Holding a top spot on my "life list" for measurements was sand
pine, Pinus
clausa. This past week a trip to Florida enabled me to visit these
forests and begin gathering some accurate dimensional data on the
My initial goal was to visit a grove I have driven by many times
Titusville, Fl. However, my trip began in Saint Cloud, Florida and
serendipitously I discovered a grove there as well.
Anyone who has seen the species knows they often grow in pure
stands and
they are characteristically influenced by hurricanes. The trees in
groves often lean in one direction and are all but toppled. This is
they grow on pure sand which offers little stability. Somehow they
resist a
full blowdown and lean at 10-15 degrees- the specific mechanism of
this I am
not sure of. Perhaps they present much diminished wind resistance at
angle and as such don't blow over. Maybe Lee has an idea?

Lake Lizzie sand pine forest, leaning west
If I had to describe the appearance of the species I would
suggest a cross
of Jack pine and Virginia pine. The sand pines have a striking
to both of these more northern species, and like Jack pine one race
serotinous cones.

Typical sand pine
The trees I measured were of the serotinous Ocala race, P. clausa
clausa which is geographically and ecologically distinct from the
northerly non-serotinous Choctawhatchee race, P. clausa var.
Sand pines are believed to be short-lived, but maintain an edaphic
persistence via fire. They are well adapted to the very poor soils
and fire
frequency. Despite the poor soils and harsh environment they grow to
impressive sizes and are important for pulp wood. As a timber
species they
are not prized due to numerous persistent dead limbs and often

{The native range of Pinus clausa} Sand pine range map from USDA

Sand pine bark detail

Sand pine new growth and cones
My first encounter with sand pines was at the Lake Lizzie Nature
Preserve a
few miles east of Saint Cloud. Here, on a sand ridge between two
lakes grew
a mature but hurricane pummeled grove. I found it interesting that
the pines
were in full elongation with new growth. After exploration with the
laser I
quickly identified the tallest tree. This tree was also not leaning
and proved to be the largest girth I encountered. The combined
actually proved to crush the current National Champion! So I scored
on my
first measured sand pine! This impressive specimen was 25.5" dbh X
tall X 28' spread for 173 AF points. The current champ has 153 AF

Largest and tallest sand pine across street from Lake Lizzie
Nature Preserve
173 AF points
A nearby tree proved to be similar and has enough points to be a
Co-Champ. This tree was 25.1" dbh X 81' tall X 31' spread for 168 AF

Largest pine measured at Lake Lizzie Nature Preserve 168 AF points
The grove near Titusville will have to wait for another day as I
was out of
time and heading back north. However, I did not see any trees that
challenge the Lake Lizzie tree. I have locations for some former
champions which I will try to hunt down. Some have fallen but others
may be
similar in size. I doubt that I have found the tallest or biggest- I
just lucky to have found a nice grove to start with. Maybe "Lowland
can get some measurements of the northern race.
Will F. Blozan
President, Eastern Native Tree Society
President, Appalachian Arborists, Inc.