Tuliptrees | |
11, 2007 14:10 PST |
Gary Beluzo called in a short time ago.
He has found more natural stands of tuliptrees. One is 11.8 feet
around. That's the second one of that size. Several others are
between 10 and 11 feet around and he thinks between 115 and 120
feet in height. He thinks they are much older trees that what he
has been seeing before.
The band of tuliptrees that Gary has been
locating encompasses parts of several townships including
Russell, Granville, Montgomery, Westfield, Westhampton, Agawam,
Northampton, and Florence. These spots have produced the
greatest numbers.
As the data accumulates, it is becoming
clearer that 115 to 130 feet is the prevailing height range. I
hope we can find at least an occasional 140, but so far, we have
only the one in Robinson SP.
We will eventually have enough data to
profile the species over about 10 degrees of latitude. Maybe, we
can extend it to 11.