TOPIC: Fw: Hazel alder ?
From: George Fieo
To: entstrees@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2008 8:27 PM
Subject: Hazel alder ?

Hello everyone. My name is George Fieo and this is my first post. I
reside in Limerick Twp., SE Pennsylvania. Today my son and I rode
our bikes along the Schuylkill River searching for some trees to
measure. We measured several trees and the last was one I could not
identify. I think it may be a Hazel alder. Most of the other trees
leaves have fallen or are in their final color stage. This tree is
still green and is why I noticed it. It is a single stem that
measures 27" cbh, 40' h, and 15' s. I will attach some pictures
if anyone can help ID this tree. Here are the circumferences for the
other trees we measured.
Tulip poplar cbh 213"
Silver maple cbh 244"
Red maple cbh 162"
Norway maple cbh 140"
Boxelder cbh 116"
Thanks, George.
Looks like European alder, Alnus glutinosa, frequently
naturalized in the NE and Midwest.
Steve Galehouse
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Date: Mon, Nov 10 2008 3:59 am
From: turner
George: I agree with Steve- A. glutinosa, European Alder, is also
know as Black Alder. Your picture made it easy to identify. Have you
used the USDA website plants. Here is the link for European Alder.
I was interested in your find because I came across on several weeks
ago and was stumped for an ID for several days. Mine was a single
planting in front of a school. I understand it has been used for
mine reclamation in the distant past. Probably for its nitrogen
Were all your trees measured single stem? Have you compared them to
Big Tree List?
Welcome to Ents
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 10 2008 8:56 pm
From: "George Fieo"
Steve and TS, thanks for the help. The Silver maple is a multi stem
its cbh was even larger but lost one of its main stems not to long
ago. All
of the other trees are singles. I did get some pictures before my
died. The Tulip poplar is hollow in the backside and large enough to
inside. I have met Scott and visit his website almost daily. I'm
I'll attach the pics for the Tulip poplar, Silver, and Red maples.
Later, George.
Red Maple, cbh 162"
Silver Maple, cbh 244"
Tulip Poplar cbh 213"