
Ancient relic cypress with cherrybark oak on bluff
Fifteen miles north of Memphis, Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park
protects approximately 13,000 acres of mostly forested land
along the
Mississippi River. That area includes 9,000 of floodplain and
acres of Chickasaw Bluff Number 3. The bluff, slightly over 100'
high, consists of silty sediments driven by winds from the west.
Consequently, water easily erodes the unconsolidated sediments,
small streams have incised a network of branching, narrow
ravines into
the bluff leaving broad, flat-topped ridges between them. Water
flowing from the smaller ravines leaves little impression on the
floodplain while the larger streams form the bayous that meander
across the floodplain towards the river. Overall, the floodplain
features fewer bayous and is flatter than smaller river
floodplains in
the southeast. Elevation changes of only one to two feet produce
broad inundated areas whereas many smaller floodplains have more
confined wet areas associated with elevation changes of
five feet.

140'+ cottonwood and sycamore
We only had time to explore a fraction small fraction of the
floodplain near the bluffs, and species composition near the
river may
be markedly different. Cherrybark oak, swamp chestnut oak, and a
variety of other hardwoods dominate some areas, but eastern
is the most common species over larger areas. Sycamores
grow amongst the cottonwoods and pecan forms a lower canopy
below the
faster growing trees. Other canopy layers are largely absent,
within 500' of the base of the bluffs, boxelder forms a well
midstory. Chinese privet, spicebush, free standing tangles of
greenbrier are locally abundant, but the understory is largely
Other common vines include trumpet creeper and Virginia creeper,
hang off of many trees and reach large sizes. The forest floor
from grey cottonwood leaves to a cover of some short, yellow
spring ephemeral that resembles the Dicentras. A few stout, low
branching, odd baldcypress remain along the edges of depression
bayous, but most of the forest appears 70 to 90 years old.

Ancient cypress knees |

Relic cypress; 22'11" X 120.6' tall
A forest of similar age occurs on the bluffs comprised of
typically termed bottomland hardwoods, even on the ridge tops.
Cherrybark oak and white oak grow abundantly on the ridges and
slopes while tuliptree and beech are more prevalent in the
Some of the larger ravines have flat areas in the bottom where
more common in the floodplain, like sycamore and cottonwood,
thrive. The midstory is sparse throughout and the understory is
poorly developed in many areas, but red buckeye covers some
In early spring, trilliums and a Claytonia are among the most
On both the floodplain and the bluffs, many other tree species
at lower densities; in one day of tree measuring, we saw 61 tree
A fuller, but less site specific description of the
can be found at

Measuring crown spread on a huge persimmon |

One of many huge Virginia creepers

Trumpet creeper on 149' cottonwood |
Floodplain forest
Species Cbh Height
Baldcypress 22'11" 120.6'
Baldcypress NA 121.7'
Boxelder 6'11" 89.0'
Boxelder 5'0" 89.6'
Boxelder 7'8" 91.7'
Boxelder 4'7" 92.7'
Boxelder 3'9" 93.5'
Boxelder 5'1" 94.7'
Boxelder 5'4" 95.9'
Boxelder 4'1" 98.3'
Boxelder 4'3" 101.3'
Cottonwood, Eastern 8'8" 134.3'
Cottonwood, Eastern 10'6" 141.9'
Cottonwood, Eastern 13'3.5" 142.8'
Cottonwood, Eastern 15'3" 146.1'
Cottonwood, Eastern 13'8" 147.1'
Cottonwood, Eastern 10'8" 147.8'
Cottonwood, Eastern 13'7" 148.7'
Cottonwood, Eastern 8'2" 148.8'
Cottonwood, Eastern 11'11" 149.4'
Cottonwood, Eastern 9'9" 149.7'
Cottonwood, Eastern 12'2" 150.0'
Cottonwood, Eastern 10'0" 151.4'
Cottonwood, Eastern 10'1" 153.6'
Dogwood, Swamp 1'1" 22.6'
Elm, American 10'6" 114.3'
Elm, Cedar 7'4" 99.3'
Elm, Cedar 8'4" 105.1'
Elm, Cedar 6'4" 106.8'
Honeylocust 5'8.5" 106.2'
Honeylocust 6'3" 107.1'
Honeylocust 9'0" 115.1'
Honeylocust 6'6" 115.4'
Honeylocust 11'8" 116.8'
Honeylocust 6'11" 120.6'
Honeylocust 9'1" 124.4'
Honeylocust 8'5" 124.7'
Honeylocust 8'2" 127.4'
Honeylocust 7'3" 129.9'
Maple, Red 11'2" 119.6'
Maple, Red 9'3" 121.1'
Maple, Red 8'10" 123.2'
Oak, Cherrybark NA 118.0'
Oak, Nutall 10'0" 115.8'
Oak, Nutall 11'5" 122.3'
Oak, Overcup 8'1" 119.1'
Oak, Overcup 9'10" 126.6'
Persimmon 5'2" 113.2'
Persimmon 6'0" 116.3'
Persimmon 7'6.5" 118.1'
Sycamore 8'11" 136.3'
Sycamore 9'8" 138.0'
Sycamore 7'2" 140.0'
Sycamore 8'1" 143.2'
Sycamore 13'0' 152.9'
Virginia Creeper 1'8" NA
Virginia Creeper 2'1" NA
Virginia Creeper 2'3" NA
The boxelders grew more upright and appeared much more vigorous
commonly seen in southeastern floodplains. They have little
in the crowns and consistently reach heights that would be
for smaller river sites.

