== 3 of 11 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 10 2008 9:30 am
From: dbhguru@comcast.net
As to the next bit of news, I visited Ice Glen yesterday and
remeasured the great Ice Glen Pine, the champion tall hemlock, the
champion tall shagbark hickory, the champion tall white ash, and
another very large white ash. None of these trees showed any gain in
The Ice Glen Pine is 155.0 feet. However, Will climbed the tree
several years ago and tape-dropped it to 155.5 feet. My Dec-9-2208
measurement probably represents instrument error on my part. I don't
think the tree lost any crown. Its girth is 13.05 feet.
The champion ash is has gone through the following set of
measurements: (140.0, 9.7, 2004) to (139.2, 10.0, 2008).
The tall hemlocks stat sequence is: (138.4, 10.2, 2006) to
(138.4, 10.3, 2008).
The big white ash has gone from (138.4, 11.2, 2004) to (137.3,
11.4, 2008). Ice Glen's RHI now stands at 128.2 feet. I suspect that
on balance most of the other height champion trees have grown a
I expect the RHI to be around 128.4 when all is said and done.