more trees at Cook Forest, April 2005   Dale J. Luthringer
  May 05, 2005 18:19 PDT 
Will, Bob, John, Scott,

After everyone left on Sunday after the rendezvous, I took the time to
measure those planted blue spruce you directed me to. Also, I'll list
some other nice trees I came across in various sections of the park
while doing deer density studies this week. I found a few more fat
white oaks within the Fire Tower Road loop, and a couple of dandy cukes
in the Cook Trail Old Growth Area. Here's the latest catch:

Species                        CBH     Height   Comments

Am. chestnut snag         9.9        46.1      Forest Cathedral
Am. chestnut snag         10.8      62         "                       "

Black gum                     6.8        100.1    Forest Cathedral, new park girth record
Black gum                     6.5        98.5      Forest Cathedral

White oak                     11.8      105.1+  Fire Tower Road loop
White oak                     10         105.1+  "                         "
White oak                     12.1      107.3     "                        "
White oak                     10.4      96.1+    "                         "

Great rhododendron        1          14.1      Cook Trail old growth, new park girth record
Cucumbertree                7.6        122.1    Cook Trail old growth, growing beside below white pine
Cucumbertree                7.2        122.7    Cook Trail old growth, River Cabin Flats

Colorado blue spruce      3.8          95.9    Forest Rd/Breezemont Dr. intersection
Colorado blue spruce      5.4        105       "                       "
Colorado blue spruce      4.7        106.8    "                       "
Colorado blue spruce      4.9        107.3    "                       "
Colorado blue spruce      4.9        110       "                       "
Colorado blue spruce      5.4        112.2    "                       "
Colorado blue spruce      4.7        110.5    "                       "
Colorado blue spruce      3.8        110.9    "                       "
Colorado blue spruce        5         111.6    "                      "
Norway spruce               3.9        105.9    "                       "
Norway spruce               4.9        115.6    "                       "

E. white pine                 11.8      135.7    Cook Trail old growth
E. white pine                 11.9      151.3    Cook Trail old growth, re-measure of previous ~149ft tree 3 years ago

The two new cukes' in the 120' class were quite a surprise. I've walked
past both "umpteen" times but never bothered to measure them.

Will, Bob,

Please let me know where these spruce rate with other stands in the east.
