On 11/12/08, Carl Harting & I got together at Cook Forest for the
day to
measure trees. The main gist was for Carl to show me an incredibly
black cherry that he located, which was originally found by Bruce
Gerry Horowitz, and I believe Tom Diggins, that I was unable to
Bruce told me about this black cherry years ago during an excursion
for an
ENTS event at Cook Forest that he spoke at a number of years ago. I
admit, that I took what he said in, but wasn't ready to believe a
cherry of the dimensions he described... the trunk wasn't
incredibly big,
but the burl was HUGE and wrapped completely around the trunk of the
about 15' up. The circumference of the burl including the trunk of
the tree
he said was in excess of probably 13ft! I'm thinking, yeh right,
Well, Bruce wasn't spinning any tall tales. I told Carl about it,
during his travels, he came across it. So, today we went out to
and take some pics.
The tree is located within the Deer Meadows Old Growth Area,
located behind
the publically owned Deer Meadows Campground. It stands at 7.2ft
105.5ft high. Not large by any means for a black cherry, but the
burl makes
it one of the most unique looking trees in the park (see pics).
We decided to settle on naming it the 'Donut Black Cherry', for
correct reasons... it certainly looks like something else, shut-up,
Along the way and after, in this same section of woods, we found
some other
decent trees worth listing:
*Species CBH
Height Comments*
black cherry 7.2 105.5
Donut Black Cherry 41 21.961N x 79 13.454W
black cherry 10.2 120.1+
black cherry 9
black cherry 11 *131.4*
very nice, near Donut Black Cherry 41
21.970N x 79 13.481W
E. hemlock *12.3* 105.9
E. hemlock N/A 117.1
E. hemlock 11.4 119.4
E. hemlock *12.2* 124.8
This now makes 34 hemlocks that make it into the coveted 12x100
class and 16
black cherries in the 130ft height class for Cook Forest.
We then worked our way back to one of Carl's old haunts where an
old Dairy
Farm used to be along Forest Dr. He had some other trees he wanted
to show
me... It wasn't long before we proceeded to document some new park
and height records.
*Species CBH
Height Comments*
black cherry *11.6* 90.7
park girth record, 41 21.428N x 79
E. hophornbeam 1.6 *52.9*
park height record, 41 21.717N x 79 12.486W
quaking aspen 5.4 *97.6*
tallest documented PA, 41 21.428N x 79
shagbark hickory 3.8 112
shagbark hickory 3.4 *114.7* park height record
white ash
7.8 112.7
white ash
7.8 119.6
Next, we wanted to get a decent height & girth on some fat Am.
beech just
off Forest Dr. in the Forest Cathedral. Thankfully they were both
standing, albeit probably not for long due to beech bark disease.
largest turned out to be a co-girth record for the park at 11.6ft
112.3ft high. I'll have to return to take a picture.
*Species CBH
Height Comments*
Am. beech 10.3 108.1+
Am. beech *11.5* 112
park co-girth record, 41 21.204N x 79
Another fine day at Cook Forest.

Continued at: