TOPIC: The Hannah Oak, Lowndesville S.C.
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Date: Tues, Nov 27 2007 10:55 pm
From: James Parton
Over the Thanksgiving weekend I went down to visit my father, Jack,
who lives in Lowndesville SC which is located about 20 miles south
Anderson SC, between the towns of Iva, Calhoun Falls &
Abbeville. Many
species of trees are found here, but the Loblolly Pine, Eastern Red
Cedar & various oaks seem to be dominant. White Pine is rare
unless planted & Tulip Poplar is less common than it is in the
mountains of WNC, where I live.

While there, Dad took me to see a large oak located on the property
Howard Hannah. After arriving we met Howard, who was a kind older
fellow in his early 90s who was eager to show off his nice oak. The
oak was easily noticed as we pulled into the yard. While not of
outstanding height, I could tell its girth was considerable &
by its large heavy limbs, may be of considerable age. Howard led us
the oak after dad introduced us. Dad had given me a decent tape to
measure trees with a little while earlier & I wasted no time
trying it
Howard Hannah and His Oak
Its CBH turned out to be a decent 15' 1/2". Howard &
Dad told me
it was a Post Oak. I have never seen one so large. After returning
home I looked it up & the leaves did resemble the somewhat
shaped leaves of the Post Oak shown in my guides. Another thing that
made this tree stand out was the presence of air ferns growing on
trunk & larger limbs.
This reminds me of the Live Oaks.
Mistletoe is
present also. While not as large as many of the coastal Live Oaks,
was an impressive tree. Near the tree is what is said to be the
house in Lowndesville. Possibly predating the Civil War. The large
house, now nearly in ruins was at one time probably quite beautiful,
complete with three fireplaces! The tree may be as old as the house.
Only coring it would tell. After chatting with Harold, Dad &
fellow for a little while & taking a few photos, we went down
the road
a little ways to check out another area on Howard''s land that had
another old homestead & large trees. Some nice beeches, cedars
& oaks
were to be found here. Here are some CBH measurements of trees on
Howard Hannah's property.
Post Oak: 15' 1/2"
American Beech: 11' 3"
American Beech: 11' 1/2"
Eastern Red Cedar: 6' 7"
Oak ( Uncertain of Type ): 11' 5 3/4"
Later in the day my sister & I visited nearby Abbeville where I
measured two trees. One a tall, possibly exceeding 100 ft narrow
leafed oak ( Willow Oak? ), the other a Silver Dollar Eucalyptus
( Eucalyptus cinerea ). the eucalypt was about 30 feet tall & at
4.5ft, just below the fork was of a surprising size.
With it's
green round fragrant leaves it was really pretty. I have never seen
one this big! It is located at the edge of a lot at the end of a
brick-paved road near an old gothic-style Episcopal church. The oak
was among others at the town's center square. Upon returning back to
dad's I measured the oak in his front yard.
Oak: 13' 2 1/3"
Silver Dollar Eucalyptus: 7' 2"
Earl Parton Oak: 8' 9 1/8"
(James wanted to note that in the initial Post he had
incorrectly given Mr. Hannah's name
as Harold, rather than Howard. It has bee corrected in the
page above.)
James Parton
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Date: Tues, Nov 27 2007 11:43 pm
From: James Parton
I know this is a given, but I must add that all CBH measurements are
at 4.5 feet.
TOPIC: The Hannah Oak, Lowndesville S.C.
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Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 6:04 am
From: "Will Blozan"
I often see "resurrection" ferns growing on post oak (but
not around AVL)-
that one is huge! I have never seen one that big.
Great finds!
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Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 12:46 pm
From: Larry
James, I just looked at the photos of the Post Oak, Awesome! I to
not seen one that big.
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 1:03 pm
From: Larry
James, I just checked the Ms. State Champion Tree List for Post Oak,
they have one listed at Cir, 16' 7", Height-110' and Spread-69'
For a total of 317.44 Points.
== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 8:44 pm
From: James Parton
That is one big Post Oak! I have no idea what the NC or SC state
champion is. There is a chance that this one may qualify for SC. I
need more measurements for height & spread.
James P.