Calhoun Falls, Abbeville County, SC  

TOPIC: Pine Plantations and CO2

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Date: Tues, Mar 4 2008 9:57 pm
From: James Parton


Over the weekend mom and I took a short visit to Calhoun Falls in Abbeville County SC. I have been wanting to go do some detailed exploring of the area but have not had time with my marriage preparations being so close. The most dominent thing I notice about the area is the large number of Loblolly & Slash pines. Many are artificial forests. Pine Plantations which are planted for pulpwood or lumber production. It makes the area quite green, even in winter. These forests look much different than the forests here in WNC. While pretty they seem to lack the biodiversity of " wild " forests. With fewer plants, especially the lack of hardwoods. Some of these forests are so dense that undergrowth is sparce. However deer, wild turkey and wild hogs are plentiful in these woods. It seems that large trees ( excluding oak ) seem rarer in the Abbeville area than in Asheville NC. White Pine I have only seen in peoples yards and Tulip Poplar is much scarcer. I only know of one of any
size. Large oaks greater than 10ft cbh seem rather common and I intend to seek some of those out in the future.

Here is an interesting link on pine plantations and their effect on atmospheric CO2. It seems they do not absorb as much of it as do natural forests.

Also check out my picture of a decent 9' 1 1/4" (cbh) oak at Ridge Church outside of Lowndesville SC. We were taking dusk photos of the cemetery trying to pick up spirit orbs at the time I photographed and measured the tree.

James Parton