Minnesota Cottonwood pictures...   Paul Jost
  Oct 18, 2003 22:39 PDT 

This is a follow-up to Lee's message about our tree hunting last weekend that includes some highlight pictures from the trip. All pictures were reduced to about 100 kBytes.

Lee with a large cottonwood on Minnesota River, girth = 7.04 m = 23.1 ft., diameter = 7.35 ft., height = 85+ ft.

cottonwood7ms.jpg (99164 bytes)

A nice grove of large cottonwood downhill from the big boy, with Lee and my
wife for scale:

cottonwoodgroves.jpg (103415 bytes)

Lee "Sampson" Frelich knocking down the columns...:

cottonwoodgrove2s.jpg (97153 bytes)

On the trip we visited another site in the valley with 12-14 foot girth
cottonwood around 100-110 feet tall.

Paul Jost

Re: Minnesota Cottonwood pictures...    Will Fell
   Oct 19, 2003 05:31 PDT 

Great Photos people....

The Minnesota cottonwoods were something to see, thanks Paul & Lee. I didn't
realize cottonwood could be so impressive.

Last month I got to see first hand in Missouri and Nebraska the size they
could reach. Then in Western Montana they got not only large girth, but they
were in the canopy right with the firs and pines. I didn't have a clinometer
with me, but their height was impressive.