150 foot tall cottonwood with huge trumpet creeper
The cottonwood stands far surpass any stands of the species I
seen elsewhere. The stands extend unbroken over dozens of acres,
in places cottonwood forms pure groves. Those areas support an
unusual density of stems over three feet in diameter, all of the
overstory trees, and have average canopy heights of over 140';
to these trees and one Bob Leverett found at Big Oak Tree State
in Missiouri at the same time, no eastern cottonwoods had been
measured over 140'. The cottonwoods appear to have accumulated
great volume of wood in under a century.
The swamp dogwood is a potential national co-champion.
The cedar elms only grew scattered in the more oak dominated
of the floodplain. The species was easily identifiable by their
dense, tortuous crowns of fine twigs.
Classic Honeylocust
The long, large trunks of the honeylocusts were extremely
to someone accustomed to seeing the species only in ornamental
setting. The 129.9' height exceeds the few previously measured
Tuliptree roots
The red maples had the tight bark and dense crowns typical of
species grow in low elevation areas. They occurred primarily in
groups on the edge of depressions.
Bluff forest
Species Cbh Height
Basswood, White 6'10" 129.0'
Beech, American 9'1" 117.5'
Beech, American 8'9" 120.7'
Beech, American 7'5" 126.5'
Blackgum 6'5" 111.6'
Buckeye, Red 1'9" 33.1'
Buckeye, Red 1'9" 33.4'
Cherry, Black 9'0" 118.6'
Coffeetree, Kentucky 5'7" 115.8'
Coffeetree, Kentucky 4'7" 116.7'
Coffeetree, Kentucky 6'10" 121.2'
Cottonwood, Eastern 10'11" 154.4'
Elm, Red 4'10" 118.6'
Hickory, Bitternut 6'5" 119.9'
Hickory, Bitternut 6'11" 123.3'
Hickory, Bitternut 5'7" 128.9'
Hophornbeam, Eastern 2'9" 68.3'
Magnolia, Cucumber 5'3" 114.8'
Maple, Florida 6'7" 103.3'
Oak, Cherrybark 7'4" 127.2'
Oak, Chinquapin 6'6" 113.2'
Oak, Chinquapin 7'3" 113.8'
Oak, Chinquapin 5'11" 114.7'
Oak, Chinquapin Burl 115.6'
Oak, Chinquapin 8'5" 120.8'
Oak, Northern Red 6'1" 121.6'
Oak, Northern Red 5'5.5" 127.8'
Oak, Northern Red 6'9" 128.5'
Oak, Northern Red 8'1" 130.3'
Oak, Shumard 9'1" 134.4'
Oak, White 10'1" 127.2'
Oak, White 6'3" 131.0'
Sassafras 5'2" 112.8'
Sassafras 6'7" 115.5'
Sassafras 5'2" 118.5'
Sweetgum 7'7" 137.2'
Sweetgum 6'7" 137.8'
Sweetgum 8'9" 143.7'
Sycamore 8'1" 140.9'
Sycamore 9'1" 141.4'
Tuliptree NA 135.6'
Tuliptree 9'7" 139.1'
Tuliptree 9'4" 144.4'
Tuliptree 8'1" 145.9'
Tuliptree 10'6" 151.5'
Walnut, Black 7'0" 117.2'
Yellowwood 5'6" 83.0'
Yellowwood 5'2" 103.5'
The red buckeyes listed above grow in a small parking area;
individuals only infrequently exceeded 10' in height.
The black gum is within one foot of the state height record.
ENTS previously had data on Kentucky coffeetree only from Beall
in Illinois. The Meeman-Shelby trees easily exceed the heights
those at Beall Woods.

Beech roots: the loess just erodes away so large trees likely do not last long!

Beech clinging to the soft soils
Cottonwoods are far less common along the streams dissecting the
bluffs than in the floodplain, but the 154.4' tree in the bluffs
the tallest known eastern cottonwood.
The 120.8' chinquapin oak is a new state height record, and less
a foot shorter than the current height record for the species.
The white oak ties for the state height record.
ENTS has now measured five sassafras between 118' and 120' tall;
of those trees grow in the Smokies and the other two grow in
The 103.5' yellowwood shatters the previous height record of
held by a tree in North Carolina.
Rucker Height Index 138.6'
Eastern Cottonwood 154.4'
Sycamore 152.9'
Tuliptree 151.5'
Sweetgum 143.7'
Shumard Oak 134.4'
White Oak 131.0'
Northern Red Oak 130.3'
Honeylocust 129.9'
White Basswood 129.0'
Bitternut Hickory 128.9'
Rucker Girth Index 12.6'
Baldcypress 22.9'
Eastern Cottonwood 15.25'
Sycamore 13.0'
Honeylocust 11.7'
Nutall Oak 11.4'
Red Maple 11.2'
American Elm 10.5'
Tuliptree 10.5'
White Oak 10.1'
Overcup Oak 9.8'
The site is considerably more impressive than the Rucker Indexes
suggest. Several other southeastern sites surpass the height
but the variety of species reaching great heights and the number
height records at Meeman-Shelby stand out as exemplary.
searching should substantially increase the indexes, especially
circumference index which was not a focus on this trip.
Jess Riddle & Will Blozan