trees measured today | |
21, 2007 20:54 PST |
Today Meg Varnes and I visited several of Delaware's state
Champion trees. As most of you know, Delaware is mostly coastal
plain with a dash of piedmont in the northern part of NewCastle
County. The area we were in lies in the Piedmont portion near
Wilmington and north. I think the highest elevation was 330' or
so. Delaware seems to have a so so champion tree program with
little interest. Meaning that the champs are in public parks and
arboretums mostly with fewer trees being reported from private
property. The first park we visited was Rockwood.
Built in 1851 by a Quaker merchant, it was nicely planted and
also retained some of the original woods.

Rockwood Black Gum |

Rockwood Weeping Beech |

Rockwood Basswood |
Hemlock 11x83.1
this tree was originally listed at 11.8 cbh but a codominate
leader has come off the tree.
European larch 7.6x78.0
American elm 12.9x82.6
Atlas cedar 11.5x61.9
Black gum 12.9x80.4 very
nice specimen
Big leaf magnolia 7.5x60.3
Blackhaw viburnum 3.5x29.4 @2.5' a new champ, as one was not
Weeping E. beech 9.8x59.9
Basswood 13.8x72.2
interesting fluted base
Tulip poplar 12.3x128.3
Monkey Puzzle champ had died and been removed : (
The next spot we stopped was Bellevue State Park
Not a lot to see here tree wise. The state champ red buckeye
appeared to be a Horsechestnut (sticky buds) They had a Austrian
pine labeled as a red pine. and they listed a little leaf linden
as being native??

Bellevue Horse Chestnut? |
The Austrian pine was a three trunked tree branching at 8"
it was not a coppice. The stems were 6.3 cbh the 8" mark
was 13.3 cbh and it was 66.2' tall.
We will check the bloom on the buckeye /horsechestnut for
verification, but it was 10x62.6
a Tulip poplar growing near the mansion was 12.8x106.4
The next stop was in search of a laurel oak. I have never seen a
laurel oak this far north, but Delaware claims to have two on
their list. We did not find a laurel oak at Rockford Park
but we did find a nice red oak that was 16.5x72.9x111' spread.

Rockford Red Oak |

Rockford Water Tower |
Our next stop was Hagley museum. Home of the original DuPont
gunpowder mill and factory.
this area was developed on the Brandywine river in the 1700's
and was heavily used by the Lenni-Lenape indians before that.
This place is a gold mine for big trees, as the DuPonts were
noted Botanists. We will return another time and try for a
Rucker index. We measured the following today all within about
300 yds of each other!

Hagley Osage Orange |

Hagley Osage Orange |
White ash 13.8x136.2
there are more of these, a nearby tulip poplar was 15.6
and probably just as tall. I couldn't get a clear shot to
the top with the time I had.
Sugar maple 13.1x87.2
believed to be a naturally occuring specimen, but I have my
Dupont Buckeye 11.4x77.7
a hybrid of A. pavia and A. sylvatica Dupont had a fixation with
buckeyes and named many products after them.
Black walnut 10.2x85.0
osage orange 25.2x68.9 a
massive gnarly tree at the end of a sweet gum alle
Yellow buckeye 10.3x88.0
Witch hazel 2.1x27 a
new champ, as one was not listed
We had a great day with great weather. We will return to Hagley
soon to get a rucker. They have 240+ acres.
Scott and Meg
to Scott |
Leverett |
22, 2007 05:42 PST |
Thanks for giving us our first look at
Delaware. The white ash you
reported is a beaut. Sounds like ash and tulip poplar are not to
be put
Piddling around in dendromorphometry as a cure for insomnia |
Leverett |
22, 2007 05:53 PST |
You put your finger on my biggest fear. Future
expert tree measurers
will probably be plump little computer geeks who sit on their
and manipulate virtual trees on CRTs, while gulping gallons of
wolfing down MacDonalds fries, and playing naughty computer
games. Ugh!
I'd rather drink pond water.
Back to Bob | |
22, 2007 06:22 PST |
I think once we get into the woods at Hagley, we will find a lot
of tall trees. Delaware has a lot of nice hickory too. Stay
tuned. I am going into Fairmount Park again on the 21st of March
to look for a new deciduous height champ. Come on 160'
Delaware trees measured today |
22, 2007 16:00 PST |
Is that 25 foot osage orange a single stem? If so, that sounds
like a jaw-dropper. Did you take any photos? That blackgum is no
shrinking violet, either, nor the ash, nor the maple... Thanks
for the report, can't wait to hear more.
Delaware trees measured today | |
23, 2007 06:32 PST |
Although it is a single specimen, the Osage orange has a
tendency to branch very low when given the opportunity. It is
very difficult to tell how this beast grew. This species was
brought east in 1818. It is very possible that this tree was
planted close to that date, as the property far outdates the
I will send photos to Ed to post with the report. I think Hagley
will hold some amazing discoveries. The Delaware state champion
book from 1997 list a white ash at 156' tall at Hagley, but I
think the height I reported will be more likely for the taller
species. Luckily for the forest, the mills were all water
powered, and the wood was left to grow.
Delaware trees measured today | |
23, 2007 07:40 PST |
Great job, Scott!
That osage orange is incredible. When I first saw 25.2ft, I
thought it was