Manhan Silver Maples
  Mar 20, 2005 14:06 PST 

    Well the weather cooperated yesterday and my son Rob and I headed to a flood plain on the Manhan River in Easthampton Ma. I'll let the numbers do the talking.

Species       Girth       Height

SVM           16.4'         89.9
SVM           15.6'       108.2
SVM           13.1'        99.6
SVM           12.6'       105.1
SVM           12.4'       111.0
SVM           11.4'       102.6
SVM           10.6'       107.3

   Lots of silver maples in the region exceed 9 feet in cirumference. The most impressive tree I saw was the 15.6', 108.2' tree. It branched at about 50 feet. Interestingly, young or old, 110 - 115 feet seems to be the upper height limit for silver maples in the area. I got good GPS coordinates for the site.

   I've been alerted to a good silver maple site on the Chicopee River. That one will be next.
