Redbud and Dogwood Ring Counts MO Beth Koebel
July 21, 2009

Ed and all,

I counted the rings on the two trees that blown over in a storm 9 days
ago.  The Eastern Reddbud was about 40-45 tall and had a diameter of
7-1/4" at about 2" above ground level with a ring count of 37.  The
Rough-leafed Dogwood was about 12-15' tall and a diameter of 1-5/8" at
about 1/2" above ground level with a ring count of 21.  Note: Both
ground levels could be different at the time of measurement versus the
time of start of growth due to house construction.  The GPS
coordinates are 38 29.634N and 90 47.657W for both trees as they grow
within a foot of each other.


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