Today I accompanied Monica over to Ashburnham, MA. She needed to
practice on a 1868 Viennese Streicher piano in preparation for a
Brahms and Schumann concert in Ashburnham on Sept 27th. She
specializes on early pianos.
While Monica practiced, I explored the area for trees. I must report
that most trees in Ashburnham, at least all that I saw, are
undistinguished. Shortly before we left, I found the Norway spruce
shown in the three attachments. It is unusual tree to say the least.
It measures 80.5 feet in height. Nothing exceptional there. However,
its girth is 13.6 feet, which makes it the largest Norway I've
measured. However, these dimensions are eclipsed by the visual
impact of this very interesting tree as can be seen in the photos.
Here is an iPhone camera view of the remarkable Norway spruce I
saw today in Ashburnham. Two big octopus eyes. One seems to be on
blink. Two big arms reaching for us. Run away!