TOPIC: new 27' sycamore found
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Date: Tues, Dec 2 2008 2:43 pm
From: pabigtrees
I visited a local garden in Wallingford yesterday and
remeasured a couple of trees. We now have a champion for Pinus
palustris in the state.
5.5cbh x 64.2 tall x 24' spd. for 136 points.
I also measured a Dove tree (exotic, Davivia involucrata)
4.7 cbh x 53.6 tall x 54' spd for 153 points.
On this site are two Dawn redwoods that were from the original
seed in
1947. We found several seedlings, some 6' tall growing in the
somewhat maintained garden. I have never found them growing on their
own before! Very exciting for me.
Across the street is the Wallingford Nursing Home where a Willow oak
was reported in 2005. It seemed too big to be true, and it was. It
is a very old planted double stem. Probably planted in 1900 or
slightly earlier.

22.7 cbh x 87.9' tall x 121' spread for 389 points measured at two
feet. It is now listed as a multistemmed tree on the website. Makes
me wonder about the other Willow oak on the list, as it is similar
size. I will have to pay it a visit.
On the same property is a Nordmann Fir.
It is the new state champ at 11.5cbh x 88.8' tall and a 39' spread
237 points. I don't know how the guy who nominated the willow oak
missed it, maybe he couldn't ID it.