The bald eagle flew down the Clarion River, gliding on the
updrafts before circling above our small group at the park
office. It was a mature male with white head and tail feathers. Younger
birds are dark in color, almost black. The bald eagle is making
a comeback along our rivers and among forests. It was a good start for
the day.

Dale Luthringer was doing a program for volunteers in the state
park's adopt-a-trail program. There were perhaps a dozen people
there to learn some of the basics and get a feel for what they
were supposed to do with regard to trail work. (Link
to more photos from the program) We
hiked part way up the Seneca Trail through the Seneca old growth
area of the park. The group fixed a few wet areas along the
trail, pulled some old plastic culverts, and placed some large
rocks as steps. The finally of the trip was a stop to see the
tallest hemlock in the NE at 145 feet tall, located aside the
Seneca Trail.

After the program I hiked the River trail. It is younger second
growth. There are a few thicker white pines in the 110 foot
range, a patch of white oaks in the 90 to 100 foot range, some
pitch pines - unusual in the park. Carl Harting had reported
some American Chestnuts along the trail, but I couldn't identify
all of the species by bark alone. The leaves are not out yet
form most species and just starting for others. There was a
nicely backlit maple across the river from the trail glowing
pink in the sunlight. Cherry trees are in flower at the park.
Violets are scattered along the path.

On the section heading
back to the hilltop there were some really interesting looking
jumbles of boulders partially filling a dry stream valley. The
day was sunny. The hike was nice. But I didn't find any
impressive trees. Clearly the highlight of the day was the
appearance of the bald eagle to start the day off right.
Ed Frank