On March 14, 2010 the Eastern Native Tree
Society and Western Native Tree Society switched from
discussion lists on Google Groups to a new discussion
list in a Bulletin Board format at:
Posts made since the inception of the BBS on March 14,
2010 will be sorted and archived on the BBS. Click on
the link to go to the equivalent section on the new BBS.
This website will continue to serve as a front end for
the ENTS and WNTS groups. It will continue to serve as a
repository of older posts, and will serve as the host
site for special projects and features that are not well
suited for a BBS format. Please visit the BBS for the
latest information and trip reports. |

Cathedral Pines - photo by Ernie Ostuno
Penwood State Park Bloomfield, CT
ENTS, Spent some time today
checking out the park. Usual mixture of trees for this area.
Second or third generation of trees. Some of the trees I
measured. Tulips: up to 4'7" cbh @97', 5'10" cbh @ 90'. Black
birch: 7'9" cbh @75'. Oak: 11'2" cbh @ 81'. A few pitch pines, 1
@ 4'4" @ 80'. There were alot of small shag bark hickories,
hemlocks, pines, some maples, beech and white birch. We did the
middle third of the park and will return for the west, east and
north sections. Last time here we saw tulips in the eastern
side. Sam...
more » Mar 12, 2010.
Pinchot Sycamore Bob, Stopped and measured the
tree. My reading, 27'10" cbh @ 95'. My reading is 2' shorter
then listed. I also measured the nearby one and got 20'6" cbh @
101'6", I think the old reading was 19'3" cbh @ 95". I was at
the University of Hartford to check on a oak I saw there a
couple of years ago. From what I remember it was close to and
looked like the Dewey/Granby oak. The rotten sons of b****** cut
it down and put up a school!! Sam...
more » Mar 10, 2010.
Weed Hill West Granby, CT ENTS Went looking on Monday
for what was described as a match for the Dewey/Granby oak. Not
close! 10'8" cbh, 75' high. I will down load pictures. Missed it
on the way out but found it coming back. We found it interesting
how the main trunk is trying to grow over the dead branches. We
followed the old road, dating back to 1770, for 2.2 miles. There
were alot of old maples on the sides of the road and along the
many rock walls. Most of them were not doing well. One was 12'2"
cbh but I could not get the height but it wasn't real tall. I
will down load a picture of a maple 9'7" cbh 75' high with
interesting roots. It is also hollow. The woods were a mixture
and I will list the biggest ones we measured. Oak,10'8" cbh 70'
high. White birch, 5' cbh 70' high. Black birch, 7'9" cbh 80'
high. Shagbark hickory, 7'7" cbh 65' high one of the pictures.
There was pockets of hemlocks and white pines but nothing real
big. There are waterfalls near where we parked...
more » Mar 9, 2010.
Dewey/Granby, CT oak I was driving by the tree
today and stopped to measure it. I got 19'9.5" cbh @ 70' high. I
tried finding it on our listings to double check my readings but
could't find it. I know its been checked but does anyone have
the numbers? I was walking around Holcum Farm and was talking to
a local resident who told me about a oak or maple that would
match the Dewey oak for size. It is on Weed Hill in West Granby,
CT, has anyone heard about it? Thanks, Sam...
more » Mar 6, 2010.
Newgate Wildlife Management area E.
Granby,CT 2/8 Checked to see if it was
the champion black oak, it is. Since I can't improve on
Will's picture of the champion tree with Bob I didn't try.
We went for a walk in the Old Newgate Prison wildlife area
later and measured some large oaks. There are stone walls
that mark old boundary lines and the oaks are near them. #1
white oak 13'7" cbh @ 70' high. #2 white oak double with
interesting growth, larger trunk 12' 5" cbh , smaller 9'5"
cbh @ 75' high. #3 white oak ?? 15'3" cbh @ 70+ feet hollow
may be dead. We saw some leaves that the book say are
Scarlet Oak. There were alot of pitch pines, biggest one we
saw 5' 9" cbh 65' high. there were some higher. Black birch
1 @ 5'.3" cbh . There is some nice white birch, cedars,
white pines and hemlocks. We saw no large maples or beech.
more » Feb 8, 2010.
East Granby CT Sunday Bob,ENTS. Have you
measured a National Champion Black Oak, 26'10" cbh,
(1999-2001) in E.Granby,CT ? Its listed as being on Newgate
Road. I saw a large oak but did not get to measure it and it
was near the junction of route 20 and Old road. I did
measure a oak in E. Granby at 19'2" cbh and only 74' high.
Walking a trail in East Granby Farms Park today we saw a lot
of black birches that look like something took a lot of big
bites out of them. Some king of birch blight? Sam...
more » Feb 8, 2010
East Granby, CT Sunday Part 2
Cathedral Pines December 18, 2009
- Pinchot Sycamore
Back to Marc Oct. 10, 2009
- Two
great trees
(Graby ak, an dPinchot Sycamore) Oct. 8, 2008
Pinchot Sycamore
(photo gallery)
- Pinchot Sycamore and Granby Oak
April 2008
- Catlin Woods, Lichfield July
- Cathedral Pines
August 2004
- Catlin's Woods,
Bigelow Pond, North Forty Tract
Dec 2004
- Connecticut Pines Oct
- Pinchot
Sycamore and Granby Oak -
musings Nov 2005
- Southport Area Dec 2005