it is
quite a worthwhile experience walking the woods with Tom as he
signs of various disturbance events. But what do you want to bet
that the
managers responsible for the forest we were in would have missed
90% of what
Tom saw? They would likely still have associated size and age
Much of the old
growth forest on Mount Everett and its sister
summits will turn out to be trees between 14 and 28 inches in
diameter and
be 45 to 65 feet in height. There will be nothing imposing about
their size.
Not hints from girth or height as to age. Yet we will confirm
tree after
tree to ages of 150 to 300 years and a small percentage over
that - possibly
some of the Hemlocks to well over 400 years. We will comb the
big mountain
taking sufficient samples until we can develop age and
disturbance profiles
for the entire mountain. It will take us 2 to 3 years, but we
will do it.
The mountain deserves no less.
We need to
develop a new criteria for interpreting these forests
that we're labeling old growth - perhaps develop an index of
A forest that has been shaped almost completely by natural
forces over a
period of time would receive a higher index value the lesser the
influences were shaping forces and the longer the natural forces
were in
control. A recently cut forest would go to near zero. A clearcut
would be
zero. Anyone have some thoughts about such an index? There are
What if the human disturbances are restoration efforts?
Regardless, of
how the index were constructed, it would be worth a
nickle if yesterday's find didn't rank near 100%.
Southern Taconics |
Robert |
28, 2002 09:39 PDT |
The Mt. Everett old growth discoveries are
going to change everything. That is a given. There is no point
in attempting to refine the acreages until we investigate these
new locations and do more exploring on the southwestern shoulder
of Everett. Some of the OG habitat is going to be extremely
significant in terms of the diversity of forest types
represented. The growing research effort is something I think
Mass Audubon might be interested in supporting. The Southern
Taconics Research and Conservation Center (STRACC) could use
some of Tom Rawinski's time. Hey, I'll even go out there and
plant bottles of fine Kentucky Bourbon at key locations and give
only Tom the GPS coordinates of the locations. Someone else has
to assume responsibility for getting him off the mountain,
Taconics |
Leverett |
28, 2002 17:53 PDT |
As part of our
study of the southern Taconics, we want to understand
the human history of Mount Everett. We want to know who the land
owners were
and as much as we can learn about their activities. We want to
forest age profiles for the entire mountain. In time we intend
for Mount
Everett to be one of the best understood peaks in New England.
Those who
love the mountain will have the opportunity to learn ever more
about its
human and natural histories. In time others will come to know
the mountain
more intimately and appreciate it. We do not want Everett to
ever fall prey
to development interests, timber interests, high impact
recreation. But
could all the extra attention we give the mountain backfire?
Well, not
likely so long as the trail network is not expanded. Off trail
travel on
Mount Everett is extremely difficult. Mountain laurel and bear
oak on the
summit and laurel and steep slopes off teh summit make going
very difficult.
Dr. David Orwig reminded me today of just how difficult when he
described a
trip by himself and Glen Motzkin, both of Harvard Forest. They
climbed down
from the summit area to a barren point to the southeast to
examine more
pitch pines. It took Dave abd Glen over an hour to make it to
destination, going through the laurel. The trip could otherwise
have been
made in perhaps 15 minutes. Such is the nature of the big domed
From a distance, its pleasing, rounded summit contours are
deceptive. It is
a mountain of many moods.
Bob |
Taconics and OG Definitions |
E. Frelich |
29, 2002 06:54 PDT |
With regard to Mount Everett forests and your comments about the
laurel and bear oak and how difficult they make it for travel
across the
mountain, don't forget that the presence of oak forests probably
there were fires in the past and it may not have been as shrubby
then as it
is now. Those shrubs have thin bark and would easily be killed,
or at least
top killed by fires. The current condition with fire exclusion
may not be
what was there over the last several centuries. The fact that
the older
hemlocks are located in refuges protected from fire by
topography (i.e.
rocky areas or around the pond) also supports the notion of
frequent fires
in the past.
Everett pics |
Graves |
02, 2002 15:43 PDT |
Follow this URL and open the "Everett" photo album to
see pics from the Mt. Everett forest survey conducted by Tom
Wessels and Bob Leverett. This are low-res pics. I should have
the hi-res soon.
Significance of the Mount Everett Summit
Robert T. Leverett, Executive Director
Friends of Mohawk Trail State Forest
December 8, 1999
Revised January 24, 2000
| 82
available here: Mt. Everett
Preliminary Report
Preliminary Evaluations and Recommendations for Additional
Research and Protection, Prepared for the Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Management and Town of Mount
Washington, Massachusetts. by Robert T. Leverett, Executive
Director, Friends of Mohawk Trail State Forest, December 8,
1999, Revised January 24, 2000. The summit of Mount
Everett is covered by approximately 20 acres of dwarfed pitch
pines and associated plants. Compared with the other southern
Taconic mountains, Mount Everett has the densest coverage of
dwarf pitch pines over the greatest area. Only Race Mountain and
to a lesser extent Bear Mountain approximate the pervasive
dwarfing, density, and acreage of the pitch-pine community on
Mount Everett. In Massachusetts, dwarf pitch pine communities
represent less than one thousandth of one percent of the
state’s land area. In New England, similar mountaintop
dwarf pitch-pine communities are found only on Mount Cardigan in
New Hampshire and Mount Desert Island in Maine. Smaller examples
may exist but collectively their contribution is minuscule. In
the northeast, the Shawangunk mountains in New York are the only
other locations typically cited for extensive summit dwarf
pitch-pine communities.